[3.8] Carrion Golem and Zombie Necromancer - Very tanky and fast, awesome single target

Bendercoot написал:
thedeathbeam написал:
Bendercoot написал:
now that we "cant" get 4 spectres anymore, i was thinking about dropping one Carnace Cheiftain to get a Ruins Hellion instead, yet im not sure if i should even try since the Hellion skill is this:

Enemies Taunted by you deal 30% less Damage with Hits and
Ailments against other targets

we are not taunting anything arent we? doesnt make much sense to me realy. welp please? thanks =)

Hellion will taunt stuff for it. And I would drop host chieftain if anything, power charges arent really important.

isnt one carnage cheiftain enough to generate 3 charges with blood magic tho?

also if you dont mind me, Hits against Chilled Enemies on gloves do work on minions too? the mobs are chilled with the bots right?

2 are better for consistency imo. And nope that mod works only for boosting your damage. Most of stuff that do not says "minions" do not works with minions.
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ok thanks alot for all the help, and great build btw =) happy new year for now thanks again =)
oh just one more thing. i dropped phase run and vaal molten shell to get a cast on channeling cyclone spirit offering desecrate link. this way i have a constant molten shell and i can also pass through mobs as if i had phasing (which we do thanks to the flask anyway) and i feel much more tanky this way.

in your pob you got a helmet with 4 prefixes btw, the enchant isnt possible if you have life on top of +3 gems and min damage. and the maim on chest is also gone which just makes it cheaper and vulnerability still maim bosses at least. awakened gems make up for the loss of the maim anyway.

again just great build =)
Great build so far, only now progressing into T6, but so far everything melts. Using the Cold Iron Point Non baron version, only issue I've found is zombies fall over quite easily.
Love this build. Played Ice Golems a few leagues ago and wanted to try something new. I've been messing around with Soulwrest staff (phantasms), and it is awesome for clearing yellow and lower red-tier maps. I have it in a Cyclone/Desecrate/Spirit Offering and it makes me feel much more tanky. You have to sacrifice the auras and skitter bots though, but definitely fun to run around with 40 minions.
Both types of chieftains can be found in The Ashen Fields, saving you a trip to the Old Fields
Bendercoot написал:
oh just one more thing. i dropped phase run and vaal molten shell to get a cast on channeling cyclone spirit offering desecrate link. this way i have a constant molten shell and i can also pass through mobs as if i had phasing (which we do thanks to the flask anyway) and i feel much more tanky this way.

in your pob you got a helmet with 4 prefixes btw, the enchant isnt possible if you have life on top of +3 gems and min damage. and the maim on chest is also gone which just makes it cheaper and vulnerability still maim bosses at least. awakened gems make up for the loss of the maim anyway.

again just great build =)

why do u get constant molten shell with this setup?
Nice guide, but I made some changes which I feel is needed.

First off:
2x unset ring. one with convocation and one with flame dash
1 knife: phase run - inc duration - vaal molten shell
boots: enlighten - pride - dread banner - skitterbotts
helm: vaal summon skeletons - raise zombie - brutality - feeding frenzy
ByCrom написал:
thedeathbeam написал:

Carrion golem buff is good basically only for Phantasms and SRS, for literally any other minion builds its really worthless, mainly when you are necro. Because as I already said before, all of your minions will be at pretty high gem level, will already have huge flat damage, so flat phys damage bonus from Carrions will barely do anything for them.

Yes, i think you are right. My zombie gem is high enough for that buff. I was just wondering if that enchant could be valuable, cause it is "easy" (cheap) to get it. But seems even enchant with 15% increased zombie attack speed is more interesting in this case.

I am working on a version with heralds of purity and I think their buff to them makes a big difference...
Im building this build.
But i have a problem that the armour cant have the supported with lv1 maim anymore
is there any idea i can do with the armour ? thanks

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