3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

goto 96 today and with no xp to lose, decided to jump on uber elder and uber aztiri

Bit rusty as hadn't fought either of them for a while so a couple of stupid deaths on both right at the beginning then easy, both dropped quickly.

Using a non-speed version of the original build, AG was fine.

@ArisFuser your setup is insane lol
Последняя редакция: dsxy#2831. Время: 7 окт. 2019 г., 6:15:42
Well, it´s so safe now,...it kinda gets boring,lol. I can facetank any guardian. I kill bosses slower but my ES recharge rate and defense layers are brutal.
And it's not minmaxed yet XD.

Check this, slammed in the face by Minotaur and...


And I can go further than that, not even using life flasks to fight guardians...Check Life and ES variations after crossing those damned Frost Balls.

Последняя редакция: ArisFuser#6403. Время: 7 окт. 2019 г., 7:07:53
hmm your setup might answered all my questions. Huge survivability, tho not sure from what? Life and ES, but what else? Only flasks? what are your resistances, you have almost no res on gear...

Damn, your weapon alone cost 11+ ex. :D
Последняя редакция: Ichijs#0299. Время: 7 окт. 2019 г., 8:40:49
brunowa написал:
silverdash написал:
Why do my zombies & golem keep dying in deep delves?
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I took a Lavianga's and disabled haste so I can resummon zombies. Maybe I should run vitality aura? Or do I have to use an empower gem?

How deep are you?

Depth: 350-400
Mods: sometimes tripple or quad damage mods on enemies.

Most problematic areas:
- Sandstorms (they just degen my minions so fast)
- Firestorms (minions = stupid and fight inside fire)
- Sulphite nodes with nasty nasty mods.
- Harbinger nodes kill all my zombies.

My minions also die when fighting prolonged battles against shaper guardians and such (like when in full party but just me dps-ing). The Phoenix for example just burns my minions to death if I don't kill it fast enough.
Последняя редакция: silverdash#0964. Время: 7 окт. 2019 г., 9:34:17
Ichijs написал:
hmm your setup might answered all my questions. Huge survivability, tho not sure from what? Life and ES, but what else? Only flasks? what are your resistances, you have almost no res on gear...

Damn, your weapon alone cost 11+ ex. :D

All my res are capped with (Ascendancy+Auras)+Res on Jewels+some Res on gear. It's pretty easy to get resistances from the tree anyway.Flasks give lots of evasion, Phys reduction, regen,etc.
Последняя редакция: ArisFuser#6403. Время: 7 окт. 2019 г., 11:59:40
Great build!!! Love it! Thank you a lot!

I just have a small request, can somebody look at my Necro and tell me what am I doing wrong. Mapping is a breeze, t16 not a problem at all, however I am lacking in single target dps in Blight maps bosses. What should I do better? The only thing that I can come up atm is that my empower is lvl2 and I have to level it up.
Console player, here... (Please don't throw furniture at me. :)

Question: What's a good, budget, build on this take that doesn't require radical alteration to this one, but which reduces the number of active Minions and doesn't also require items/costs that may be out of reach for a console player?

(Info/details below if needed.)

Golem Variant? Spectres? Something "accessible" without having to rely on getting a perfect, rare, unique drop? Just obtaining the item, itself, is about all a consoler can hope for unless they get very lucky.)

Great build, works fine on console up to a point, but not the build's fault at all. Nice work! (And, thanks to GGG for overpowering minion builds this League so I'd get a chance to experience one! :) )

The build is fine. I was deathless into mapping before I died to Blight-Lag. Still cruising through right now, avoiding Blight events, without an issue using substandard gear, but staying strictly inside the build plan.

But, console sucks in terms of lag in situations where PC players may just see lots of bright sparklies and cool effects. On console, right now at least, we get introduced to what "Framerate" means in terms of single frames... I held a brief discussion with a friend consisting of several exchanged complete sentences over the course of one frame. One.

I'm running 13 Zombies, 5 Spectres and popping Skeletons for funsies.

I think it's a bit much for consoles to handle with certain AOE situations and effect/curse/debuff markers and flames surrounding my tiny horde of buddies. Any AOE effect or debuff graphic that gets tagged to minions ends up lagging the console, horribly. (A combo of display performance issues and communication updates to/from servers, I think.)

But... This build is "Accessible" for console players. It's very nice to find such a powerful build that can be run on console.

