3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

DeciTM написал:
What would you guys say sets this build apart from say, SLOW-MO ZOMBIES? Not looking for a trash-talking comparison, but rather honest strengths/weaknesses. From what I can tell, both offer a possible mouse-only play style which is a big selling point for me.

I personally tried 3 different builds of his this league and they were hands down the worst ones I have ever played.

Its ashamed b/c he is probally the nicest human being on the planet but all his guides are designed for trash mobs on white maps, they have absolutely no damage whatsoever and the positive feedback you find through out them are just random lv 80s running white maps.
Последняя редакция: JCOH35#4078. Время: 6 марта 2020 г., 3:20:36
I found the egg thx for ur guide so fun and so powerfull. I really enjoyed reading u especcially the pros and cons ^^. I used to play tanky and i switched to golems. Let's see how strong it is.
We re waiting ur new guide for delirium despite of the nerf.
Well, after like 200+ alva propechies, 7 double influenced, high divined geofris, only 3 lived, and only 1 got double corrupt, which is no good for our build (40% dmg and duration skill gems). Maybe I might try once or twice more on Standard after season end but I'm going broke trying and also have spent a fortune going for 6/23 awakened minion dmg (8-9 attempts so far).

If anyone wants to buy my stuff to give me the funds for one last crazy temple push, it would be appreciated ;) (slight discount for you guys on a few things compared to listed)

Got a 240% minion dmg 37% chas res 50% fire res Elegant Hubris I'm trying to sell for 5ex. Then some pretty good str belts for 13 and 27 ex, A bunch of 5/20 corrupted awakened minion dmg I'm looking for 3.5ex for, double influenced high rolled 30% qual geofris w/ 6 white socket corrupt (15ex), same calibur of geofris w/ double corrupt mention above, for 20ex, minion dmg corrupt medium sized (good for main top witch socket) -11% res thread of hope, and maybe a few other things.

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If any of that sounds good, hit me up, gotta have one final, final, final push for more power :)

"Please check my gear!" - Every Private Account User
Hey i want to play version with golems can you tell me the links and something
IGN: xXDiablo SwainX
Mubbsy написал:
Well, after like 200+ alva propechies, 7 double influenced, high divined geofris, only 3 lived, and only 1 got double corrupt, which is no good for our build (40% dmg and duration skill gems). Maybe I might try once or twice more on Standard after season end but I'm going broke trying and also have spent a fortune going for 6/23 awakened minion dmg (8-9 attempts so far).

If anyone wants to buy my stuff to give me the funds for one last crazy temple push, it would be appreciated ;) (slight discount for you guys on a few things compared to listed)

Got a 240% minion dmg 37% chas res 50% fire res Elegant Hubris I'm trying to sell for 5ex. Then some pretty good str belts for 13 and 27 ex, A bunch of 5/20 corrupted awakened minion dmg I'm looking for 3.5ex for, double influenced high rolled 30% qual geofris w/ 6 white socket corrupt (15ex), same calibur of geofris w/ double corrupt mention above, for 20ex, minion dmg corrupt medium sized (good for main top witch socket) -11% res thread of hope, and maybe a few other things.

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If any of that sounds good, hit me up, gotta have one final, final, final push for more power :)

iam interested in the hubris.

Can u give me more informations which passive nodes i have to use?
PattyWin написал:

iam interested in the hubris.

Can u give me more informations which passive nodes i have to use?

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I annoited for the top right minion node instead of grave intentions, and pathed to grave intentions for 1 more point used but you get 34% minion dmg, some int, minion life, minion leech, etc along the way, that are def worth 1 more point in total.
"Please check my gear!" - Every Private Account User
Последняя редакция: Mubbsy#5748. Время: 6 марта 2020 г., 6:16:58
I´ve changed a little bit the build now i think it´s quite good as well, just let me know what u think about that setup.

minor changes in the passive tree and some extra.
(still withough enchants)

Последняя редакция: Mattar10#0045. Время: 6 марта 2020 г., 6:58:11
Why isn't this getting nerfed ?

Not that I want it to be nerfed, I'm just getting curious why it isn't.
Jack_Whitehand написал:
Why isn't this getting nerfed ?

Not that I want it to be nerfed, I'm just getting curious why it isn't.

i am pretty sure it will be nerfed.. just like with everything that makes fun :) i played that build this leauge and it was awesome.
Mubbsy написал:
Well, after like 200+ alva propechies, 7 double influenced, high divined geofris, only 3 lived, and only 1 got double corrupt, which is no good for our build (40% dmg and duration skill gems). Maybe I might try once or twice more on Standard after season end but I'm going broke trying and also have spent a fortune going for 6/23 awakened minion dmg (8-9 attempts so far).

If anyone wants to buy my stuff to give me the funds for one last crazy temple push, it would be appreciated ;) (slight discount for you guys on a few things compared to listed)

Got a 240% minion dmg 37% chas res 50% fire res Elegant Hubris I'm trying to sell for 5ex. Then some pretty good str belts for 13 and 27 ex, A bunch of 5/20 corrupted awakened minion dmg I'm looking for 3.5ex for, double influenced high rolled 30% qual geofris w/ 6 white socket corrupt (15ex), same calibur of geofris w/ double corrupt mention above, for 20ex, minion dmg corrupt medium sized (good for main top witch socket) -11% res thread of hope, and maybe a few other things.

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If any of that sounds good, hit me up, gotta have one final, final, final push for more power :)

I got a Locus of Corruption right now if you want?

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