[3.21] 🌿Ultimate Claw Poison Pathfinder - Untouchable Viper - Molten Strike update by FEL
So do you have any thoughts on running poison on elemental builds? like i was thinking poison vortex/plague bearer could be great. i just have no idea how to go about it
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" It won´t work that way. First of all, have a look at the mechanic of poison: You can inflict a poison with a certain chance via a hit. That poison-stack will last a certain amount on the enemy, during that time you can stack more poisons. Your maximum dps will be the amount of poisons, their duration and the strength of your poison. The strength of your poison is determined by the damage of the hit itself. We scale our hit with chaos-on-hit damage from claws and potential other gear. You could scale that differently, with a lot of phys-dmg and dmg-conversion for example. In case of vortex you have a weak initial hit and a dot afterwards, so there is literally no interaction. |
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" I think he meant Blade Vortex. There are other BV Pathfinder and mostly BV poison Assassin builds. Последняя редакция: TorsteinTheFallen#1295. Время: 16 дек. 2020 г., 6:42:26
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" Ooooh. Yeah that makes way more sense :D Yeah, Poison BV works as well on PF. But it´s rather weak honestly. You would scale flask effect, Chaos damage and use all the claw-nodes we save to go further top in the tree into the chaos nodes or left-top for the scion live wheel, further into agnostic and MoM with an natural instinct in the round jewel on top of it to get max mana, area, etc. It works, since it is dead cheap. U would then go apep´s rage + obliteration for instant pack annihilation. I played something like that in the one-week-events after I dropped a queen of the forest and the mentioned weapons. The MoM is quite nice to have as additional defensive pool when you combine it with other defensive layers. For a normal league start I would not recommend it, because: - if you want to go Poison BV you are better off with playing assassin - if you want pathfinder BV you are better off with full ele conversion - if you want pathfinder Poison you are better off with TR, SA or the gems mentioned in thorstein´s guide. |
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Is there any point in buying Awakened Greater Multiple Projectiles Support for venom gyre and cobra lash build versions? It costs like 55 ex now.
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" ... so, I needed 5 seconds to google GMP, 5 seconds to search aw.GMP and another 3 seconds to understand the difference. In summary, you would have been faster doing the research yourself than writing a post... Awakened GMP gets 0.5 more attack-speed per 1% quality and fires one additional projectile. Meaning a total 10% more attackspeed and 25% better clear in terms of spread, not taking chains or pierces into account. Since we unsocket it for bosses anyway our boss-dmg doesn´t chance AT ALL, the clear gets better with it obviously. Is it worth it? Well, that totally depends on you? - Do you like your current clear or do you think u need to go faster? - Do you have 55ex laying around and don´t have anything else to improve? - Do you want to min-max the build? We can´t see in your pockets nor into your goals and aspirations. Is the build playable without aw.GMP? Definately. From my personal experience: I always sell aw. Multistrike since people pay a shitload of money for it, with which I can finish literally the whole build. I would do the same playing the ranged variant. |
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" No, it's not. Cose conclusions is more important then raw data about gem what I already know of course. Things sometimes not so obvious in PoE. The key here is additional projectile. If boss close enough, he get hit by all or almost all projectiles from attack and receives more poison stacks. Or it's wrong logic and single target receives only one stack of poison from only one projectile? Последняя редакция: CorvusInvictus#5316. Время: 17 дек. 2020 г., 21:56:45
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@TorsteinTheFallen: Quick question :) Build will be continued and will be ready in 3.13?:> Love this build and want play with him again! :)
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" Sure thing :) |
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hey there trying out the build in flashback at the moment! i had a question though about the leveling process with pestilent strike. i've been trying to figure out what the gem link priority would be from 4l to 6l. i looked in the original gem setup section and u mention ancestral call and melee physical damage (but in the actual link setup neither of those seem to be there? 0.o) anyways enjoying the build currently lvl 46 and gettin through the acts pretty smoothly thus far.
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