3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

wiesiul написал:
Hi. Thank u for this build I transform my summon skeleton for this and it's awesome but.

I can't get 5 spectres and idk why. I have The Baron and Raise Spectre LVL 21 and ofc Death Attunement and still I can raise just 4 spectres.
My PoB: https://pastebin.com/8tzmcHTK

3 spectres from gem
Gem must be level 21
Unnatural Strength ascension gives 2 levels to gem
Baron Helmet gives 2 levels for minion gems

So, the gem level becomes 25 and you can have 3 spectres from gem.
1 spectre from tree

1 spectre from item "Queen's Escape" (if you don't mind using this item in your build, but the speed of spectres is capped, so the sword won't help spectres with speed)
“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”
― Albert Einstein
If i have to choose between auras what would be best dps?

Hatred+pride+dread banner(generosity) rare armour giving 5.7k life 7.5k es


Pride+flesh+avian+discipline using saqawals with 5.7k life 5.5k es

Also using a hubris giving 240% minion damage and 37% chaos res

Hi all. This is my current setup, however I'm unsure where to go from here for more damage. Sittting at about 100k dps per zombie and feel like im missing someting since ive put alot into the build so far.
I have a question regarding the Path of Build for the "Regular End Game" Setup.

There is a point in Death Attunement but none of the passives leading to it are active.

This can also be seen in the 320% Minion damage Jewel video when the passive tree is shown.

How is this done?
Profplumlol написал:
I have a question regarding the Path of Build for the "Regular End Game" Setup.

There is a point in Death Attunement but none of the passives leading to it are active.

This can also be seen in the 320% Minion damage Jewel video when the passive tree is shown.

How is this done?

Blight anointment, its in the FAQ section.
Durahal написал:
DanteTDH написал:
Anyone have a link on how to build the STR%/All stats% neck? Or page number if it's in this guide*

I posted a brief guide on page 563.

got that first try. total cost was just over 400c. not bad
can someone chek my build and dps and tell me what can I work on next plz ty for the guide
Can somebody tell me if a two hander with apect of avian + 5% chance for double damage is worth the 40 ex?
Последняя редакция: eckerle#3846. Время: 19 янв. 2020 г., 17:45:23
Sirus 8 down. Awesome build and guide! <3

for the attribute belt...

best way to craft this beast? or is the only way a elder7hunter belt ilvl 85 and 1k chaos to spam? :)


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