[3.21] 🌿Ultimate Claw Poison Pathfinder - Untouchable Viper - Molten Strike update by FEL

Where does the Loreweave/Transcendence get reliable Blind from? Also how good is charge sustain with Swagger (vs. single targets)?
Последняя редакция: DaCurse#3112. Время: 3 марта 2021 г., 12:02:39
DaCurse написал:
Where does the Loreweave/Transcendence get reliable Blind from? Also how good is charge sustain with Swagger (vs. single targets)?

Witchfire Brew
Non-reliable, but better than nothing.
You could also grab Silent Steps for blind if you want; it's in reach of your thread of hope, and is arguably worth more than a 4% life node.
I keep dying to any pack of mobs with ranged attacks. im not sure why. i followed the PoB almost exactly, a little things off and no watchers eye. yet when i get close to a ranged group they melt me instantly. am i doing something wrong? or is the build meant to be this squishy? the most recent pack of mobs were skeleton archers on a T16 map.
Cirith_ написал:
I keep dying to any pack of mobs with ranged attacks. im not sure why. i followed the PoB almost exactly, a little things off and no watchers eye. yet when i get close to a ranged group they melt me instantly. am i doing something wrong? or is the build meant to be this squishy? the most recent pack of mobs were skeleton archers on a T16 map.

Pantheons maybe?
Yalpe написал:
Cirith_ написал:
I keep dying to any pack of mobs with ranged attacks. im not sure why. i followed the PoB almost exactly, a little things off and no watchers eye. yet when i get close to a ranged group they melt me instantly. am i doing something wrong? or is the build meant to be this squishy? the most recent pack of mobs were skeleton archers on a T16 map.

Pantheons maybe?

Would pantheons really change that? I use lunaris and shakari.
Would pantheons really change that? I use lunaris and shakari.

Nope. But going Transendence would.

or is the build meant to be this squishy?

Transendence surely isn´t. And you could at least go max block and stop that nonsense with Fenumus Weaves and get Atziris.
Последняя редакция: Vennto#1610. Время: 4 марта 2021 г., 3:55:46
How's "target 1 additional nearby enemy" work? does it help clear and on boss, does it make you stiked you twice?

How's "target 1 additional nearby enemy" work? does it help clear and on boss, does it make you stiked you twice?

It pretty much does exactly what it sais: We can not attack multiple enemies with our Skills. Striking 1 or elevated 2 additional targets means when running into groups that you will target 1 or 2 additional target. That results in more leech and - the more important thing: more AoE-Spread since the poison proliferation now starts from more targets.

In terms of single targets it has 0 impact, but you defintely will feel the results in the maven fights since you are able to attack multiple bosses like that.
Vennto написал:

How's "target 1 additional nearby enemy" work? does it help clear and on boss, does it make you stiked you twice?

It pretty much does exactly what it sais: We can not attack multiple enemies with our Skills. Striking 1 or elevated 2 additional targets means when running into groups that you will target 1 or 2 additional target. That results in more leech and - the more important thing: more AoE-Spread since the poison proliferation now starts from more targets.

In terms of single targets it has 0 impact, but you defintely will feel the results in the maven fights since you are able to attack multiple bosses like that.

Thz for the answer!!

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