3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

crazypearce написал:

one example is annoint death attunement and path to ravenous horde. then put an efficient training into the witch jewel sockets. that's 70+ extra strength

Yesterday i changed my amulett from Death Attunement to Ravenous Horde to get the small minion nodes on the way to Death Attunent.

But i will try it today and will put a efficient training jewell in.

write me in game about lethal pride
Ziddney написал:
Thanks for the info on curse limits.
Also got a 10% lethal pride (Redemption and Faith and steel) if anyone wants for 100c.

That would be the perfect item to reach 1.500 strengh. If u have time, i will be on in 3-4 hours.

Would be very nice:)
Been getting lots of gem double corrupts, but no item double corrupts, and im running low on prophs.

Only one person has a 6/23 listed and they havent been on in a month so I guess I'll keep trying, and maybe get a few reg couble corrupts along the way.

Starting to go crazy though. ;)
"Please check my gear!" - Every Private Account User
Hi. If the build is to nerfed the shreds in 3.10 i think its my turn to go zombiemode.

Anyways - Does anyone know if the PoB links on the build (page 1) is up to date and min/maxed?

Thanks :)
Последняя редакция: kaldaskeren#6728. Время: 4 марта 2020 г., 10:49:56
Mubbsy написал:
Managed to find a seller for a lvl6 23%qual Awakened Melee Phys Gem just now, so my normal setup of full level 21 or 6, 23% quality gems (except enlighten and empower) is finally complete.

Still have to try to get awakened minion dmg to 6/23 for my boss gem swap, but it doesn't add any more power (neither did lvl 6 for melee phys) so since its not in my main gear I can live with it being 5/23.

Now if alva's temple would just play nice and give me double corrupt chambers to try to make a gg goefris that would be nice so I can finalize my build.
Gonna take one last good stab at it I think.

how did you get that geofri to 30% Quality without corrupting it?
Sorry for the question but this is my first league and i'm not that familiar with all the mechanics
IGN: xthbx
xthbx написал:
Mubbsy написал:
Managed to find a seller for a lvl6 23%qual Awakened Melee Phys Gem just now, so my normal setup of full level 21 or 6, 23% quality gems (except enlighten and empower) is finally complete.

Still have to try to get awakened minion dmg to 6/23 for my boss gem swap, but it doesn't add any more power (neither did lvl 6 for melee phys) so since its not in my main gear I can live with it being 5/23.

Now if alva's temple would just play nice and give me double corrupt chambers to try to make a gg goefris that would be nice so I can finalize my build.
Gonna take one last good stab at it I think.

how did you get that geofri to 30% Quality without corrupting it?
Sorry for the question but this is my first league and i'm not that familiar with all the mechanics

That geofris is a double-influenced 30% sells more to vendors chance crafted unique. Basically you:

1. get 6L elegant ringmail
2. add a conq exalt (can buy already conq influenced but is usually cheaper to slam)
3. get any armour of the other influence you want
4. awaken the 2 together, destroying the non 6L, non elegant ringmail armour into the 6L elegant ringmail
5. use gilded fossil for sells more to vendors (use single chaotic resonator)
6. a bunch of perfect fossil until you hit 30% quality (they give a random amount between 15-30% so expect to use about 15 minimum)(use single chaotic resonator)
7. scour and chance or until it turns unique (apx 1800 chances and scours on average in my 5 created)

Steps 2-4 are optional and just for looks, but if youre dropping 10ex+ on scours and chances, a couple more ex to look pretty isn't usually a big concern.

In other news, that whole stack of alva mission prophs is gone. That didn't even take 5 hours. Not a single double corrupt chamber. I think 2 gem corrupt, and 4 alters of sacrifice (so I could at least make a few ex making MotSD's

If anyone happens to get and wants to sell (or wants to try to farm, I can even teach you how to speedfarm) a double corrupt chamber, hit me up and I'll buy it off you. I'm desperate, Alva RNG sucks.
"Please check my gear!" - Every Private Account User
Последняя редакция: Mubbsy#5748. Время: 4 марта 2020 г., 11:23:27
i have like 150 alva missions on my atlas lol. i always skip them because phasing in and out with a headhunter sucks. only run my necro for bossing as it's super slow for clearing with my current setup. otherwise i'd have run some of them for some corrupt chambers
turns out I also only have 42 alva missions in standard somehow so I think the dream is dead boys. Anyone wanna buy some fancy double influenced geofris :P
"Please check my gear!" - Every Private Account User
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Mubbsy написал:
xthbx написал:
Mubbsy написал:
Managed to find a seller for a lvl6 23%qual Awakened Melee Phys Gem just now, so my normal setup of full level 21 or 6, 23% quality gems (except enlighten and empower) is finally complete.

Still have to try to get awakened minion dmg to 6/23 for my boss gem swap, but it doesn't add any more power (neither did lvl 6 for melee phys) so since its not in my main gear I can live with it being 5/23.

Now if alva's temple would just play nice and give me double corrupt chambers to try to make a gg goefris that would be nice so I can finalize my build.
Gonna take one last good stab at it I think.

how did you get that geofri to 30% Quality without corrupting it?
Sorry for the question but this is my first league and i'm not that familiar with all the mechanics

That geofris is a double-influenced 30% sells more to vendors chance crafted unique. Basically you:

1. get 6L elegant ringmail
2. add a conq exalt (can buy already conq influenced but is usually cheaper to slam)
3. get any armour of the other influence you want
4. awaken the 2 together, destroying the non 6L, non elegant ringmail armour into the 6L elegant ringmail
5. use gilded fossil for sells more to vendors (use single chaotic resonator)
6. a bunch of perfect fossil until you hit 30% quality (they give a random amount between 15-30% so expect to use about 15 minimum)(use single chaotic resonator)
7. scour and chance or until it turns unique (apx 1800 chances and scours on average in my 5 created)

Steps 2-4 are optional and just for looks, but if youre dropping 10ex+ on scours and chances, a couple more ex to look pretty isn't usually a big concern.

In other news, that whole stack of alva mission prophs is gone. That didn't even take 5 hours. Not a single double corrupt chamber. I think 2 gem corrupt, and 4 alters of sacrifice (so I could at least make a few ex making MotSD's

If anyone happens to get and wants to sell (or wants to try to farm, I can even teach you how to speedfarm) a double corrupt chamber, hit me up and I'll buy it off you. I'm desperate, Alva RNG sucks.

thank you. Took me 400 chances :-)
IGN: xthbx

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