3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

crazypearce написал:
I would argue that the death attunement wheel is much more valuable than ravenous horde. It provides you with a nice amount of minion leech which removes the need for it on a jewel - I see too many people complain about minion survivability that don't have this leech anywhere. With that leech node your zombies will never die outside of Sirus or maybe a juiced t16 meta one shot

You may be right. I guess I'm not sure of the difference between .2 and .5% leech, so I might be undervaluing that. .2 doesn't seem like enough by just looking at it, but it may very well be. If a zombie is hitting for 1m, it's probably capping itself almost immediately anyway.

Maybe the best recommendation is to just allocate Ravenous with Thread of Hope and use those points in better ways.
Sarclol написал:
crazypearce написал:
I would argue that the death attunement wheel is much more valuable than ravenous horde. It provides you with a nice amount of minion leech which removes the need for it on a jewel - I see too many people complain about minion survivability that don't have this leech anywhere. With that leech node your zombies will never die outside of Sirus or maybe a juiced t16 meta one shot

You may be right. I guess I'm not sure of the difference between .2 and .5% leech, so I might be undervaluing that. .2 doesn't seem like enough by just looking at it, but it may very well be. If a zombie is hitting for 1m, it's probably capping itself almost immediately anyway.

Maybe the best recommendation is to just allocate Ravenous with Thread of Hope and use those points in better ways.

This is what I would recommend when you're all done and dusted and at end game (Thread of Hope).

Interestingly enough I have been running with no minion leech, no grave intentions, no indominable army or any of that stuff and my minions are not dying at all. I think you just end up reaching a stage where your minions are so buffed DPS and defence wise that you don't need any of those extra minion defense options.
Selling lots of gear, but

20% str. lethal pride on these nodes (5% each)
smashing strikes, devotion, divine fevour, rightous decree.

PM me in game @ Zaynsummons

Ya sold off all my toys too^^

Build was and is the most amazing thing ever, I just wanted to take the last few weeks to try others for the next league incase they nerf this one into the ground.

I have never played a duelist before so I looked at what the deep delvers using cyclone as the main skill were using and modified those to fit my old man reflex needs.

It feels pretty OP so far;

You can glance at my tree to see jewels etc if curious. Tried 1 of those herald of agony builds too but it was junk endgame, this though feels pretty good, anyways just wanted to say hi rq^^

Just wondering if anyone has any advice as to what I should look to upgrade next?
Just forked out a boatload for Awakened Multistrike, but after some amulets sell I should be good to go on some more big purchases.

I also have awakened minion damage I swap instead of feeding frenzy for big bosses.

Gear Here:

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Jewels are:

Hubris is 240% minion dmg, 37% chaos res

I want to stay with the tanky build as I have a terrible computer and I need it to survive the lag spikes.
I have about 14 1/3k eHP, maxed reses including chaos, 1535 str.

I can clear everything fine, and don't have any issues apart from HotGM and whatnot.

Only thing I can think of would be trying for more rings like the redeemer one, but hit minion dmg instead of that gross proj dmg like I did with that one. Hard to find ring that fit that criteria for sale though.

Also, since I had to give up some minion attack speed for my hubris placement (not much), the attack speed zombie enchant outpreforms zombie dmg.

Thanks again for any input!
"Please check my gear!" - Every Private Account User
Последняя редакция: Mubbsy#5748. Время: 13 февр. 2020 г., 12:28:57
hi all,

with 1500 str and lvl 30 zombie gem, can i raise 16 zombie? how to know and calculate how many zombie i can raise..i know by per 300 str is additional one
Последняя редакция: nicholaiilam#2487. Время: 13 февр. 2020 г., 1:02:01
5* Ex budget variation cleared all content ( hogm not included )
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POB: https://pastebin.com/PjyDDfyp

*5 ex is around 190c atm

**ELEGANT HUBRIS NOT COUNTED (may cost you more than 5 Ex for itself)
nicholaiilam написал:
hi all,

with 1500 str and lvl 30 zombie gem, can i raise 16 zombie? how to know and calculate how many zombie i can raise..i know by per 300 str is additional one

Yup, as long as you have Lord of the Dead (you probably 100% have this) in your passive tree, along with Death Attunement passive most likely from oil annoiting on your amulet.

9 base zombies at level 30
1500str/300 = 5 zombies from baron
1 from Lord of the Dead
1 from Death Attunement
16 Zombies
"Please check my gear!" - Every Private Account User
Hello, so this witch build is my second overall charater and my first build guide, and i feel like my items do not match up with the ones showed in this amazing guide, at level 49 in the standard playlist i have a 3 blue linked sockets wand.. am i doing something wrong or do i need to play the story all the way trough before the juichy loot drops? kinda like D3 :)
It seems my mana reservation requirements exceed 100% when trying to run Vulnerability (28%), War Banner(8%), Pride(40%) and Discipline(28%). What can i do?

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