[3.21] 🌿Ultimate Claw Poison Pathfinder - Untouchable Viper - Molten Strike update by FEL
Makes sense for sure
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I thought i'd end the night bringing something up I saw a few pages back. Crafting a GOOD claw being cheap is absolute hyperbole. I'm at 10 tries with 4 socket resonators, using metallic, shuddering, corroded and abberant. They were all shit, missing this or missing that. All of them. Absolute hyperbole. I mean awesome if your luck is better than mine but please be realistic and keep things in perspective.
making it sound like you get it in 2-4 tries, sell the fails and swim in currency... just no. |
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There is always going to be bad breaks.
My first claw took 12 tries; after that they all took 2-5 to get useable/sellable claws. At this point are the claws even sellable, though? League is dwindling. But even at 10 tries, thats what? 300-350 chaos? Its barely even 2 exalts at that point. You cant even buy a good claw for less than 5-7, and thats exactly how they made it. (When I was crafting them, those "good" claws were 9-11+). And at this point its not gonna be as good. Like right now the claws that are 2ex you could sell for 4-6 when that post was made, and the cost of crafting hasnt changed; so the same profit isnt there anymore. That method mentioned I crafted around 8 or 9 claws before I got the 2 I'm using. The first one was by far the worst; at 12. The rest were 2-6 rolls. I kept a notepad. Only reason I stopped, was because I hate trading for fossils, and there is 4 in that recipe. It was an all day thing. Now "fails" were generally 90% no open prefix; that was what I was crafting for. Paying 9-11 exalt for a claw to put multi on it made no sense at the time, especially with how well failures sold; at 4-6. At this point, you just missed the boat on claws. I dont know exactly what your gear is, but if you just want useable claws, they are cheap enough now you could have just got one with Ias/Chaos/60% for 1.5 exalt. That also means they probably arent selling very well, because those are the fails you were gonna sell to recoup losses. If they still sell, its probably still better to try and craft your own; you are just on a bad beat. Here are the odds for Craft of Exile. They are actually probably even slightly better, considering it doesnt account for getting multistrike attack speed. https://www.craftofexile.com/?b=11&m=fossil&f=|1|4|10|15|&i=|3|&ob=both&v=d&a=e&l=a&lg=2&req={%22605%22:{%22l%22:83,%22g%22:2},%221713%22:{%22l%22:22,%22g%22:1},%221927%22:{%22l%22:83,%22g%22:1},%222154%22:{%22l%22:20,%22g%22:2}}&bld={}&ggt=|&ccp={} 1/12 chance, or avg 260c to get a Ias/60%/chaos dmg/poison dmg claw. Thats like 1.5 exalt. Of course, your mileage may vary, but with odds like that and prices at the time of the post made, it was crazy not to try. The longer the league goes, the more it leans towards just buying the item. I mean I got burned on fusings this league, too. I spent 1700 on chest before I just left it 5l, sold it, and bought a 6l, even though I've played forever and never had one take over 700 fusings before. Sometimes you just get burned. But at 10 tries, you havent even reached the 1/12 yet. I still think its better to just craft your own claws, even if you get burned slightly. You have a pretty high chance with that method of getting a really good claw, which is still 6-7+ exalt right now, and you can probably get a useable one at about the same cost you would pay for a bottom tier one. But if you are JUST crafting for a super claw, one that can have multi crafted on it, its getting to the point that you should just buy the claw. THey are basically half price from the time of that post you are talking about, and the failures probably arent selling well enough to keep crafting. If that was the claws I was looking for now, I'd probably just buy them at 5 exalt, because I did have to craft like 9 of them to get 2 with open prefix. Последняя редакция: Destructodave#2478. Время: 25 апр. 2020 г., 4:49:47
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Hello guys!
I'm still leveling this build, but already having much fun with it, definitely most smooth leveling I ever had. I want to thank a guide creator again for this amazing work! I got a couple questions, if you have the time, please answer, it's kinda hard to read 140+pages (I tried though): 1) Do the flask effects stack? Can we use for example Jade+Granite for even more increased armour? Or is it not necessary? 2) Do we have fully approved endgame setup with cluster jewels? The one in the guide section seems kinda low-dps - my POB shows 1,5m compared to basic guide 4,5m, or maybe I forgot to tick some boxes. I understand that I can always look up some of your characters or use poe.ninja, but still... 3) Do we really need to use all of that skills, That's literally no more place on my skill panel to fit it all: Withering step, Pestilent strike, Whirling blades, Dash, Molten shell, Vaal molten shell, Vaal haste, Blood rage, Wither - all that should be somehow visible for you to check the cooldown and I have no idea how to squeeze Plague bearer. And don't forget we also use flasks hard :) I'm ready to play piano, but seems I ain't got enough fingers lol In the early pages of this thread the guy asked the same question and Torstein said he'll upload a video on this, but I couldn't find it. 4) We use Jade flask+MS as often as we can, and other flasks+skills (Vaal MS, Vaal haste, Plague bearer, Wither totem) only on a tougher mobs/bosses, right? |
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Is this good for league starter?
