[3.12] Double Strike / Flicker Assassin ~ League starter and ender! U-Elder and U-Atziri deathless!

Good work. Only lvl 45 but I'm on love so far!
bluppen написал:
So Im lvl 75ish used it as a league starter and it suprisingly strong and great against the new league mechaninc. My problem tho is the mana, I have to spam mana pot constantly, how did you end up not having that problem with no leach on higher levels?

Missed the leech node, I would still recomend playing with atleast 1 more just for tempo, but thats just a personal preference.
bluppen написал:
bluppen написал:
So Im lvl 75ish used it as a league starter and it suprisingly strong and great against the new league mechaninc. My problem tho is the mana, I have to spam mana pot constantly, how did you end up not having that problem with no leach on higher levels?

Missed the leech node, I would still recomend playing with atleast 1 more just for tempo, but thats just a personal preference.

Yep, maybe keep a mana pot on until your dps is higher. Once you get some real swords, literally any leech % will be enough to top out your max regen. Glad you're doing well!
One of my fav. builds so far !

Do you have a list of Items you should get first / you should prioritize buying first by any chance ? That would help alot !
why take leap slam and Whirling Blades at the same time when you only use one, in the videos you only use leap slam is there any reason to use both?
Inioth написал:
why take leap slam and Whirling Blades at the same time when you only use one, in the videos you only use leap slam is there any reason to use both?

Blades is faster but you cant use it to jump down ledges etc. You dont actually need both, ditch whirling blades and play with fortify if you want.
Excuse my ignorance as a newer player but would it be possible to use something like cyclone in the place of double strike or would that just not work at all?

Thanks for the build and guide!
RK_S1_Ryuri написал:
One of my fav. builds so far !

Do you have a list of Items you should get first / you should prioritize buying first by any chance ? That would help a lot !

Most importantly, pick up 2 Princess Sabres to use at lvl 10. Get just one Lakishu's Blade for the Multistrike, and get rid of it once you can get a multistrike gem and a 4-5 link chest. Get as high physical damage swords as you can. Get 2 Ichimonji swords at lvl 58. Starkonja at 60. For other leveling gear, just prioritize life, resists, and added physical damage.
bluppen написал:
Inioth написал:
why take leap slam and Whirling Blades at the same time when you only use one, in the videos you only use leap slam is there any reason to use both?

Blades is faster but you cant use it to jump down ledges etc. You dont actually need both, ditch whirling blades and play with fortify if you want.

Nailed it. I just really like Whirling Blades, but Leap Slam is better in all situations. WB is just more fun to use.
Последняя редакция: roguemjb#7794. Время: 16 дек. 2019 г., 20:09:11

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