3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

JCOH35 написал:
Ya just get shaper's touch gloves, and do your labyrinths, bone barrier will fix your resistances for you and the gloves will un-gimp your energy shield.

so i added shapes gloves, and i lost a bunch of str and health tho? i also put on bone barrier all in POE and everything seemed to go down?

Crafted this baby, now I can run pride,spider,skitter,dreadbanner.

Got a watcher eye that gives intimidate on hit with pride too.

The Rich Get Richer, the Po Stay Po.
FeRR1S написал:
Koridoom написал:
JCOH35 написал:
Ya just get shaper's touch gloves, and do your labyrinths, bone barrier will fix your resistances for you and the gloves will un-gimp your energy shield.

so i added shapes gloves, and i lost a bunch of str and health tho? i also put on bone barrier all in POE and everything seemed to go down?

Your gloves aint for this build, if you lose 100 str isnt a real lost, you wont be able to get more than 1200 without invest at your final build. You losing the str and hp from the gloves while win energy shield for you and your minions.

Bone barrier is your 3rd ascendancy.

okay ill try to get them tonight. Also question. how are people able to get Rez cap from the 2 rings and belt? i wasnt able to get the all attributes neck pieces, becuase i wasnt anywhere near rez cap.

but besides for that is everything else okay gear/gems? because liek i said im having issues running t13... i dont get it
lunalaurina написал:
Just wanted to check I understand this.

The % minion damage mod is one I can roll on any mace? Doesn't look like they have influence.

I checked poedb but I'm still new and wasn't 100% sure if I read it right.

Minion damage is a special mod, so to get it on your weapon you need to use essences or fossils. Fossils are better because they can get T1 minion damage, and if you're spending a ton on a crafted weapon theres no point cheaping out on a couple chaos per roll.

You should see the minion damage mod pop up in poedb if you select bound fossils.

As for Koridoom, you def want Bone Barrier ASAP. You get 3% to all resist per minion up to a max of 10 (which we have easily more than) so you get 30% res all for free, plus bone barrier which is a nice boost for stopping damage as well as bleeding. Also some other good stuff for our minions.

And then with spirit offering and Mistrice of Sacrfice going you get another 22 res all. So we get 52 res all just from our ascendancies.
"Please check my gear!" - Every Private Account User
Последняя редакция: Mubbsy#5748. Время: 20 янв. 2020 г., 16:34:08
disregard, reply bugged out
Последняя редакция: JCOH35#4078. Время: 20 янв. 2020 г., 16:37:14
okay ill try to get them tonight. Also question. how are people able to get Rez cap from the 2 rings and belt? i wasnt able to get the all attributes neck pieces, becuase i wasnt anywhere near rez cap.

but besides for that is everything else okay gear/gems? because liek i said im having issues running t13... i dont get it

Its hard tbh, especially b/c you have to get chaos resistance on them too unless you give up an aura to run purity of elements and use a watcher's eye for 50% chaos resist. Heres what i use;

I really like this build and am steam rolling everything now but I stopped counting how much $ I put into it after about 85 ex......so ya, im sure it can be done on budget but eventually you get addicted.
Последняя редакция: JCOH35#4078. Время: 20 янв. 2020 г., 16:38:49
Hi, can anyoen give me advice on rare jewels before i can afford to get the unique ones? Thanks
Breach : MLXFL
laaqueel написал:
What gems should I put into my Hungry loop?
Should I put those mentioned in 1st post (Ruthless, Feeding Frenzy, Melee Physical Damage, Minion Damage)?
Or maybe I should put some other gems if I want to run my skellies?

I'm just gonna repeat my question.
JCOH35 написал:
okay ill try to get them tonight. Also question. how are people able to get Rez cap from the 2 rings and belt? i wasnt able to get the all attributes neck pieces, becuase i wasnt anywhere near rez cap.

but besides for that is everything else okay gear/gems? because liek i said im having issues running t13... i dont get it

Its hard tbh, especially b/c you have to get chaos resistance on them too unless you give up an aura to run purity of elements and use a watcher's eye for 50% chaos resist. Heres what i use;

I really like this build and am steam rolling everything now but I stopped counting how much $ I put into it after about 85 ex......so ya, im sure it can be done on budget but eventually you get addicted.

Wow how much did you spend on the belt and 1st ring? Those are incredible.
Thanks, the 1st ring you wouldnt believe tbh, 1.5ex, it didnt have the ES roll.

I had room for 2 prefixs but was scared if I exalted it id get like +11 life so I crafted life on it 1st, then exalted it and got the ES roll.

The belt though I wont even lie, 37ex, I talk to that belt more then my children.
Последняя редакция: JCOH35#4078. Время: 20 янв. 2020 г., 16:47:55

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