Unless they announce a massive rework to the Atlas and how Conquerors and Watchstones work I'm probably gonna skip the next league. I just can't face all that random bullshit RNG busy work when all I want to do is grind maps.
I also despise the Sirus fight, which is not so much a fight and more an exercise in guessing what is happening off screen. It's even worse than Katarina which I also think is damn awful game design. If I wanted to play Dark Souls, I'd go and play that.
Hopefully though we get some polish to the end game and less of this "Surprise, you're dead!" rubbish.
just grind t16 promenade? im doing it 2days already, and game never felt so good for me :D
got few questions
-how often does Merveil's Retainer cast vulnerability buff? is this once per second, twice?
- does hold relic do any damage in JCOH35's build? or its only for regen?
-anyone got any lethal pride for sell?
Retainer casts it freqently. If mobs isnt oneshoted they will get the vulnerability.
Also have a really decent Area of Effect so in map clear she often cast vulnerability in big pack helping to clear them safelly, specially if you do really jucied maps of tier 17-18.
hmm frequently. Does that mean once per second or once per 3 seconds?
and really decent area? does this mean bigger area as our desecrate/cyclone range?
if this is correct:
and she has all that spells on her spell list to cast, then this is pretty bad.
Последняя редакция: BopMajster#4112. Время: 20 февр. 2020 г., 6:48:36
its going between 100-150 ex
i didnt price checked everything
Lol - that’s gonna have to be a “pass” from me, dawg.
LUL DAWG when you will have lethal pride that gives you 400+ strength talk with me
or amulet that gives you 400+
yeah your pricing is about right for 100ex imo. i had slightly better gear with 2700 str and ended up with somewhere just over 150ex.
very similar gear to yours but my amulet was better and i had %str boots. the amulet was double t1% suffixes with t1 flat strength and i struggled to sell it for much more than 55ex, even though on trade they are basically priced as mirrors.
it's hard to sell gear for this build atm becasue it's not really a league ender, most people are moving out of this into fun speed builds
hello so i have played your build and i liked it but i have some questions,im using the tank setup i dont feel so tanky and my damage is kind of average to be honest,also my max scepters are 3 not four am i missing something out?
this is my current build:
Any advice on how to improve or what im doing wrong? especially for the spectres limit