[3.12] Double Strike / Flicker Assassin ~ League starter and ender! U-Elder and U-Atziri deathless!

Is the maim even available in metamorhp league ? I tried to look for it but i cant find a single one with this mod. Not even an unlinked. Was thisnmod remove d?
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tr1gg3r3d написал:
Hey guys. First off all happy new year. Im running a very similar build and i looked inside here for some nice advice, which i implemented succesfully.

So on my character im using dagger and shield other stuff is pretty much similar except i use added fire damage instead of ruthless support for double strike. And i use maim instead of close combat as that gem isnt available for daggers.

At this point i need the hatred crit jewel, then i will respec into ambush and assasinate ascendancy( currently eunning with the deadly infusion for the 92% perma crit). So i will be even more powerful vs bosses. I dont have a rare chest with flat crit and neither belly atm. So best option i think is the jewel. I dont see how else i could reach 90%~ and with less than that Damage feels slower. But if u have any idea please tell me

I have 2 important questions please:

How big of a DPS boost is the 15% double damage for DS on helm ? These stuff are quite expensive and i dont know yet if its worth the money.
Should i really buy one ? Is it a big buff ?

Secondly: im using a 10% reduced mana reserved rare shield... so i can clear with flicker super fast. What i dont understand i see u guys running with 80ish mana.. (hatred,purity herald, war banner,precision). How do u sustain flicker from only 80 mana ?

Third: i saw u using maim and Faster attacks on the totem. Is maim worth the slot for it ?

And lastly in hideout without buffs and flasks around how much DPS does double strike write for you guys ?

Are you utilizing PoB? If so, you should be able to answer a lot of these questions. A dagger and shield build is pretty far removed from this build. Ruthless should be higher than Added Fire though, and the stuns are nice. I would look into Nightblade though if you're using a dagger, the benefit seems awesome.

1. 15% double damage is huge, I paid 5 ex for it one league, but it's not top priority for this league when it's so damn expensive. Honestly, idk why it's so high, this certainly isn't a melee friendly league, is this guide contributing? Nawww...

2. I haven't used shields since Open Beta in 2013, when I ran a Flicker Shadow with Abyssus. Good times. But for real, I run with 70 unreserved mana right now with no issues. Have a look at my videos, I have maybe 86 mana tops. Cannot leech maps need rerolled, but otherwise mana should be fine. Turn off Precision if needed, but don't gimp your gear.

3. Maim is absolutely worth the slot on totem. The increased damage taken increases all your damage, so it's the most important support for your totem.

My character on MSC is 234k in my hideout. I checked my character from last league, same stuff, 401k dps. I've got a ways to go yet this league for sure.
tr1gg3r3d написал:
Is the maim even available in metamorhp league ? I tried to look for it but i cant find a single one with this mod. Not even an unlinked. Was thisnmod remove d?

Poupoule написал:

Maim on chest better than "attack have..." ?

Watcher's Eye > Headhunter ?

Maim on chest is gone as of 3.9 unfortunately, so attacks have 1.x to crit chance is the best mod for a rare chest, I believe.

Watcher's Eye with Hatred crit % and multiplier with Precision would be unethically good. I'd love to try a Headhunter someday, but I probably won't ever be that wealthy. I'd rather have the Watcher's Eye though for the amazing boss damage that would give.

Updated chest section.
Последняя редакция: roguemjb#7794. Время: 2 янв. 2020 г., 20:11:25
Hey!! Ive just hit lvl 75 with my character but dont rly know what to get next.. i got a nice helmet/gloves/boots/acessories (not perfect helmet/gloves).. im running a 5l belly and 2x Ichimonji.. Should i go for weapons first or a 6l? not sure if i should get a 6l belly, or skip that step and go for arare 6l.
Any suggestions?

having a blast with this build btw
hornypig написал:
Hey!! Ive just hit lvl 75 with my character but dont rly know what to get next.. i got a nice helmet/gloves/boots/acessories (not perfect helmet/gloves).. im running a 5l belly and 2x Ichimonji.. Should i go for weapons first or a 6l? not sure if i should get a 6l belly, or skip that step and go for arare 6l.
Any suggestions?

having a blast with this build btw

Looks like you're off to a great start! My suggestions in order of priority:

