3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

louis_gettings написал:
Big thanks to the creator lots of fun. First thing ill say is for a long time I used flesh offering becuase i got a lucky lab enchant early on..... big mistake spirit offering is way better. Any advice on improvements I have about 30ex to play with and was thinking maybe new rings and some awakened gems or 21 gems and new jewels. I run an elegant hubris with 2x 80% dmg nodes and for most content now I run victarios and seven league step. Here is my gear, thanks in advance:

Put Dread Banner in your Victarios so it gets Level 30 Generosity. Swap it with Carrion Golem.

You can then put Phase Run in your chest too and Maim into your gloves so your Carrion Golem Maims there.
DongKingKong написал:
Hello guys just making an inquiry before I invest passive points and buy new gear. Just theorizing that if you have hatred linked to awakened generosity and you have the warsraff with increased 60 hatred effect then your hatred is increased 100 percent right? And if you have elemental equilibrium and have rings that make you do lightning or fire damage then cyclone will cause -50 cold resist to mobs. How much does that cold damage compare to the phys we deal around 80 is it? Thanks

I'm not 100% sure, but I think the increased Hatred Aura effect stacks so yes, it should be 100% increased. I'm pretty sure the Elemental Equilibrium only applies -50% to cold resists and that it doesn't stack if you apply both fire and lightning.
Aul's Uprising Onyx Amulet
Pride Reserves no Mana

This is too expensive
Is there any alternative
Or don't use pride
Thank you
unknownsoul20 написал:
Question about my setup. I'm using the balanced version, but I'm noticing that above t11 or so, my zombies start dying. Is this normal? I feel like I'm missing something in my build.

If someone can give me some feedback on my build, I would really appreciate it.

Here's the link to my character page

The OP already answered this question in his "Frequently Asked Questions" under "Why are My Minions Dying?". Pay particular attention to #3 and #2.

Consider respeccing the 3 points in Spiritual Command cluster to help with your issue, since those 3 nodes aren't really cost effective.
17/04/2021 https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3082616/page/1
"We tell people that Path of Exile league starts are a fair playing field for everyone, and we need to actually make sure that is the reality."

Perhaps GGG should consider a leadership change.
rurusoso написал:
Aul's Uprising Onyx Amulet
Pride Reserves no Mana

This is too expensive
Is there any alternative
Or don't use pride
Thank you

You can use Hatred Aul. You just won't have as much strength.
Hey Guys,

Do you like going BIG BOY DPS?!?!

Well then maybe you would like to do 1 SECOND Conqueror Kills... yes that's right... 1 SECOND!!!

How do we do that?

We use Victario's because that thing is BADASS for damage... and then we equip Grip of the Council gloves for 20% MORE Damage... then we take Elemental Equilibrium... and we do some other funky shit as explained in the below video.

Getting to 1 second conqueror kills might not seem like much when we were already doing 2-3 second conqueror kills... but that is DOUBLE to TRIPLE the damage we were already doing to get that... IT IS DAMN HARD TO DO 1 SECOND... but we can do it :)

Enjoy the vid... and I think we can get UNDER 1 Second when min-maxed!


Последняя редакция: brunowa#6253. Время: 16 февр. 2020 г., 5:54:56
Hi Guys,

still looking for a lethal pride with 10-11 ex budget. I know league is ending on 10th March i wanna try buffed up on lethal pride before league ends

please DM me or ign: @thegreatestviz / @VizSummonerMeta
Really hate Maven as a boss and its mechanics! pls give us something cool like Elder/Shaper
rurusoso написал:
in Tanky Setup using Geofri's Sanctuary

When do I use zombies and when do I use skeletons?

Which one is stronger

Many people only use zombies and aura's with no skeletons.

If you want to use skele's, they are best used against bosses.

Zombies are used always.
Hi guys, i love this build so much and its by far the most powerful build.

One question: The elegant hubris didnt work for me. Do i have to do somethin after putting it in the tree?

I got Mana reg, Minion life, minion dam but it looks like these stats doesnt count/work?
PattyWin написал:
Hi guys, i love this build so much and its by far the most powerful build.

One question: The elegant hubris didnt work for me. Do i have to do somethin after putting it in the tree?

I got Mana reg, Minion life, minion dam but it looks like these stats doesnt count/work?

well first, you need to get some good rolls (minion damage) on passives that you actually use or at easily obtainable and ofcourse, they need to be allocated in the tree. Also, make sure you are using just ellegant hubris or lethal pride, not both because thay don't work at the same time.
No fun is allowed (GGG, 2020).

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