3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

i've got a leathal pride with the following nodes if anybody is interested pm me

Frost Walker +20 Str
Prodical Perfection +20 Str
Heart and Sould 5% Str
Arcane Will 5% Str
Ravenous Horde 5% Str
Mysticism 5% Str
Mystic Bulwark 5% Str
IGN: xthbx
Sarclol написал:
I wish I knew what page that explanation of Fortify vs Minion Damage was on.

IIRC if you have 120% or more minion damage on your weapon, that edges out Fortify. If you have 130% AND the 4% aura mod, that just beats Fortify, but you can't run Avian that way if your build wants that in it.

"Obviously" just get a 130% minion damage one with the 4% aura mod and corrupt it for level 10 Fortify. EASY, I SWEAR.

no it actually doesnt.
lvl 1 fortify gets 20% more dmg, but 130% increased damage is aplicative stat, so once you reach over 530% increased minion damage,(which we do) lvl 1 fortify gets better.
My post is talking about the weapon purely from the perspective of the weapon. I apologize, I should have made that clear - and even then I'm not remembering the exact wording of what was said.

If you have a weapon with 100% minion damage, if you add 20% to that, or if you multiply it by 1.2 for 20% more, you get the same thing. If you add 21% to it, then 121% ends up being better than 120%. Therefore, if you're just looking at the weapon and taking nothing else into consideration, it does begin to edge out Fortify if you have over 120% minion damage.

Yes, you are correct that Fortify gets better with better gear and more damage overall. Although unless you have an Elegant Hubris, it's unlikely you're looking at minion damage over 400% without already having a T1 minion damage roll on a weapon, unless there's something I'm not considering.
Последняя редакция: Sarclol#3094. Время: 13 февр. 2020 г., 11:14:00
Последняя редакция: Sarclol#3094. Время: 13 февр. 2020 г., 11:12:35
Sarclol написал:
My post is talking about the weapon purely from the perspective of the weapon. I apologize, I should have made that clear - and even then I'm not remembering the exact wording of what was said.

If you have a weapon with 100% minion damage, if you add 20% to that, or if you multiply it by 1.2 for 20% more, you get the same thing. If you add 21% to it, then 121% ends up being better than 120%. Therefore, if you're just looking at the weapon and taking nothing else into consideration, it does begin to edge out Fortify if you have over 120% minion damage.

Yes, you are correct that Fortify gets better with better gear and more damage overall. Although unless you have an Elegant Hubris, it's unlikely you're looking at minion damage over 400%, unless there's something I'm not considering.

we get minion damage with strength. in helm we have "half of your strength is transfered to minions"
and 5 STR = 1% physical dmg. so in case you got 1500 STR, thats 150% extra increased minions damage.
Okay, so I got caught behind the wording. 5 strength = 1% increased Melee Physical Damage, which doesn't get added to the minion damage modifier in game or in POB (it's located elsewhere in POB).

If we're adding that too (which we should be since Fortify also multiplies it), then you're right, and hitting that number is actually much easier than I thought, which means that Fortify becomes better much faster.

You mentioned 530% though - is that with a minion damage weapon equipped, or without any weapon equipped? I'd like to try to formulate this if I could.

So, without any weapon, if you have X total increased physical damage + Y total increased minion damage, at what Z value (X + Y = Z) does Fortify beat increased minion damage?

Edit, if I'm doing this correctly, here's a bit of napkin math:
Fortify and 130% minion damage are even when all sources of increased melee physical damage and increased minion damage that are not the weapon affix (Z) is 650.
(650 + 130) = 780 and (650 * 1.2) = 780

Fortify and 100% minion damage are even when all sources of increased melee physical damage and increased minion damage that are not the weapon affix (Z) is 500.
(500 + 100) = 600 and (500 * 1.2) = 600

It's worth nothing that even though they're "even" and before/after that point one becomes "better," you probably won't notice it in game at all.

If I'm not doing that correctly, someone yell at me and tell me where I'm screwing it up. I'm really curious and if we can put a value on this, I think it might help some people either now or in the future.
Последняя редакция: Sarclol#3094. Время: 13 февр. 2020 г., 11:53:24
Mubbsy написал:
Just wondering if anyone has any advice as to what I should look to upgrade next?
Just forked out a boatload for Awakened Multistrike, but after some amulets sell I should be good to go on some more big purchases.

