[3.21] 🌿Ultimate Claw Poison Pathfinder - Untouchable Viper - Molten Strike update by FEL

Vennto написал:
Afaik, the "normal" mods have a higher chance to hit with harvest aug and rem/add no ? This means it is VERY likely to hit chaos resistance with aug-rem/add and I dont see any way to "block" it ? Im seeing looot of cals without chaos res and I dont get how is that possible considering it's barely the most likely mod that will hit ?

I don´t understand what you want to say. What are "normal" mods?

As stated several times now, you would spam Zeal-Essences for T1 Dot Multi and T1 Attack speed. That leaves you with 1 open suffix and 3 prefixes on an elder weapon. As 3rd suffix the best mod there is is Virulence/50% incr dmg with poison. This mod has a weight of 1.000, compared to a total weight of 14.000 of chaos-mods in the suffixes. That means, you 1st step after clearing the weapon is blocking prefixes with one crafted mod and 2 augments to a triple ele claw with only one open suffix. Then you just simply spam remove-add chaos mod. If you are happy with T2 (that mod has a weighting of 3.000) you have 4.000/12.000, meaning with an average of 4 add-remove chaos you hit it. I just wanted to have another top tier claw, thats why I went all out and spent 60ex on it to actually get the t1 mod after 35 trys. It´s not at all needed, because the dot multi alone makes the weapon really strong.

Anyway, from there you simply remove cold, remove fire, double augment chaos for the 60/100 and the malicious mod and then u change the crafted mod into chaos dot multi. Done.

1. somewhat expensive and really annoying step (essences)
2. possibly really expensive step (augment + remove-/add chaos)
3. Pretty easy finish.

I wasn't aware of the "weight" column on poedb, good info.. !

yeah I get the general idea, the specific thing I don't get is how u craft the 3rd suffix, when you say "Then you just simply spam remove-add chaos mod." but u got a (high) chance to remove a desired chaos mod (prefix) with this ? at this point prefixes are crafted but aren't blocked (because "prefixes cant be changed" is a suffix ?). Sry if I get it all wrong, Im bad at crafting (bought my weapons...)
Thanarchy написал:
yeah I get the general idea, the specific thing I don't get is how u craft the 3rd suffix, when you say "Then you just simply spam remove-add chaos mod." but u got a (high) chance to remove a desired chaos mod (prefix) with this ? at this point prefixes are crafted but aren't blocked (because "prefixes cant be changed" is a suffix ?). Sry if I get it all wrong, Im bad at crafting (bought my weapons...)

The prefixes on an elder influenced Claw for our build are 100% safe.
With full suffixes and no prefix, you just have to augment chaos two times to get chaos damage to attacks and the elder 60% poison damage mod.
There are no other chaos prefixes. You can not brick the item.

If you have any other prefix that you can't remove with harvest (because they have no tag), you can use the harvest craft "reforge prefixes, keep all suffixes". Be careful to have full suffixes when you use this, because this craft can add suffixes.

If you don't know how this works or are still unsure, you should spend some time researching how crafting works with harvest.

Elder/hunter influenced Claws is another story.

Thanarchy написал:
I wasn't aware of the "weight" column on poedb, good info.. !
www.craftofexile.com also has the weights/chance to hit the right mods and is one of the first resources to check when you want to know how likely it is to hit a desired mod.
Последняя редакция: blastinMot#6703. Время: 22 февр. 2021 г., 11:41:14
blastinMot написал:
Thanarchy написал:
yeah I get the general idea, the specific thing I don't get is how u craft the 3rd suffix, when you say "Then you just simply spam remove-add chaos mod." but u got a (high) chance to remove a desired chaos mod (prefix) with this ? at this point prefixes are crafted but aren't blocked (because "prefixes cant be changed" is a suffix ?). Sry if I get it all wrong, Im bad at crafting (bought my weapons...)

