[3.21] 🌿Ultimate Claw Poison Pathfinder - Untouchable Viper - Molten Strike update by FEL

Did a t16 map for the first time with this build. fun stuff!
Seffers написал:
When ever I swap in the Awakened Multistrike over the normal one, PoB does not really reflect if it's a DPS increase or not, since it doesn't take into account an extra stack of poison(the third attack), just the added melee portion of your damage.
Any way to get around this?
Or am I just completely wrong here?

More damage on repeat works only for attack damage. It does nothing for ailments.
Последняя редакция: TorsteinTheFallen#1295. Время: 18 февр. 2021 г., 9:50:14
Yes, I know the "more" part of the damage only applies to your physical/elemental damage.
But what I mean is, with the Awakanened version you go from 2 attacks to 3, right? So should that third attack apply a stack of poison?
This is what confuses me a little :P.
Rakio написал:
Vennto написал:
What am I lacking or doing wrong?
What upgrades / points can I change to survive more?

From what I´ve seen you are not doing anything inherently wrong. Your endgame goal should be to get into the transendence-version, as mentioned a lot of times.

Aside from that: No offense to your guild-buddy, but most of the gear is far from endgame. The first claw is really good, the second one is allright - hence you have no problems with damage. But you´re missing out on like 40 Life on the belt, 20 life on one ring and on the amulet, so there´s that to start with. Then u have allocated 2 jewel slots in the tree, maybe it was a mistake on the pastebin but for me they are empty right now. Those are wasted passive points. Reallocate them or fill them with jewels. I would also suggest to spec out of revenge of the hunted and into blade barrier, as well as take out 2 less important nodes and get swagger, getting you to 75% block rather than your 54% block right now.

Thanks for the look and feedback Vennto.

Good to know I am not doing anything inherently wrong.

Didnt realise jewels were missing. There are some decent jewels there, yeah.

Regarding "end-game", this build got about 80ex invested in it which is more than I ever done myself.
Maybe the valuation is off but it seemed quite high value. A bit alarming that it cant do juiced t14+ at this stage.
DPS is amazing (as long as I can hit without dying...). Clear and speed is very good too.

I got about 60ex I can put into this. Would that be enough to get to transendence version?
Does transendence version handle degens and big hits better?

I did sell a woke Multistrike already, but that can be bough back. Not sure how to value woke Multi vs other upgrades and transendence. I will read more about the transendence.

Your gear looks okay to just switch o the transcendence tree. I've been running the transcendence build with a perfect form instead of loreweave for a while now and I haven't had too much issues. Been farming no problems.
rand0m_taskk написал:

Your gear looks okay to just switch o the transcendence tree. I've been running the transcendence build with a perfect form instead of loreweave for a while now and I haven't had too much issues. Been farming no problems.

I thought you had to get more gear since you will need to deal with physical damage.
But just switching passive tree is enough?

Rakio написал:
rand0m_taskk написал:

Your gear looks okay to just switch o the transcendence tree. I've been running the transcendence build with a perfect form instead of loreweave for a while now and I haven't had too much issues. Been farming no problems.

I thought you had to get more gear since you will need to deal with physical damage.
But just switching passive tree is enough?

Sorta. The new tree provides you with endurance charges through blocking and you can eventually get aspect of the crab instead of spider if you want, but I haven't really found a need as of yet to make the switch. Having your resists at 70% instead of 78% via loreweave is an issue, but again I haven't found it to be big enough yet. You can have a look at my gear to see what I'm running my character should be public.
Vennto написал:

Carrion Halo - Pretty sure one of the top-tier helmets of this build right now :) Helmet: finished.

Thanks Vennto for the craft idea!

I need to re-roll my fire res. I originally hit T1 hybrid +evasion rating / +max life. But I rolled T5 Life on the next craft. I chanced it and ended up losing the T1 hybrid.
Sylarsaurus написал:
Vennto написал:

Carrion Halo - Pretty sure one of the top-tier helmets of this build right now :) Helmet: finished.

Thanks Vennto for the craft idea!

I need to re-roll my fire res. I originally hit T1 hybrid +evasion rating / +max life. But I rolled T5 Life on the next craft. I chanced it and ended up losing the T1 hybrid.

You seem wealthy and capable exile. Here's another challenge :)

Yalpe написал:
Sylarsaurus написал:
Vennto написал:

Carrion Halo - Pretty sure one of the top-tier helmets of this build right now :) Helmet: finished.

Thanks Vennto for the craft idea!

I need to re-roll my fire res. I originally hit T1 hybrid +evasion rating / +max life. But I rolled T5 Life on the next craft. I chanced it and ended up losing the T1 hybrid.

You seem wealthy and capable exile. Here's another challenge :)

Going to sell my awakened multistrike and awakened melee splash to afford a new craft. Those are some sweet gloves, probably what I will attempt next!
(edit : shitty question...)
Последняя редакция: Thanarchy#0786. Время: 19 февр. 2021 г., 4:04:01

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