I also have awakened minion damage I swap instead of feeding frenzy for big bosses.

Gear Here:

Скрытый текст

Jewels are:

Hubris is 240% minion dmg, 37% chaos res

I want to stay with the tanky build as I have a terrible computer and I need it to survive the lag spikes.
I have about 14 1/3k eHP, maxed reses including chaos, 1535 str.

I can clear everything fine, and don't have any issues apart from HotGM and whatnot.

Only thing I can think of would be trying for more rings like the redeemer one, but hit minion dmg instead of that gross proj dmg like I did with that one. Hard to find ring that fit that criteria for sale though.

Also, since I had to give up some minion attack speed for my hubris placement (not much), the attack speed zombie enchant outpreforms zombie dmg.

Thanks again for any input!

Sorry to drag this up but didn't hear back from anyone, have about 50ex to spend right now. Thinking I'll prob grab a weapon with 50+ str for 25ex, sell my old one for 15ish, and have about 40ex left to toy with. Not sure where I can min/max too much more though without insane investment.
"Please check my gear!" - Every Private Account User
Mubbsy написал:
Sorry to drag this up but didn't hear back from anyone, have about 50ex to spend right now. Thinking I'll prob grab a weapon with 50+ str for 25ex, sell my old one for 15ish, and have about 40ex left to toy with. Not sure where I can min/max too much more though without insane investment.

You're getting really close to the highest end of the build. At this point, it's min/maxing based on your own goals, especially if you picked up Awakened Multistrike. That's sort of the chase item for the build. Non-crafted upgrades are likely going to be very expensive.

I might suggest looking into Thread of Hope for the top central jewel slot, and relocating your Efficient Training to the slot directly to the right of the Witch starting area. It's not for everyone, but you can free up 7-8 points that you can use elsewhere.

I might also suggest a Bottled Faith flask if you want an offensive flask. Duration and Damage matter more than crit chance, since that crit chance only applies to the player during the effect.

You can always go for top end level 21 or 21/23 gems if you're bored.

What does your AG look like? You probably are given the rest of your build, but if you're not into Kingmaker and Stitched Demon yet, give that a go. You can add Garb of the Ephemeral for two extra auras that are quite strong - one lets you drop a freeze flask as long as he's next to you.
brunowa написал:
dascalex написал:
dascalex написал:
It seems my mana reservation requirements exceed 100% when trying to run Vulnerability (28%), War Banner(8%), Pride(40%) and Discipline(28%). What can i do?

Is there any route i can go about this? I can't affort the 5ex for the enlighten lvl 4.

3 options:
- Pick up reduced mana reservation nodes in tree.
- Get Vulnerability on Hit gloves.
- Just don't use an aura until you get the necessary upgrade.

4th option would be to switch across to the JCOH version of the build which puts cyclone in your 6 link chest. This is what I'm doing and it allows me to use vulnerability in the Cast While Channelling sequence which doesn't reserve any mana.

I'm running Pride, Flesh and Stone and Discipline and have room for a banner too if I wanted. although gem sockets are a little too tight for me at the moment till I improve some of my gear.

For now, the easier option for you would be to spend three skill points and pick up the mana reservation node near Influence (you don't need the whole wheel, just that first node).

On some other notes for improvements:

You have level 19 pride in your chest and a level 19 pride with 17% quality in your alternate weapon slot. You should swap these around.

Neither of your rare Jewels have minion leech on them. Do your Zombro's a favour and socket one with leech. Their survivability will go right up.

Multistrike with your Spectres is a bit of a waste although perhaps you're running particular Spectres that benefit a lot from this. You might want to swap with something else. I personally run the cheap AG set up for the group benefits and I haven't lost him once in the entire league. Should cost you around 10C to set him up.

Don't underestimate your flasks. You need no more than one life flask and you don't need any mana flasks for this build. Replace most of your flasks with utility ones like Basalt and Amethyst and be sure to roll them with benefits like freeze immunity and shock immunity.
Hey guys :)
How can I improve the build further?
(im working on lvl 21 raise specter)

Последняя редакция: DarKWolFPS2#3920. Время: 13 февр. 2020 г., 13:23:01

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