[3.9] Trickster Flicker Strike (10 - 15 million Shaper DPS) Awakening Lvl 8 Sirus Down

yes i am, and it is the same with t16 metamorphs !
I got on shotted, and idk why ..
tracker2013 написал:
yes i am, and it is the same with t16 metamorphs !
I got on shotted, and idk why ..

Make sure to hit the bosses with a tick of cyclone to have Fortify active. Also, pick up a Stygian Vise to get a little bit more HP. You may want to drop Abyssus so you are no longer taking increased physical damage--this may be killing you. Lastly, you can try a Rank 1 Cast When Damage Taken and Rank 3 Immortal Call. It's less overall protection than Steel Skin, but it can smooth out the damage a bit since it's activating much earlier in your health bar.
About to try the build out and spend the last of my currency to get it going.

If using farrul's and a piece of gear with aspect of the cat, what gem links would you run instead of cyclone since we wouldn't need it for frenzy charges anymore?
FIaccid написал:
About to try the build out and spend the last of my currency to get it going.

If using farrul's and a piece of gear with aspect of the cat, what gem links would you run instead of cyclone since we wouldn't need it for frenzy charges anymore?

I still run it for infusion and fortify. Against bosses, I swap in damage on full life for melee splash and use Cyclone for AoEing down adds and buffing damage.
wanting to run a flicker strike build with the saviour sword. Would this be a good ascendancy to do it with or should i pick up slayer or something
Is it not better assassin?

It looks like you'll get more damage and a lot of evasion with elusive combined with acrobatic
Aster9090 написал:
Is it not better assassin?

It looks like you'll get more damage and a lot of evasion with elusive combined with acrobatic
Assassin is definitely viable (as is Raider and Slayer). I think Trickster has the best defenses. Ghost Shroud and Escape Artist really add some meat to the build. Generally speaking, it’s better to be able to survive a large hit all of the time than dodge it most of the time.

Последняя редакция: Spacefight0r#5392. Время: 8 янв. 2020 г., 15:07:54
Would switching to a 6L terminus for bosses be worth it for the ease of frenzy charge generation?

What seems to kill me the most at the end game is when I run out of charges and the boss is still alive. That or bosses with intermissions.
This Build is super fun so far i have invested about 6 ex into in on PS4 and can do up to tier 11 maps as long a I do not do the Meta at the end. unfortunately I am stuck at lvl 84 and running tier 9-10 maps as PS4 cannot handle the build I just end up rubber banding and die a lot. I first played lacerate Glad to lvl 90 and switched over to this build but now I am on the hunt for something PS4 can handle and do all content on. sucks that I'm broke now but will just have to grind more lol.
I was gonna try this build, it seems really nice both offensive and defensively
but a different flicker build popped up in reddit and that one's damage is off the charts compared to this one.

What exactly are the differences, why is there such a huge damage difference ?

Even when I make both the weapons 400dps and disable aspect of the cat it is still a shit ton of damage

Here is the pob : https://pastebin.com/C0VgbyD2

The reason I ask this is that I want to play the best build I can , so if we need to use impale or change some jewelery I am fine with it.

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