[3.8] Strength Stacking Zombie Necro. League start to Deathless Uber Elder.
This is going to be a rather quick and dirty guide since I'm not playing the league anymore, so I'm just going to include POB, some video footage and my thoughts on how to build the Zombie Necro in 3.8
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+ Extremely tanky. + Beginner friendly. + Incredible boss damage. + Respectable map clear. + Works very well on a budget and gets noticeable power spikes with investment. + Can do every map mod bud I'd advice to not to physical reflect, you just end up summoning zombies the entire map. Cons: - The summoner playstyle isnt for everyone. - Meta build meaning items are/can get expensive. - While the build is very strong for the Blight encounters, it can get boring since your minions do all the work. Path of Building
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I would love to tell you how much damage the build has, but I honestly dont know how to calculate it properly. Just take my word for it or watch the Uber Elder video, it's insane damage.
Ascendancy order: Mindless Aggression -> Unnatural Strength -> Bone Barrier -> Commander of Darkness. Mistress of Sacrifice is very strong defensively but I personally think Commander of Darkness is superior in softcore because of attack speed, damage and free resists making it easier to get strength on gear. Path of Building: https://pastebin.com/2YV0wf5L Bandit+Pantheon
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2 passive points is the only choice for summoners.
Pantheon: Major: Soul of Lunaris. I generally take this for every build I make. Minor: Soul of Shakari. We already get some physical mitigation from the Bone Armor node otherwise Soul of Gruthkul is another solid choice. Videos
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Tier 8 Blighted Shore: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7FFJbWfQhzs
Deathless Uber Elder: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M4uu2Ug25yc Mechanics/Function of the build
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So the build itself is pretty straight forward. We use The Baron helmet to get more Zombies aswell as give them a lot of damage through stacking strength. When we get to 1000 strength they will also start leeching life for us wich is pretty nice.
Apart from that we just support the Zombies through different means with other minions such as Skeletons for single target, Carrion Golem for overall buffs to all our minions and the 4 buff Spectres we have in the build. The 4 spectres we have are 2x Carnage Chieftains for frenzy charges, 1 Host Chieftain for power charges and the last spectre is a Ruins Hellion. The Ruins Hellion uses Rallying Cry that increases the damage of all our minions and give us some mana regen. It also taunts everything around it. Taunted enemys deal 10% less damage to everything except for the source of the taunt, wich is the Ruins Hellion. The last buffing minion we have is Animate Guardian. You just equip some unique items with auras that benefit nearby allies such as Leer Cast, Victario's Flight and Dying Breath. Other than that you can just give him some life/resist rares but hes incredibly tanky regardless. Stats to look for on gear
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The uniques we use in this build are The Baron, Astramentis, Geofri's Sanctuary, Meginord's Vise, Alberon's Warpath and as many Efficient Training as you can afford.
Outside of these uniques you are mainly going to be looking for life and resist and most importantly HIGH STRENGTH on every piece of gear. If you are already resist capped and your items already have strength on them, you can craft minion movement speed as a suffix on your rings. For the weapon we use the new minion base wand Convoking Wand. The most important stat you want on this is +1 to level of all minion skill gems. After that you want the generic minion damage/attack speed if possible. As for the jewels you want ghastly eye jewels with life and either minion life or minion attack speed. Flat damage to minions is useless because minions already have an absurd amount of flat damage. Skill Gems
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There are many ways you can link this but the support gems in general will stay the same.
Raise Zombie: Minion Damage, Feeding Frenzy, Multistrike. I put my zombies in The Baron because it gives +2 to socketed minion gems meaning we get 1 more zombie. You can swap this with your Skeletons or Spectres if you want, the idea of 1 more minion stays the same for all 3. Summon Vaal Skeletons: Melee Physical Damage, Maim, Melee Splash/Ruthless, Minion Damage, Feeding Frenzy. I opted to put my Skeletons in the 6link because they scale worse than Zombies with gem levels, but also because despite this being a Zombie dedicated build Skeletons do insane single target damage. The gem swap between Melee Splash to Ruthless is for single target, but it's really not necessary. The Uber Elder kill was made with Melee Splash. Raise Spectre+Animate Guardian: Minion Life, Blood Magic. These minions are only here to support so we dont need to give them any damage. The Blood Magic is there to let our spectres cast more often, since they start with a very small mana pool. Shield Charge: Faster Attacks, Fortify. Auras: Hatred, Flesh & Stone, Generosity Support. Generosity has no effect on Flesh & Stone so you only need to link it with Hatred. Other skill gems that you can put anywhere: Convocation, Flesh Offering, Carrion Golem, Desecrate. On the Uber Elder kill I used Spirit Offering instead of Flesh Offering. The only reason was because it's my first time killing him with minions, and I wasnt sure how well they would survive. It's also slightly more damage than Flesh Offering. Changelog
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Sep 12, 2019: Made the guide.
Thanks for taking the time to read my guide. I'm open to feedback and suggestions and I'll try my best to answer any questions if anything is unclear. Check out my other builds here: Cyclone Slayer 3.8: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2591825 Последняя редакция: Dex2644#7139. Время: 19 окт. 2019 г., 6:06:02 Last bumped3 апр. 2020 г., 20:30:18
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Thanks for this nice, clean and uncomplicated build guide, killed my first Uber Elder with it and had a blast doing so!
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" Thanks and gratz on the kill :) |
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I'm just curious about the flesh and stone
Are you using it to take less damage or to maim the enemies? |
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" Im only using it in Sand Stance for the defensive perks. |
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I just started playing a week or two ago and I fist leveled a shadow and hit brick wall around lvl 68 but this necro build is crazy good so far I'm not high enough lvl yet but everything just melts. It gives me a chance to complete some of the objectives I was having trouble with before - I play with a controller and the minion build frees up my controls to make looting and other stuff like interacting with tower objectives and delves easier for me.
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" I'm glad you are enjoying the build :) Последняя редакция: Dex2644#7139. Время: 19 окт. 2019 г., 6:07:06
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how should i make a passive tree?
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How do i get to have 4 spectres? it dont seem to have a way to put the gem to lvl 25, is there another way?
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