3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

brunowa написал:
ArisFuser написал:
As I see it. After some POB tests and patch note rereads.Necro is STILL a busted T1 leaguestarter. I will, no doubt play it again. The nerfs by GGG can be somehow avoided by changing some ascendancies and going PURE zombies+Auras. We won´t be as tanky and deal less dps but ,really, not a big deal to me.


I can still hit over 2million DPS per zombie running 8 auras.

Looking forward to showing you guys come 3.10.

Dear Sir,

Can't wait to see your revised build guide for 3.10, in the meantime i will also trying things out in POB. Cheers fellow necros, we can do it !
Totally agree the build needed a bit of tuning but it sounds like they have gone too hard , i hope we can rebuild :) as far as killing conq's in a few seconds there was loads of different builds doing that ,and alot cheaper! this build was so expensive to get to that level my gear was mostly average and it was still over 40-50ex .
Thanks for the info regarding 3.10 mate!

Are there any significant changes in tree building?

Are you planning in adding a 3.10 POB link before league start?

I am very excited coming back to POE from a 3 season pause.

This was by far the most balanced and fun build i have played in PoE. so we did take a NerfHammer to the groin but we aren't as gutted as Mana Guardian at least.
I assume SRS/AW/Skellies while levelling and Zombies/AW/Spectre support/Carrion Golem Support end-game?
Can't wait for a POB and build update. Stay strong fellow Necros :)
Levelling is SO easy. Just SRS+Skellies both in 2B+1R should do the trick while levelling up zombies gem a bit. Zombies are a pain until they get some minion life nodes and levels. I´d say until level 24-30.
Definitely found the egg!

This guide is amazing! I have always loved Necro/summoner in every game, but this is the first time I've seen summoner be the top end game build. #FeelsGoodMan Thank You <3
ArisFuser написал:
Levelling is SO easy. Just SRS+Skellies both in 2B+1R should do the trick while levelling up zombies gem a bit. Zombies are a pain until they get some minion life nodes and levels. I´d say until level 24-30.

Good news, but for those of us with less IQ points than challenges completed, would you care to expand on this a little ?
(ALL typos lack of caps, punctuation and general errors are copyright Timbo Industries - Laziness Division)
Последняя редакция: Timbo Zero#8289. Время: 11 марта 2020 г., 4:49:20
I heard Geofri's Sanctuary was supposed to have been nerfed, but I don't see it on the patch notes, so that's a relief. Baron got hit pretty hard though. Seems like minions in general got hit, even skeletons.

I skipped Metamorph so I have no idea what was the second strongest minion build. Based on the criteria of DPS, Tankiness, and Speed, would you speculate that this build is still going to be top dog? Was considering either this build or golem focused elementalist, which was almost untouched by the patch.

Kind of discouraging to think I would be trying your build for the first time at the weakest it's ever been, regardless if it's still viable or not. I'm holding out hope that some combination of the new cluster jewels will more than make up for this.
Последняя редакция: MrDrProfessor4#5803. Время: 11 марта 2020 г., 4:59:43
Timbo Zero написал:
ArisFuser написал:
Levelling is SO easy. Just SRS+Skellies both in 2B+1R should do the trick while levelling up zombies gem a bit. Zombies are a pain until they get some minion life nodes and levels. I´d say until level 24-30.

Good news, but for those of us with less IQ points than challenges completed, would you care to expand on this a little ?

Levels 4-12 Get 2B+1R Staff and 2B+1R Chest/Boots/Helmet or (preferably)Wand 1R+2B and Shield, so that you can have:

A-Minion damage, Melee splash, Summon Raging spirit

B-Minion damage, Melee splash, Summon Skeletons

If you cannot get a 2B+1R and can get a 3B item somewhere...

Minion damage, Infernal Legion, Summon Raging spirit


Minion damage, Infernal Legion, Summon Skeletons

Meanwhile, level up Raise Zombie gem elsewhere.

Последняя редакция: ArisFuser#6403. Время: 11 марта 2020 г., 5:30:23
Is it better to use bone offering now, instead of spirit offering?
Necrosjef. Steam.


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