The prefixes on an elder influenced Claw for our build are 100% safe.
With full suffixes and no prefix, you just have to augment chaos two times to get chaos damage to attacks and the elder 60% poison damage mod.
There are no other chaos prefixes. You can not brick the item.

If you have any other prefix that you can't remove with harvest (because they have no tag), you can use the harvest craft "reforge prefixes, keep all suffixes". Be careful to have full suffixes when you use this, because this craft can add suffixes.

If you don't know how this works or are still unsure, you should spend some time researching how crafting works with harvest.

Elder/hunter influenced Claws is another story.

Thanarchy написал:
I wasn't aware of the "weight" column on poedb, good info.. !
www.craftofexile.com also has the weights/chance to hit the right mods and is one of the first resources to check when you want to know how likely it is to hit a desired mod.

yeah, I know that 2x aug chaos when sufixes are full will hit the 2 mods we want, my question was only to craft the 3rd SUFFIX !
Vennto was saying "Then you just simply spam remove-add chaos mod." but I dont get how or when to do it :
- after crafting the prefixes is abviously a NO because rem/add can pick prefixes (or I miss something)
- before crafting the prefixes, hum I don't see how too :s but vennto guides was saying after crafting the prefixes tho
blastinMot написал:
Nahsil написал:

Just had to share this amulet I made, it's not perfect (damn t2 dot!) but it's the most expensive thing I've ever crafted - but still far less expensive than it would have been to buy.

This looks nice on paper, but for our build isn't really worth it.
Crafted chaos damage to attacks gives roughly the same damage (-0,2%).
So you are better off getting perfect suffixes and then going for the prefixes:
For example envy essence spam for 31-34% inc. chaos damage, then harvest augment chaos for T1 dot multi, fill up suffixes, augment chaos again for +1 chaos, augment life and finish with craft.

Thanks for the info! Yeah I'm sure it could be better. One thing I liked about making this ammy was it was fairly inexpensive.
IGN: SirCritoris
Последняя редакция: Nahsil#2972. Время: 22 февр. 2021 г., 12:15:14
Thanarchy написал:
blastinMot написал:
Thanarchy написал:
yeah I get the general idea, the specific thing I don't get is how u craft the 3rd suffix, when you say "Then you just simply spam remove-add chaos mod." but u got a (high) chance to remove a desired chaos mod (prefix) with this ? at this point prefixes are crafted but aren't blocked (because "prefixes cant be changed" is a suffix ?). Sry if I get it all wrong, Im bad at crafting (bought my weapons...)

The prefixes on an elder influenced Claw for our build are 100% safe.
With full suffixes and no prefix, you just have to augment chaos two times to get chaos damage to attacks and the elder 60% poison damage mod.
There are no other chaos prefixes. You can not brick the item.

If you have any other prefix that you can't remove with harvest (because they have no tag), you can use the harvest craft "reforge prefixes, keep all suffixes". Be careful to have full suffixes when you use this, because this craft can add suffixes.

If you don't know how this works or are still unsure, you should spend some time researching how crafting works with harvest.

Elder/hunter influenced Claws is another story.

Thanarchy написал:
I wasn't aware of the "weight" column on poedb, good info.. !
www.craftofexile.com also has the weights/chance to hit the right mods and is one of the first resources to check when you want to know how likely it is to hit a desired mod.

yeah, I know that 2x aug chaos when sufixes are full will hit the 2 mods we want, my question was only to craft the 3rd SUFFIX !
Vennto was saying "Then you just simply spam remove-add chaos mod." but I dont get how or when to do it :
- after crafting the prefixes is abviously a NO because rem/add can pick prefixes (or I miss something)
- before crafting the prefixes, hum I don't see how too :s but vennto guides was saying after crafting the prefixes tho

Link to where Vennto (or anyone else) was saying to spam "remove/add chaos" after crafting the prefixes?
You do it after you have the 2 suffixes you want (attack speed and dot multi).
Best idea would be to have full prefixes with non-chaos mods. When you augment chaos at this point you can only hit the 3rd suffix with a chaos mod. If you don't hit the T1 poison, you keep going with remove/add chaos.
After the suffixes are completed you can either remove prefixes with harvest (if they have tags) or do the reroll prefix/keep suffixes harvest craft until you get something workable.
Then augment chaos two times.