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" 1. They do, but not necessary. Better off using a different flask. If you want a defensive option instead of Silver, use Quartz. Gives more dodge. It'll also help in Delve so you dont die in the dark getting blocked by minions. 2. I cant speak for everyone, but this is what I use: Unspeakable Gifts is more a holdover from when I was Viperstriking, but its pretty nice still. Unholy Grace is fine there, too. Evil keeps you from getting stunned. On the mediums, I have 2 low tolerance jewels, but not 100% on how helpful that is. I just bought them to test and left them there. The only place I think I might notice them is in 5 orb maps. I was using ones like this before: Good, and cheap. The smalls, Fettle adds like 300 hp, and Enduring Composure is nice for free endurance charges. Should cap you out on Physical DR if Jade doesn't, helps with resists, too. 3. I don't, lol. I know it causes me trouble, but I'm more of a lazy player. I Cast Vaal molten shell, but I have regular molten shell on mouse 1 so it just auto-casts as I run around. It doesnt have a cast speed, so its fine. Its up more than it was when I was actively casting it. I cast Blood rage, but for awhile I had it on CWDT. I have Steel Skin on CWDT now. I dont use most of the other stuff. Just totems. Its not 100% optimal, but I dont like doing all the stuff, either. I even dropped Plague Bearer. No slots for it. 4. Pretty much. Or at least thats the safe thing. I mean you might have to cast something to stay alive, but I generally try to save my VM for the boss. Последняя редакция: Destructodave#2478. Время: 25 апр. 2020 г., 6:00:26
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"I ditched Withering Step for a Portal Gem. I'm not ever running long distances anyway, Whirling Blading is faster, so why even bother with Withering Step. The Totems you just use on bosses, plague bearer you can pretty much use whenever though, it fills up really fast. While mapping it just kills mobs that are a little further away from you and may not get hit by the normal poison proliferation. It's not necessary though, just a little bit extra. As for Leaguestarting with this build: I did that this league, and up to a week ago played this character exclusively. It definitely is possible, but to be frank: there are better options. Pretty much all attack skills in this game, apart maybe from Cyclone, which is still broken, need kinda high investment to shine. Also the crafting bases for claws were crazy expensive in the beginning of the league, like 2 ex for an 83+ Elder Claw. Wasps Nest is always cheap though and can carry you way into red maps. So: It is possible to leaguestart with this, and it definitely is fun, but you won't be as fast as for example a minion build, an impale cycloner or some Essence Drain/Contagion caster. |
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" Ill add my 2 cents :) Withering Step is not necessary although it's useful for 2 reasons, it gives phasing and speed in Delve corridors (so you don't get stuck with Whirling, deeper in Delve it's dangerous) also applies 6 Wither stacks on cast in area for some damage boost. Plague Bearer impact in high red tier is low and on big bosses it's negligible. I don't have it. Dash (also not necessary) is useful to go over cliffs, i hold it in second button row just to jump over. Последняя редакция: TorsteinTheFallen#1295. Время: 25 апр. 2020 г., 6:58:38
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" Tnanks for a detailed review. I took a glance at your character through POB, could you explain your gem setup please? I like the idea of whirling blades+faster attacks, that would make movement very smooth, but if we assume, that we could only have 4L on movement skills, whirling blades+faster attacks+ fortify either should be casting out of mana (no blood magic gem), or we losing dash in this setup. And as POB shows - you already have overreserved mana (I think it's a glitch since you'll probably have enlighten 4 somewhere). " Thanks, I'll ditch WS I think too, it would've been an OP skill if it wasn't interruptable by any skills. I constantly whirling around so it's kinda useless to me. When the time comes for delving, I might reconsider this option. |
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Faster attacks really isn't necessary with my high attack speed, though blood magic isn't either. With the -10 mana cost craft on a ring (with catalyst) it's almost free anyway. Only time i can not whirl is when I'm in one of these mana drain runes on crusader maps.
About the mana reservation: yes, my enlighten level 4 is currently on my assassin, not willing to buy another one of these. I don't mind switching it around. |
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