[3.21] 🌿Ultimate Claw Poison Pathfinder - Untouchable Viper - Molten Strike update by FEL
" Go for the melee skills. Cobra lash and Venom Gyre has pretty low dps. I played this build in Harvest and it was super fun. First started with cobra lash but struggled a bit with the dps, changed it to Pestilent strike and everything went smooth sailing from there. Very good boss killer Последняя редакция: auc_martin#0777. Время: 1 февр. 2021 г., 16:17:26
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" 20 ex is plenty. Especially at this stage of the league. Gloves are super cheap now (I think like 15-20C) If you're not crafting your own Claws they cost anywhere from 3-10 ex depending on how perfect you want them. Chest is usually about 4-5ex at this point (6 linked).SO ya, your claws are the biggest money sink for sure. But you don't need ULTIMATE claws to start. It's only if you really dig the build and want to make it next level. Otherwise this build smashes bosses even with mid-tier gear. And is a fast af mapper. This is my 4th league playing this build and it's by far my favorite build I've ever played in PoE. |
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The transcendence build is insane! I just did the 4-way shaper guardian fight with only 4k life and did not even break a sweat :) I don't even have amazing gear either lol.
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Hello its my first time playing this build and for some reason I feel like i dont do enough damage can someone check my gear/tree and point out any mistakes that I may do. Also i dont feel tanky enough.
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" I got Mal reduced mana reserved on my amulet when I bought it. It is also a hunter mod, so you can find them with the chaos damage over time multi together. I paid around 20c for it, so if you don't have a super nice amulet yet this is a possibility as well to tide you over till you do get your enlighten 4. |
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" I actually picked up a talisman with the anoint on it with decent stats. I need to get a perfect form but I'm still saving before I start spending exalts. |
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" Let´s start with the defense: People, I can´t stress enough how important it is to understand the defensive concept. You did not take swagger, you missed out on Primal Spirit and you have Coralitos instead of Rumis. That means you are not max-block. You also don´t have the boot enchantment and if you don´t have that I am pretty convinced you don´t have your pantheon set up correctly. That means the defensive concept with max attack block and 71% conditional spell block doesn´t work on its full potential, therefore u feel squishy. Get that damn Coralito´s out, it is a bad flask for that build. period. Offenses: Your amulet is pretty much as good as it needs to be in terms of dps, the only one better would be with an envy essence craft. Your belt is fine. You could get a better Circle of Nostalgia, I just bought one with double Poison implicits for 7.5exalts - you should look out for poisons inflict dmt 15% faster or onslaught on hit. Those will give u a nice boost. You´re second ring could be better, but that´s not where we get tons of damage (normally). Biggest problem damage-wise are your claws: First one has no open prefix for chaos dot multi, second one has no increased poison damage on it. Here you can get more bang for your buck. Your Gloves have no chaos dot multi, together with your claw you miss out on around 40% dot multi, thats a big part of it. As a last point: Your jewels are absolute garbage. You have a magic one allocated while good 3-stat ones are 5 chaos, fix that fast! Aside from that: Honestly, this part I really don´t get. I did more than enough for standard T16 maps on worse gear than you have with just better claws. You should have enough dps, especially on Awakened Skill gems. Последняя редакция: Vennto#1610. Время: 1 февр. 2021 г., 22:56:20
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I would like to play this build in ssf sc, is that even possible?
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Thank you very much! All your points are valid, don't get me wrong I do more than enough damage for t16 and its my first time playing a melee/poison skill, but it felt underwhelming facing the new maven 4way bosses. I will grind some levels and improve my gear (first my defenses :D). Also, everything is self crafted, as for the claws I am pretty unlucky with my fossil crafting :P. One more thing, I have a Perfect Form with +2 duration gems do you think its better to use that than a 6link loreweave? Thanks in advance awesome work on the build :D
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" I would assume that is more due to the fact that your defense concept doesn´t work at full power. Because I can literally facetank all of those encounters. The build does considerable damage, but you need the ramp-up. That means you have to hit a boss for 3-4 seconds to reach a high amount of dot-damage. When I do those encounters I literally jump on every boss I see, totem it, wither it, hit it for 4 seconds straight and then jump to the next one. That is enough to kill them for the most part, so I am leaving the boss on halflife and he basically is already dead. It does not compare to other high-damage builds that do instant-damage and you should not expect it to do that. But fix what I pointed out, especially the jewels. Then you will feel the build really takes off damage wise as well. I am at the point where I kinda Instaphase Sirus A9 and in his last phase he has time to do 1 cross, thats it. I have not played that many builds that did more damage than that. |
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