3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

I´m a bit confused about the Thread of Hope Jewel in Socket 8 (right above Lord of the dead)

did i miss smth or what´s the use of it except of giving me -33% resistance? Ôö
H0hl написал:
I´m a bit confused about the Thread of Hope Jewel in Socket 8 (right above Lord of the dead)

did i miss smth or what´s the use of it except of giving me -33% resistance? Ôö

The POB doesn't pick it up but we use it to allocate ravenous horde thereby freeing up another 6 or so passive points (as we no longer need to path to it)
oh i see :) thanks!
in combination with
Chest gem setup looks weird af but actually gives alot smoother clearspeed, now i never have to go back cuz my zombies missed some mobs. I did have to give up awakened generosity support (wich i had linked to dread banner) to run this in chest but hey... i feel its worth!
Последняя редакция: Cyrom#2298. Время: 23 февр. 2020 г., 17:18:19
Anyone with a 320/400% dmg Elegant Hubris in the Marauder Area (Bottom Left) hmu. Willing to pay up to 100ex if its got the right placement and few nodes used, slightly less depending on if its a lot of nodes required to hit the dmg's, slightly different position but still good, etc.

might consider templar area if its good enough. would need to have some chaos res or be 400% if there.
"Please check my gear!" - Every Private Account User
Последняя редакция: Mubbsy#5748. Время: 23 февр. 2020 г., 18:18:51
Cyrom написал:
in combination with
Chest gem setup looks weird af but actually gives alot smoother clearspeed, now i never have to go back cuz my zombies missed some mobs. I did have to give up awakened generosity support (wich i had linked to dread banner) to run this in chest but hey... i feel its worth!

Keep in mind that using Brutality gives effectively only 30% more damage because you are now losing the 30% more chaos damage from spirit offering. Not sure if you are running Hatred but if you are you would also be losing the cold damage bonus.

How are you getting Feeding Frenzy? You could perhaps try Feeding Frenzy instead of Brutality giving you 15% more damage (15% less than Brutality) but you also get the FF buff giving 10% more damage (taking it to 25% more damage(, plus you get 15% more movespeed and 15% more attack and cast speed... so overall Feeding Frenzy would be the superior choice.

Try it out.
brunowa написал:
Cyrom написал:
in combination with
Chest gem setup looks weird af but actually gives alot smoother clearspeed, now i never have to go back cuz my zombies missed some mobs. I did have to give up awakened generosity support (wich i had linked to dread banner) to run this in chest but hey... i feel its worth!

Keep in mind that using Brutality gives effectively only 30% more damage because you are now losing the 30% more chaos damage from spirit offering. Not sure if you are running Hatred but if you are you would also be losing the cold damage bonus.

How are you getting Feeding Frenzy? You could perhaps try Feeding Frenzy instead of Brutality giving you 15% more damage (15% less than Brutality) but you also get the FF buff giving 10% more damage (taking it to 25% more damage(, plus you get 15% more movespeed and 15% more attack and cast speed... so overall Feeding Frenzy would be the superior choice.

Try it out.

According to PoB both Carrion golem and Holy relic do not benefit from Spirit offering. Feeding frenzy is linked to zombies in weapon. The reason i went with Brutality is because it both gives more dps to Carrion golem and Holy relic and couldnt think of a better alternative. Please do correct me if i am missing something or if PoB is not correct about this.

I do like the idea of putting feeding frenzy there instead of zombies and get another awakened minion dmg for zombies, im gonna try it out and see if my zombies are still usefull enough (appart from bosses) without being aggressive
Последняя редакция: Cyrom#2298. Время: 23 февр. 2020 г., 17:56:32
Not sure TBH.

I would just test and see what feels better and that will let you know.

If you were to swap in FF into chest, you could put minion damage into your zombies instead of FF giving your zombies a massive DPS too helping with boss fights... your clear should still be fine because you're not going too fast with those boots and your holy relic and carrion will carry clear.

brunowa написал:
Not sure TBH.

I would just test and see what feels better and that will let you know.

If you were to swap in FF into chest, you could put minion damage into your zombies instead of FF giving your zombies a massive DPS too helping with boss fights... your clear should still be fine because you're not going too fast with those boots and your holy relic and carrion will carry clear.

Yeah thats what i said, getting another Awakened minion dmg support! thx for the tip, gonna do some testing now.
Sarclol написал:
AndyLovesHisBge написал:
Sarclol написал:

Golem Commander and Anima Stone
He essentially ran 2 5Ls through his weapon, one Zombie, one Golem
Each extra golem will be about 20k extra dps at the high end of the build (I think - POB doesn't let me increase or decrease the number of golems, I had to add another gem), plus their own 5L damage.

I understand the damage output from the individual 5l Golems but how does each Golem also add ~20k damage each to the build if the Golem buffs don't stack from the same type of Golem?

No idea, actually. That may very well be why there isn't an option to add more than one golem - since it won't do anything. Interesting, then, that you can add multiple gems in POB. Maybe you can actually have 4 separate gems and they would each provide buffs, but golems summoned from the same gem won't? Not a clue, in all honesty.

Deltran написал:
IceColdPorkSoda написал:

One streamer suggested buying a bunch of these gems until you find one that works for you and sell the ones you can’t use for the same price you bought them for. Requires a huge up front investment but in the end will only cost you the price to buy one jewel, instead of the jewel and a boatload of divines.

that does seem to be a decent idea -- wish I knew that 2ex ago :D

This was much more efficient in Legion, when the jewels were all between 5 and 30 chaos. Now that Lethal Pride is 1ex on the cheap end, it's much slower to do this - plus it wouldn't be unheard of to get into accidentally buying the same 3 jewels over and over from the same sellers in a circle when you're all doing the same thing.

PattyWin написал:
Timbo Zero написал:

Are you using the balanced setup, the one with Saqawals chest? Because if not the re-craft of your weapon is a hell of a lot of money (approx 6ex iirc) and Avian is definitely not worth it without the chest buff IMO.

Iam using the defensive setup and still now iam not using the Sagawals Chest.

Then you don't need to put Avian on your weapon yet.

IceColdPorkSoda написал:
I did find out something interesting about AG. When you log back in, before you resummon it, you can change out the AG gem for a different one. I know it’s of limited utility, but it does allow you to buy a corrupted 20 level 20 quality gem to use while trying to level and obtain a level 21 gem without losing your gear. If anyone wants to test it for themselves and confirm please do. This may be common knowledge among people who play summoners (this is my first) but I had never read about this.

You can also simply remove or replace the gem. This despawns the AG. Nothing happens to the gear.

Hmmm, interesting. It was my understanding that when you removed your helmet or unsocketed the gem the AG and it’s gear. Thanks for the heads up.

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