3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

xWillz написал:
Does anyone know how much increase in damage awakened melee phys is? I just got it as a drop from Sirus but it sells for like 20 ex on PS4 so thinking it’s maybe better to sell and buy other stuff. I don’t have access to POB atm otherwise I’d check!

Your characters are private so I can't tell you if you can find significant upgrades selling the Awakener melee phys, but honestly I will use it, is more dmg incomming for the buff but the gem also give your minions 10% to intimidate enemies for 4 seconds when the gem is 20% quality. Intimidate enemies take 10% increased atack dmg. So overall is a nice buff. Maybe you can get better upgrades with that money but without information about your character and since Idk how the market of PS4 is doing, is hard to say.
Osgili4th написал:
xWillz написал:
Does anyone know how much increase in damage awakened melee phys is? I just got it as a drop from Sirus but it sells for like 20 ex on PS4 so thinking it’s maybe better to sell and buy other stuff. I don’t have access to POB atm otherwise I’d check!

Your characters are private so I can't tell you if you can find significant upgrades selling the Awakener melee phys, but honestly I will use it, is more dmg incomming for the buff but the gem also give your minions 10% to intimidate enemies for 4 seconds when the gem is 20% quality. Intimidate enemies take 10% increased atack dmg. So overall is a nice buff. Maybe you can get better upgrades with that money but without information about your character and since Idk how the market of PS4 is doing, is hard to say.

Thanks for the reply. The awakened melee phys does sound tempting, that’s quite a bit of an increase. However some other stuff

Whoops, my characters are now set to public. The alternative upgrades are... raise zombie 21/23 (3-6ex I forgot), empower 4 10 ex and raise spectre 21/23. I’m also searching for a better secondary ring to get better chaos res as my ele res is over capped slightly whilst chaos res is at -34%

Edit: also if you look at my char... I do usually use a victarios influence 6L for everything but just using this Geofri for sirus until I get more comfortable with the fight to use victarios.
Последняя редакция: xWillz#9693. Время: 18 янв. 2020 г., 7:23:06
hollowman_1985 написал:
For the weapon crafting (page 413):

Should i buy a 6 link Base before or does it not matter?
So that you 6 socket and link it after the crafting?

item lvl 75+ is important and no warstaff, that's all i need to know for the base weapon?

Which bulk of bound fossils should i buy? whats a good number? 10 / 50 mor or less? If i have good RNG, i can sell it later.

I think odds are roughly 1/11 of hitting T1 minion damage, you can try to base how many you think you'll need off that. Also keep in mind chances are you're gonna anul away minion damage a few times before you get the proper number of suffixes and prefixes to continue with the craft, but hopefully you get lucky.

Raphter написал:
Hi. I've seen the passive Sovereingty but I don't know what it works for, could someone explain it to me?


Sovereignty lets us reserve less mana from using our auras, allowing us with enlighten lvl 4 to run 4 auras in our chest. Without both of those things 4 auras wouldn't be possible without some other source of reduced mana reservation.

If you aren't mana reserve capped trying to fit in another aura, you probably don't need it for now. You aren't running any auras at all, so you aren't reserving any mana, so you def don't need it until you do decide to get some auras (would highly suggest it!)
"Please check my gear!" - Every Private Account User
Последняя редакция: Mubbsy#5748. Время: 18 янв. 2020 г., 7:45:35
Page 413 definitely helped me...

Thank you for the awesome write up. Easy to follow and made a huge difference in DPS. Got that level 30 Zombies now :)
Последняя редакция: iiDWESTii#4150. Время: 18 янв. 2020 г., 12:06:37
Hello guys,

I keep dying on T16 maps, can you guys explain me if i'm doing something wrong?
Thanks in advance:

binpikes написал:
Hello guys,

I keep dying on T16 maps, can you guys explain me if i'm doing something wrong?
Thanks in advance:

Are you mostly dying to bleed/poison? Or getting one shot? Maybe its the Dread banner linked with blood magic.

Your res's are capped, but maybe you should think about dropping some and picking up some chaos res. Your spirit offering and ascendancy will make up for the lost res.

Oh and you are so close to hitting that 1000 strength and that will definitely help.

Or also take the 5 points from the life wheel and use those to go for Soul of Steel.

I'm definitely not the expert on this build, just throwing out some suggestions.
Oh and btw I am playing this build on Hardcore :)
Последняя редакция: iiDWESTii#4150. Время: 18 янв. 2020 г., 8:28:28
I ran this build and got wrecked at lvl 81 in a mid tier haunted mansion with no hard modifiers. I had all the same gear and all the jewels/flasks except for emperors mastery jewel. Here's a few things I noticed.

1) I had followed the POB link tree and I never got anywhere near 1000 strength. I got to 850.

2)My resists were capped but chaos was +20% (+55% when affected by flask)

3) The build does do so solid damage.

4) This build is pretty clickbait and super expensive to do, especially in HC. Still not as spendy as a mana guardian but pretty spendy. Cost me around 25-30ex to put together.

My overall experience with this build was like a 6 out of 10. I never got to anywhere near 15K eHP like the guide said (I had about 7.5 or 8k). I never got to +1000 strength to ever take advantage of baron. As I did gold tier maps on awakener 4, I felt squishier and that my death to some 1 shot mechanic, corrupted blood or chaos damage was near. I died to chaos dmg. If there were updates to the build that were made in the 600 some pages of comments, then I missed them and wish they would have been added to main page if they weren't. Overall was an okay build. I felt like slave drivers/raise zombies with unending hunger and crafted gear was much much better for end game content though.
IGN: ScumbagKrendog
Hi all

I didn't kill all the bandits , do i need to reroll?
Krendog написал:
I ran this build and got wrecked at lvl 81 in a mid tier haunted mansion with no hard modifiers. I had all the same gear and all the jewels/flasks except for emperors mastery jewel. Here's a few things I noticed.

1) I had followed the POB link tree and I never got anywhere near 1000 strength. I got to 850.

2)My resists were capped but chaos was +20% (+55% when affected by flask)

3) The build does do so solid damage.

4) This build is pretty clickbait and super expensive to do, especially in HC. Still not as spendy as a mana guardian but pretty spendy. Cost me around 25-30ex to put together.

My overall experience with this build was like a 6 out of 10. I never got to anywhere near 15K eHP like the guide said (I had about 7.5 or 8k). I never got to +1000 strength to ever take advantage of baron. As I did gold tier maps on awakener 4, I felt squishier and that my death to some 1 shot mechanic, corrupted blood or chaos damage was near. I died to chaos dmg. If there were updates to the build that were made in the 600 some pages of comments, then I missed them and wish they would have been added to main page if they weren't. Overall was an okay build. I felt like slave drivers/raise zombies with unending hunger and crafted gear was much much better for end game content though.

It is probably because you are not stacking strength. You didn't take Utmost Might. Were you heading toward CI? If you took those 4 points and put them on Utmost Might you would have gotten over the 1000 strength.
daninwood написал:
Hi all

I didn't kill all the bandits , do i need to reroll?

No. There is a vendor recipe you can do to change that.

20x Orb of Regret
1x Onyx Amulet
Последняя редакция: iiDWESTii#4150. Время: 18 янв. 2020 г., 8:20:36

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