3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

Dolian написал:
Qlida's build kicks this one's teeth in. Switch to it..

Also costs about 10x more and is absolutely not league-starter friendly, which is what this guide is largely about. This guide kicks Qlida's teeth in by doing comparably insane dps with relative ease.
Последняя редакция: NovAscion_#0895. Время: 18 янв. 2020 г., 14:46:21
ty for this build. this is the first time ive ever killed the end game boss in this game. even did Sirus deathless. I've also killed shaper for the first time. should have gotten uber elder too but I went in blind and got it to sub 20% before running out of portals. probably should have watched a video first but I'll get that one too. but yeah. this build is great.
How can I choose between Minion Damage and Fending Frenzy ? I'm pretty new, it's my first season and my first necro
Can anyone help just bought empower 4 and enlighten 4 im using all auras but i have like 58 mana left enough for others but if my zombies die i cant recast any ideas?
BopMajster написал:
sorry, this is very noob question.
How does astramentis work? should i buy the one that is alredy enchanted with death attunement? or you can change allocation somehow? also how to make an enchant on it?

You can annoint rings and amulets using Blight Oils. You can get them from Cassia encounters, sometimes as drops from Metamorphs, you can just trade for them with other players.

You can annoint any item so long as it's not corrupted. Some of the recipe items can be rare and expensive so be sure about which one you want.

[Corrected my info about overwriting annoints thanks to Swiftlard. Thanks for the guidance!]

Ideally you want to buy the best rolled Astramentis you can afford because ultimately every bit of strength is helpful, however you don't absolutely need the top tier roll to start with, so don't go overboard :) You can re-roll the top number on one cheaply using Blessed Orbs so don't worry so much about that number, you can improve it yourself.

Lastly, this league brings us Catalysts and the Intrinsic version adds quality to amulets and rings much like we have quality on flasks. This gives us an extra increase on the stats of our amulet, meaning even more strength!

If you can afford to purchase an Astramentis with a reasonable (I'd say at least 90+ on the main role - don't add the two together) Attributes number, already annointed and with 20% quality then go ahead and do so.

If you can only afford an Amulet with the Annoint, then you can add the quality later.

Don't go cheap and get a low roll Amulet with annoint and quality, you'll only need to upgrade later.
Последняя редакция: Aldora_the_Summoner#4021. Время: 18 янв. 2020 г., 18:05:26
Rakogan написал:
How can I choose between Minion Damage and Fending Frenzy ? I'm pretty new, it's my first season and my first necro

For your Zombies you want Feeding Frenzy. Without it they are not aggressive enough and just wander the screen randomly without engaging enemies they should. Skellies are a bit different because you can just summon them in an enemies face so they will more actively engage.
Hi there I have a couple of questions with the build,how do you get 14 Zombies summoned atm I have 12. for the watchers eye you have do you run a purity of elements for the choas res ?.
Aldora_the_Summoner написал:

You can annoint any item so long as it's not corrupted. It's not like crafting at the bench though, you can't over-write an annointment so be sure about which one you want..

This is wrong, you can overwrite annointments on both rings and amulet.
Thanks for the guide. I crafted this weapon but have an open suffix.

What would be the best way to potentially get a good suffix? One of my buddies suggested I use a redeemer's exalted orb.

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