[3.21] 🌿Ultimate Claw Poison Pathfinder - Untouchable Viper - Molten Strike update by FEL

Finally after 2 days of crafting, took a ton of tries as I wanted accuracy + attack speed on top of the other mods. Now to save up for a second claw .. Might give cobra lash another go when I have my second claw, but sticking with viper strike for now.

That attack speed roll makes me a little sad too. Oh well
Последняя редакция: Precordial#3695. Время: 18 марта 2020 г., 14:08:12

Torstein - help, I got this when trying to craft my +1 Str Skill Gems for Dom Blow Guardian. How good is this for the build?
What about power charge generation?
Последняя редакция: Paleman81#3272. Время: 18 марта 2020 г., 15:16:54
aDgusT написал:
What about power charge generation?

Blood Rage

Edit **** whoops my bad I thought you asked for frenzy charge 😅
Последняя редакция: L0NG BCHGestapo#8673. Время: 18 марта 2020 г., 17:03:52
aDgusT написал:
What about power charge generation?

It's from "Claws of the Magpie" notable passive on the tree
Archernick написал:

Torstein - help, I got this when trying to craft my +1 Str Skill Gems for Dom Blow Guardian. How good is this for the build?

Very good! Base could be better though :)

sell that puppy
Precordial написал:

Finally after 2 days of crafting, took a ton of tries as I wanted accuracy + attack speed on top of the other mods. Now to save up for a second claw .. Might give cobra lash another go when I have my second claw, but sticking with viper strike for now.

That attack speed roll makes me a little sad too. Oh well

dont worry about attack speed, its decent ;)
TorsteinTheFallen написал:
aDgusT написал:
What about power charge generation?

It's from "Claws of the Magpie" notable passive on the tree

It's "steal"
Touch of Cruelty
Chaos Skills have 10% chance to Hinder Enemies on Hit, with 30% reduced Movement Speed
Enemies Hindered by you take 10% increased Chaos Damage

Does anyone know if this works for us? The wording seems to include viper strike etc but I know hinder has only ever been applied with spells previously.

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