3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

Mubbsy написал:
Perfect, having no other prefixes is good, and you need at least 1 spare suffix which you have.

Next you're gonna craft the suffix "Cannot Roll Attack Modifiers" for 1ex.
Then get a Farric Wolf Alpha if you don't already have one (about 33c last I checked), and beastcraft Add a prefix, Remove a Random Suffix. This will first add the +1 to socketed gems prefix (as its the only non attack option), and then remove one of your 2 random suffixes, or the crafted suffix.

Once you have the +1 socketed gems on there, remove the crafted mod if it wasn't already taken out by the beastcraft for 1 scouring.

You should now have a weapon with minion dmg and +1 socketed gems, as well as 1-2 suffixes depending on which one got taken out.

If you only have 1 suffix and its something you want to keep, then jump to crafting. Or jump to crafting if you have 1 trash suffix but want to cut corners on costs and save 2 ex because you don't care about the free suffix to slam an ex into later.


Next you craft the suffix "Prefixes Cannot Be Changed" for 2ex
Then Scour the weapon and it will remove all the suffixes and leave just your 2 prefixes ready to be multicrafted.


Then just craft +3 crafted mods, +2 support, and 25-28% minion atk/cast speed

Reference https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2642810/page/413 if you need any further clarification.

Awesome. Worked perfectly. Thank you :)

I ended up with T3 increased stun duration. Same mod as the implicit.

Is it worth 2 Ex just to remove that mod or shall I just leave it?
Последняя редакция: lunalaurina#5559. Время: 20 янв. 2020 г., 20:19:56
Hi there,

if i have aspect of the avian on my weapon (lvl 20), like i can't run it with all the other auras at the same time, which one should i give up then?
lunalaurina написал:

Awesome. Worked perfectly. Thank you :)

I ended up with T3 increased stun duration. Same mod as the implicit.

Is it worth 2 Ex just to remove that mod or shall I just leave it?

That one's on you my friend. Basically you gotta decide now if you wanna spend 2ex freeing up a suffix for a chance at putting something good in there later.

Things that are good to put in the suffix are Str, Res's, and some of the influenced exalts are good too.

Chances of getting strength or res vs a crap mod is pretty bad though.
The influenced suffixes are a little better chance to get something useful, but ultimately the odds are against you either way you go, and 2/3 times you're probably gonna end up with another crappy mod. (Redeemer has blind or movement speed so its not as bad of shot at something useful)
"Please check my gear!" - Every Private Account User
Последняя редакция: Mubbsy#5748. Время: 20 янв. 2020 г., 20:29:22
Mubbsy написал:
That one's on you my friend. Basically you gotta decide now if you wanna spend 2ex freeing up a suffix for a chance at putting something good in there later.

Things that are good to put in the suffix are Str, Res's, and some of the influenced exalts are good too.

Chances of getting strength or res vs a crap mod is pretty bad though.
The influenced suffixes are a little better chance to get something useful, but ultimately the odds are against you either way you go, and 2/3 times you're probably gonna end up with another crappy mod. (Redeemer has blind or movement speed so its not as bad of shot at something useful)

Thanks again <3
Mubbsy написал:
Hey Durahal or anyone else who has crafted a good amulet with Str, increased Str %, increased attributes % etc

How much roughly am I looking at spending on making one of these amulets?

I'm spearheading for 1500 str now, and apart from my Astramentis, My Belt (it's 80str, 10% increased str but could be higher), and no Lethal Pride yet, I have everything else giving me as much str as possible and sitting at around 1310.

I have tons of dex from my rings too so I should be good losing out from the astramentis.

Just wanted to get my money in line before I go for the craft.

Depends on your luck...
-Base is like 1ex now
-Rolling the T1 %str probably ball park 50-100c..?
-Shaper with T1 %atr shouldn't cost you more than probably 100-200 alts?
-Awakener orb is like 240c?
-Now assuming your 3rd suffix you get is decent (i.e. str roll), proceed to next step. If not, either start over, or chance the 1/3 anull and slam.
-You most likely will have to craft suffixes cannot be changed and anull off the prefixes unless you got really lucky - which is 2ex, might have to do it multiple times if your annul removes it before the other prefixes.
-Now you have to exalt slam on new prefixes, and if they are bad, repeat previous step.

As you can see.. it can add up fast, but if your really really lucky...maybe you can get on your first try.
You can hit 1500 STR aswell with an Astramentis neck, im at that with just my waist crafted, and double t1 STR rolls on both rings, and only a 10% lethal pride.

Bought this for 2ex in meta, not the best but looking at what it can cost to craft a rly good one... I would recommend keeping an eye on trade and find a decent one for a low price or try ur luck with crafting ofc but be prepared to spend a decent amount of ex.
It dependes in how much flat strenght you have in the three/ equipment/ gems. Generally it give you more (mine when changed increased 40 but lose quite a decent chunk of int and dex) it can be better for fixin resistances, more life and ES. But is a expensive invesment and if you need other upgrades that EX will be better in some other gear parts.
Hey i gotta ask it lol
I got all the gear for my AG and i saw the warnings in this guide if he dies i lose all my exalts i put on him . and the guide maker mention the take him out in some places we dont need him there cus he might die so the question is : if i take his gem out cus of the dangerous place i dont want him to be ill lose all my items cus i took the gem out? or theres another way to do it ? Man im so confused .. thanks for the helpers out there :)
edeniscoolol написал:
Hey i gotta ask it lol
I got all the gear for my AG and i saw the warnings in this guide if he dies i lose all my exalts i put on him . and the guide maker mention the take him out in some places we dont need him there cus he might die so the question is : if i take his gem out cus of the dangerous place i dont want him to be ill lose all my items cus i took the gem out? or theres another way to do it ? Man im so confused .. thanks for the helpers out there :)

Don't worry, your AG will keep the items even if you changes the gem to another, so take the gem out if you fear to lose you AG in a map. As many people said one boss in Acid Caverns T15 and some Methamorphs can be deadly but if you have Grave intentions node and the set up in the guide AG can survive. Hall of Grand Masters is a big nono for using AG since is a PvP ruled zone and npcs use very deadly builds, for sure your AG will die.

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