It's really not too complicated.
Последняя редакция: blastinMot#6703. Время: 22 февр. 2021 г., 13:51:44
yeah, I know that 2x aug chaos when sufixes are full will hit the 2 mods we want, my question was only to craft the 3rd SUFFIX !
Vennto was saying "Then you just simply spam remove-add chaos mod." but I dont get how or when to do it :
- after crafting the prefixes is abviously a NO because rem/add can pick prefixes (or I miss something)
- before crafting the prefixes, hum I don't see how too :s but vennto guides was saying after crafting the prefixes tho

HERE ----->
That means, you 1st step after clearing the weapon is blocking prefixes with one crafted mod and 2 augments to a triple ele claw with only one open suffix.

Vennto написал:
Done with the build and most likely the league, selling full build for 400ex. If someone is interested, let me know :)

If you resort to selling off individual pieces, I would be interested in some
Vennto написал:
yeah, I know that 2x aug chaos when sufixes are full will hit the 2 mods we want, my question was only to craft the 3rd SUFFIX !
Vennto was saying "Then you just simply spam remove-add chaos mod." but I dont get how or when to do it :
- after crafting the prefixes is abviously a NO because rem/add can pick prefixes (or I miss something)
- before crafting the prefixes, hum I don't see how too :s but vennto guides was saying after crafting the prefixes tho

HERE ----->
That means, you 1st step after clearing the weapon is blocking prefixes with one crafted mod and 2 augments to a triple ele claw with only one open suffix.

I know Vennto for the prefixes ! My question is ONLY about the 3rd suffix craft !

You say :
"As 3rd suffix the best mod there is is Virulence/50% incr dmg with poison. This mod has a weight of 1.000, compared to a total weight of 14.000 of chaos-mods in the suffixes. That means, you 1st step after clearing the weapon is blocking prefixes with one crafted mod and 2 augments to a triple ele claw with only one open suffix. Then you just simply spam remove-add chaos mod."

(@blastinMot : "Link to where Vennto (or anyone else) was saying to spam "remove/add chaos" after crafting the prefixes?" just the text block above)

But how can I "simply spam remove-add chaos mod" when prefixes are crafted ? it won't brick the weapon, yeah, but it will be a step back in the process if we remove a chaos-prefix off no ?
That's the ONLY part of the process that I don't get (sry if I make no sense, Im not an english speaker and my craft knowledges are low but still, I really don't get it..)
Thanarchy написал:
You say :
"As 3rd suffix the best mod there is is Virulence/50% incr dmg with poison. This mod has a weight of 1.000, compared to a total weight of 14.000 of chaos-mods in the suffixes. That means, you 1st step after clearing the weapon is blocking prefixes with one crafted mod and 2 augments to a triple ele claw with only one open suffix. Then you just simply spam remove-add chaos mod."

He is suggesting to put 2 elemental prefixes + a crafted prefix on the weapon, so you can't accidentally remove/add any prefixes with remove/add chaos.

Thanarchy написал:
(@blastinMot : "Link to where Vennto (or anyone else) was saying to spam "remove/add chaos" after crafting the prefixes?" just the text block above)

But how can I "simply spam remove-add chaos mod" when prefixes are crafted ? it won't brick the weapon, yeah, but it will be a step back in the process if we remove a chaos-prefix off no ?
Yes, that's why you make sure that you don't have any chaos prefixes on the weapon and your prefixes are full before you go for the 3rd suffix.

Thanarchy написал:
That's the ONLY part of the process that I don't get (sry if I make no sense, Im not an english speaker and my craft knowledges are low but still, I really don't get it..)
You are excused.
how important is enchant in the helmet? in 3 days I cant make it. the best I did was Pestilent strike has 24% increased area effect

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