[3.20] Ice Dancing Queen - Icestorm/Cyclone/CI - Viable For Everything

ok thanks of kelvins videos i killed endgame bosses in a league first time in first week. That as i am a noob. That shows how strong the build is in the state now. Will see how maven works wich is the only boss in game i never killed also not in std with gucci gear, as i dont get the memory game. With the extrem fast killing now i will perhaps kill her, as the memory game will not come so often :-)

I killed them not deathless, as i dont realise the deadly attacs and kelvin dont show them in video.

So i will write it her.

The only attack from the fire boss you must dodge is incinerate. you will be killed. Run in the right edge from screen and wait then attack again.
the ball phase is only meh as its in maven fight is. Look for the holes and run arround. Thats is it.

The other boss only attack you should look for is if he is making a beam at the ground. then you must run into the bubles on the ground and stand for 1 sek in and they explode. If all are explodet the beam ends.
All other is only cast icestorm on him.
the only boss i failed is drox. if i cast on him and he makes a invulnerable totem i die. And as i tried to kill him with cyclone there where so much totem still here, that a had not enought dmg to kill them and then ill drox.
Last league he was a joke for me. Not shure what happend here.

Some tipps ?
ichbinwerichbi написал:
the only boss i failed is drox. if i cast on him and he makes a invulnerable totem i die. And as i tried to kill him with cyclone there where so much totem still here, that a had not enought dmg to kill them and then ill drox.
Last league he was a joke for me. Not shure what happend here.

Some tipps ?

You kinda wanna commit and just burst him down if you messed up and the area is filled with flags, use the freeze setup to clear the flags and then go back to him.
thx will try next time i find him.
Firestrike9 написал:
All new bosses are a joke so I'm not gonna even mention them individually but they die very very quickly, you can tank every single ability they have.

Even the 1-shots? The only time I tried not getting away from the Searing Exarch's Incineration - I got exploded. And I'm pretty sure you aren't supposed to survive the Eater of Worlds' death blast if you don't light up the shiny balls?
whiterockxx написал:
And i'm not using Arcane surge because its linked on my gloves with vortex, that alerdy keep it 100% uptime.

You lose more than half of its effect that way. AS gives you two buffs that stack multiplicatively. It's essentially two support gems in one. But one of them empowers only the skill directly supported by it.
phantom_god написал:
i must be missing something cus i didnt reach a secon inspartion stack with selfcast and it took me 40min to stack 5 storms cus the castspeed was so slow i will give it another shot i guess

and what do you think about 1 more ascend i was thinkiking about elementlist for the -20 exposure or the guardian for a small reduce phys/big regen every 4sec

Very strange. As you can see in the video I posted, I have no problem whatsoever keeping Inspiration fully stacked.

Maybe you have too much mana cost reduction? Still using Dreamer? Crafted -mana cost on rings? Too little mana cost means slower build up for both Inspiration and Arcane Surge.

For the extra Ascendancy there are two options that look good: Raider and Berserker. But still need to test.
ichbinwerichbi написал:
the only boss i failed is drox. if i cast on him and he makes a invulnerable totem i die. And as i tried to kill him with cyclone there where so much totem still here, that a had not enought dmg to kill them and then ill drox.
Last league he was a joke for me. Not shure what happend here.

Some tipps ?

Kill the totems if they are too close to him. And get back on him. You can easily dodge his big attacks, especially with the self-cast. When he summons the fists that strike the ground as they move, you can move up and stand out of their way and cast on Drox. And then he has 1 big slam that he announces (something about 'justice'?) - simply Frostblink to the other side and keep casting.
Kelvynn написал:
phantom_god написал:
i must be missing something cus i didnt reach a secon inspartion stack with selfcast and it took me 40min to stack 5 storms cus the castspeed was so slow i will give it another shot i guess

and what do you think about 1 more ascend i was thinkiking about elementlist for the -20 exposure or the guardian for a small reduce phys/big regen every 4sec

Very strange. As you can see in the video I posted, I have no problem whatsoever keeping Inspiration fully stacked.

Maybe you have too much mana cost reduction? Still using Dreamer? Crafted -mana cost on rings? Too little mana cost means slower build up for both Inspiration and Arcane Surge.

For the extra Ascendancy there are two options that look good: Raider and Berserker. But still need to test.

my insprtion was a low level thats why

and wait you can take OTHER ascend? was sure u can only take witch/templer thats awsome

Just wanted to say thanks for posting this guide - I've been having a blast with this build so far in Siege of the Atlas after trying it for the first time!

I do think there are some new possibilities for the build with the new eldritch modifiers. With how the setup works, it's possible to get two onto the gloves and they have some interesting potential synergies.

For example: for the Eater of Worlds, you could craft on up to an additional 7-17% maximum energy shield (or if you want it just for bosses, up to 29%). Or for more DPS, you can snag Chance to Hinder on Hit with spells, and then lab belt craft 'Enemies have 50% reduced life regen while hindered by you' for a strong anti-regen bonus.

For the Searing Exarch, there's several interesting possibilities as well. Most of them seem to be damage based, though (several modifiers to cold-based spell damage, for example)
Последняя редакция: ShadowofTheWood#6124. Время: 12 февр. 2022 г., 13:56:15

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