3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

Serakris написал:

Yeah I am using fork and I can see calculated impale dps but it still comes lower than both awakening gems. Do you always run impale/dread banner?

Also isn't awake. minion damage same or even better as awake. melee phys in terms of bonus damage?
8/21 Minion gives 77% more damage and 8/21 melee phys gives 67% melee damage while intimidate gives 10% attack damage on top of that which is the same number but minion gives all damage (not sure if that is relevant in this case but still begs the question).

Nevertheless thanks for the input and tip with switching gems. I will definitely try it. I am experimenting a bit hence my questions regarding the setup since I tried every combination except pulling out feeding frenzy from weapon.

awakened minion dmg/awakened melee phys/impale are all basically identical. they are 1%~ between them depending on overall setup. this is assuming a dread banner setup because it's just plain better.

awknd melee phys + impale or awknd minion dmg + impale with dread banner beats out awknd melee phys + awknd minion dmg with war banner.

my personal setup was both awknd melee phys + awknd minion dmg + impale by dropping feeding frenzy and linking that with a carrion golem. buff uptime is still good and general dps is a lot higher.

and in terms of what your saying in regard to awknd minion damage giving 77% more damage, you're wrong. it's 56% more and 21% increased. the wording is important because 21 increased damage really isn't very much, which is why the difference between awknd melee phys and awknd minion dmg is almost non-existant
Последняя редакция: crazypearce#3760. Время: 2 марта 2020 г., 11:52:32
Serakris написал:
Mubbsy написал:

Are you using PoB fork, because impale damage doesn't work right in regular PoB.

I would recommenced Awakened Melee Phys because it has 10% Chance to Intimidate, which adds 10% more damage add the end of damage calculation for a healthy bump. I use it instead of minion damage.

What I do for bosses though is swap awakened minion damage in for feeding frenzy, feeding frenzy to gloves with golem so he triggers it, and then drop a movement skill. Absolutely melts bosses. Al-hezmin doesn't even get off 1 dash.

I would run this all the time but I want zombies to be aggressive from feeding frenzy linked for mapping, as well as my 2 movement skills to map super fast.

But experiment if you want, but just remember with awakened melee phys in PoB to select enemy is intimidated in the config, and if using impale to make sure you're on fork (https://github.com/PathOfBuildingCommunity/PathOfBuilding)

Yeah I am using fork and I can see calculated impale dps but it still comes lower than both awakening gems. Do you always run impale/dread banner?

Also isn't awake. minion damage same or even better as awake. melee phys in terms of bonus damage?
8/21 Minion gives 77% more damage and 8/21 melee phys gives 67% melee damage while intimidate gives 10% attack damage on top of that which is the same number but minion gives all damage (not sure if that is relevant in this case but still begs the question).

Nevertheless thanks for the input and tip with switching gems. I will definitely try it. I am experimenting a bit hence my questions regarding the setup since I tried every combination except pulling out feeding frenzy from weapon.

Intimidate is MORE damage, which is different than just 23% increased damage from minion dmg quality, which is calculated earlier on. 'More' damage is calculated at end. If I swap Awakened Melee Phys out for Awakened Minion Damage, and turn off enemy is intimidated in PoB, I lose over 100k dps per zombie.

I use the same setup as you crazypearce for bosses cus the damage is bonkers, but can't stand the loss of minions being aggressive while linked to FF for mapping. Feel like I have to be a minion delivery system half the time and I 1 shot pretty much everything anyways, faster if they spread out.
"Please check my gear!" - Every Private Account User
Последняя редакция: Mubbsy#5748. Время: 2 марта 2020 г., 11:55:26
any hint what can i change with my gear to get more dps? 20ex budget my bro is here https://pastebin.com/uMDxnvbU thx
Hey how this guy have 10k ES ?

Zymcio написал:
Hey how this guy have 10k ES ?


He went Chaos Inoculation and stacked ES

10k is kinda low for a lot of beefy high str stacking CI users. I've seen 15-17k easy if they have 2700+ str.
"Please check my gear!" - Every Private Account User
Just got a new hubris, Same socket, Now with 320% minion damage instead of 240%, still with 37% chaos res (which was a big seller for me cus I wanted to keep 75% chaos res).

Annoited the hard to get to passive again and stayed pathed to Death Attunement for more minion damage. Sitting at 780% minion damage in misc tab now. 2.1 million DPS per zombie in boss swap mode, 1.56mil in mapping mode.

I'm tapped for ideas for more damage unless a 400% hubris, hopefully with 37% chaos res pops into my life.

Old one is for sale. 240% minion damage, 37% chaos res, Templar socket. Picture here (https://imgur.com/nzmCLMD)

Only thing I have left to do is try to double corrupt one of my 3 double influence geofris to have aoe/aura skills corrupt, and get 6/23 awakened melee phys and awakened minion dmg (I have 5/23 of both), but the extra level doesn't actually add more damage (as lvl 8 and 9 have the same damage), it'd just be a flex (like a lot of my other gems).
"Please check my gear!" - Every Private Account User
Последняя редакция: Mubbsy#5748. Время: 2 марта 2020 г., 14:41:43
Mubbsy написал:
Zymcio написал:
Hey how this guy have 10k ES ?


He went Chaos Inoculation and stacked ES

10k is kinda low for a lot of beefy high str stacking CI users. I've seen 15-17k easy if they have 2700+ str.

2700K strength is only possible for a few people with high budget :-) I`m already struggeling to get to 1600 wit normal hours played per week :-)
Mubbsy написал:
Zymcio написал:
Hey how this guy have 10k ES ?


He went Chaos Inoculation and stacked ES

10k is kinda low for a lot of beefy high str stacking CI users. I've seen 15-17k easy if they have 2700+ str.

ya 15k minimum with full ES build. 17k+ is easy too but you need a watchers eye for that.


there is my old PoB if anyone is interested. wouldn't recommend it unless you are a PoB warrior. a lot of tweaking needs to be done with the tree to achieve sweet spots and get the best pathing for your exact gear and lethal pride setup.

you cannot just copy + paste the tree becasue depending on your flat str it will determine the value of jewel sockets with brawn vs more str on the tree. and your own personal lethal pride factors a lot into that too.
Zymcio написал:
Hey how this guy have 10k ES ?


I have 21500 ES with dual wand CI and 26000 ES with wand/spirit shield. The synergy from Baron/Geofri's/Shapers is nothing short of amazing. This is at 2980 strength.
How can I run tanky setup with enligten lv3 ? I dont have enough mana reserve for all buffs.

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