Replace both weapons with good foils. Search for swords with 5.5% crit, 25% multi, and 1.85 attacks per second. Replace your Belly with a 40% life one, 5 link is fine until you're at least 85, right now you just need to clear fast, and 5 link Double Strike is plenty. Get a Lion's Roar to replace the basalt, that's big damage on bosses and metamorphs. Replace both rings, get accuracy and physical damage and no less than 50 life on each, crafted if needed. That's a really nice neck btw, did you find it? You need to craft better life on it though, pst me in game (Xeperus) if you don't have the mod discovered yet.
Hey , thanks for your reply. I dont use POB , i usually just go after m gut :D and thanks i will take your suggestions. Initially i tried ruthless , but the tooltip dps seemed much lower than with added fire( was like 20-25k lpwer) but it was a level 13 gem. I will buy another one 20/20 and check the results. I dont know how stuns work unfortunately with ruthless. Does it also work on bosses like metamorhps?
I have atm 250k and as a rough guess with the helm and new amulet( currently my amulet is shitty no dps mods) plus anotber 2-3 levels maybe i would be able to push it to around 320-350.

I will take ur advice and trash out my reduced reserved mana shield and get something better either dual wield or a dopey shield with max res, tons of HP.

About the maim totem, i initially used not maim because didnt have enough sockets( i use faster attacks-whirling blade-totem-blood magic in my 4link helm :/) i think then i will have to push it into 2 separate slots
Is it possible to play this build with the saviour weapon? It sounds funny and wanted to try it.
The build is working fairly well for me. Can clear most red maps with ease except some mods are a little annoying, Can do elemental reflect with my current set up no issue as well (gem swap not required). But thanks for the amazing build.

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roguemjb написал:
hornypig написал:
Hey!! Ive just hit lvl 75 with my character but dont rly know what to get next.. i got a nice helmet/gloves/boots/acessories (not perfect helmet/gloves).. im running a 5l belly and 2x Ichimonji.. Should i go for weapons first or a 6l? not sure if i should get a 6l belly, or skip that step and go for arare 6l.
Any suggestions?

having a blast with this build btw

Looks like you're off to a great start! My suggestions in order of priority:

Replace both weapons with good foils. Search for swords with 5.5% crit, 25% multi, and 1.85 attacks per second. Replace your Belly with a 40% life one, 5 link is fine until you're at least 85, right now you just need to clear fast, and 5 link Double Strike is plenty. Get a Lion's Roar to replace the basalt, that's big damage on bosses and metamorphs. Replace both rings, get accuracy and physical damage and no less than 50 life on each, crafted if needed. That's a really nice neck btw, did you find it? You need to craft better life on it though, pst me in game (Xeperus) if you don't have the mod discovered yet.

I just got 2 weapons that are upgrades from those uniques.. one is not a foil, is a that acc base.. gonna lose some dmg there but it is what i have right now.. Yesterday i was looking for some armors and i found one rly good.. almost same hp as belly, with that crit thing plus resis and evasion.. and after i bought it i was making a joke about linkin it rly fast and BOOM.. 6l.. now i only need to set up the right colors..

i bought the neck.. dont remember how much i paid.. isnt life3 mod the max? oryou mean the roll?

gonna work on the new armor now and the second ring (just got one with plenty of attack) xD

thanks a lot!!
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tr1gg3r3d написал:
Hey , thanks for your reply. I dont use POB , i usually just go after m gut :D and thanks i will take your suggestions. Initially i tried ruthless , but the tooltip dps seemed much lower than with added fire( was like 20-25k lpwer) but it was a level 13 gem. I will buy another one 20/20 and check the results. I dont know how stuns work unfortunately with ruthless. Does it also work on bosses like metamorhps?
I have atm 250k and as a rough guess with the helm and new amulet( currently my amulet is shitty no dps mods) plus anotber 2-3 levels maybe i would be able to push it to around 320-350.

I will take ur advice and trash out my reduced reserved mana shield and get something better either dual wield or a dopey shield with max res, tons of HP.

About the maim totem, i initially used not maim because didnt have enough sockets( i use faster attacks-whirling blade-totem-blood magic in my 4link helm :/) i think then i will have to push it into 2 separate slots

Ruthless does not increase your tooltip dps at all. PoB is an invaluable tool, I'd highly suggest learning how to use it effectively to maximize your character. Your tooltip in game is all but worthless.

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