The items required are not priced far out of range in the Console marketplace. And, more importantly, they're decently common drops, so a handful of them will actually surface on the Marketplace and pricing on them can be, but isn't guaranteed to be, competitive. Console players just have to accept we won't likely get some items simply because, effectively, they're not "in our game." (RNG is "RNG" though, so ymmv.)

I had absolutely no issues with this build at all up through "Yellow" maps. And, Red Maps aren't a deathfest at all - I just can't move at times and rely on my tiny horde to do their thing, unseen by the console's GPU. :) I just hope to be standing in a corner, somewhere, out of sight of the mob being gang-pummeled until the lagfest is over...

A note: The console marketplace, even though we don't have to actually interact with other players, is a wasteland... Some items just don't exist. Some are priced so that their sellers can send their kids to college. If there's a chase-item for sale, it's priced so the seller can afford to get life-saving surgery in the United States.

Blight Events are nigh-unplayable for me in Red Maps and just as bad, at times, below that. And, a "Blight Map?" Nope. Not even worth trying on an XBox One S. (The XBox One "X" can handle it accompanied by a good internet connection.) I'm trying to "save up" for a Silver Oil to get my Annointment atm as there's no way to farm for it. (Maybe some Blight Events in low maps and hoping to get Crimson's to Vendor-up could work.)

PS - I ran half of a Physical Reflect map last night... I got through that by spamming Skeletons and raising Zombies as I could. (Dumped Haste to free up the mana to force my way through it. Minions have some Leech and Regen, so I "managed" enough of the map. Red map, forget the name atm.) I could have finished the map, perhaps, but decided to invest my time elsewhere as I was close to leveling up. It was... entertaining though. :)
Последняя редакция: Morkonan#5844. Время: 7 окт. 2019 г., 13:52:52

Crafting atm Mace for me.

I am looking for craft +2 to level od socketed support gems in Blight. Anyone? Price?

After crafting :)

I want to thank ArisFuser for craft :)
Последняя редакция: mon1620deo#2068. Время: 7 окт. 2019 г., 14:37:48
that is a disgusting mace lol

I'm fairly new to poe, this is my second season, i've not really gotten to grips with crafting yet.

Any chance someone could give me an idiots guide on making something like that, please?
Weapon crafting guide from Qlidascope's topic https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2624013

Qlidascope написал:


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Okay had a ton of requests and confusion about the weapon we use in our endgame gear.

We start off with ANY 2Handed shaper mace, with the itemlevel of 75-81, as it blocks alot of attack mods from rolling (cheaper craft in general).

Buy the mace! YAY EASY!

Roll the mace with perfect fossils, i'd say hit 28% quality atleast. (you can also use Hillock rank 3 on transportation). Also pretty easy!

Step 3:
Craft 15-18% additional quality on the mace. You do this by hitting it with a Orb or scouring, so that the weapon is white quality. After that you pick the highest attribute & quality craft avalible to you.

Step 4:
6 socket and 6 link the mace, while having as much quality as you can! RIP your finger and currency, and good luck! (easy but can be expensive).

Step 5:
Once it is 6 linked, scour it if rare, or reroll it if magic. What you want to hit now is +1 to socketed gems and level 20 maim (18 if you hit it and are done with it). These are a suffix and a prefix so they can roll at the same time. This should take quite a few tries. I spent 10k in 3.7 and about 2,5k in 3.8 for reference, so don't get discouraged if it doesn't hit instantly.

Step 5:
Once we hit the +1 socketed gems and level 20 or 18 maim we have to do the most expensive steps. So here we go, buy a Craicic Chimeral beast and beast craft a magic imprint of the weapon. Once you have the imprint, regal the weapon and annul the regaled mod of. Keep doing this until you have something like this, regarding the mods.

Step 6:
This is super easy if you know a trusted crafter, and have a good stack of exalts, however not all of us does.

Multimod it -> Craft +2 to socketed support skillgems -> Minions deal (39–45)% increased Damage & Minions have (39–45)% increased maximum Life -> Minions have (25–28)% increased Attack Speed & Minions have (25–28)% increased Cast Speed.


Multimod it -> Craft +2 to socketed support skillgems -> Minions deal (67–81)% increased Damage -> Minions have (25–28)% increased Attack Speed & Minions have (25–28)% increased Cast Speed.

Depending if you want the more damage or the more beef.

My 3.8 weapon

You should now be left with the juicest buff for the build you could dream off. Good luck exile!

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