question regarding to leech:
with machina and ghost reaver the leech is good,
isnt it even better with 5 power charges? Or are those Points better invested in more ES?
Guild "Metal" /// POE 2 and POE 1 /// NO voice-chat necessary Последняя редакция: Infarkt#5723. Время: 29 марта 2020 г., 3:38:28
СообщениеInfarkt#572329 марта 2020 г., 3:37:51
rainmeadow написал:
pappakenoo написал:
Running ball lightning with high impact mine so far and it's working great (only at 45 so far. But i have one issue, soul thief doesn't seem to be working. It's not leeching at all. Sure the tooltip says i'm dealing an average of like 600 with BL but it should still be leeching a small amount at least? It's staying at 0, until regenerate kicks in and then it generates back up at the same pace no matter what. Am i missing something or is it just not working until lategame?
Soul Thief only works with spells that YOU cast, but the mines are casting Ball Lightning, so you're not leeching. For leech, you need Machina Mitts + Ghost Reaver (endgame) until then you have the Pyromaniac ascendency (beside regular life regen that you can transfer to ES regen with Zealot's Oath later).
Yeah i was starting to think that was the case. So why do pretty much all mine guides take it if it doesnt even work?
Сообщениеpappakenoo#389529 марта 2020 г., 4:12:11
pappakenoo написал:
Running ball lightning with high impact mine so far and it's working great (only at 45 so far. But i have one issue, soul thief doesn't seem to be working. It's not leeching at all. Sure the tooltip says i'm dealing an average of like 600 with BL but it should still be leeching a small amount at least? It's staying at 0, until regenerate kicks in and then it generates back up at the same pace no matter what. Am i missing something or is it just not working until lategame?
Mines can not leech to you without the use of machina mitts.
СообщениеBeerLeague#479129 марта 2020 г., 5:18:21
Infarkt написал:
question regarding to leech:
with machina and ghost reaver the leech is good,
isnt it even better with 5 power charges? Or are those Points better invested in more ES?
Yeah it’s good with more charges, but 4 points is a lot to pick them up and we are pretty point starved as is.
СообщениеBeerLeague#479129 марта 2020 г., 5:20:05
pappakenoo написал:
rainmeadow написал:
pappakenoo написал:
Running ball lightning with high impact mine so far and it's working great (only at 45 so far. But i have one issue, soul thief doesn't seem to be working. It's not leeching at all. Sure the tooltip says i'm dealing an average of like 600 with BL but it should still be leeching a small amount at least? It's staying at 0, until regenerate kicks in and then it generates back up at the same pace no matter what. Am i missing something or is it just not working until lategame?
Soul Thief only works with spells that YOU cast, but the mines are casting Ball Lightning, so you're not leeching. For leech, you need Machina Mitts + Ghost Reaver (endgame) until then you have the Pyromaniac ascendency (beside regular life regen that you can transfer to ES regen with Zealot's Oath later).
Yeah i was starting to think that was the case. So why do pretty much all mine guides take it if it doesnt even work?
The node also gives a good chunk of ES
СообщениеBeerLeague#479129 марта 2020 г., 5:20:54
BeerLeague написал:
The node also gives a good chunk of ES
Oh, of course. Thank you. So, as someone who will realistically never get either a Shavronne's or Machina Mitts, would i be better off going for a CI build? Or should i just go ahead with a standard mine build picking up as much energy shield as i can get?
Сообщениеpappakenoo#389529 марта 2020 г., 6:55:13
pappakenoo написал:
BeerLeague написал:
The node also gives a good chunk of ES
Oh, of course. Thank you. So, as someone who will realistically never get either a Shavronne's or Machina Mitts, would i be better off going for a CI build? Or should i just go ahead with a standard mine build picking up as much energy shield as i can get?
You could go the standard life route (which is quite cheap and has enough damage to do all content). I started with a 5L Tremor Rod, got a Kaom's Heart (they're quite affordable now) and then just farm until you have the currency to either buy a 6L Rod and stay in life mode a little while longer or just farm up the currency on your 5L to go LL with Shav's.
Сообщениеrainmeadow#355329 марта 2020 г., 7:01:00
pappakenoo написал:
BeerLeague написал:
The node also gives a good chunk of ES
Oh, of course. Thank you. So, as someone who will realistically never get either a Shavronne's or Machina Mitts, would i be better off going for a CI build? Or should i just go ahead with a standard mine build picking up as much energy shield as i can get?
CI is the way to go on the right side of the tree. You dont need to worry about the LL stuff until you can afford a 5 link shavs.
СообщениеBeerLeague#479129 марта 2020 г., 8:12:15
regarding to ES:
With shav i hardly can obtain 9k ES - without watchers eye, cause the Price for the good ones is ridiculous.
With 9k ES i feel very uncomfortable, when the mapmods get harder and the Mobs shoot all together at once. Speaking of elderslayers Monsters which appear out of nothing for example.
But without shav zealotry Drops, or another good Aura, which is even worser.
How much ES do u have actually? And do u feel good with it?
Guild "Metal" /// POE 2 and POE 1 /// NO voice-chat necessary
СообщениеInfarkt#572329 марта 2020 г., 9:28:52
BeerLeague plays with around 9.3-9.4k ES (without ES Watcher's Eye), as you can see here:
I have around 9k ES and rarely die in maps. The only times I die are in boss fights when I'm not playing properly. Will see about Sirus, will do him on A8 in around 1-2 hours.
I won't be switching to an ES Watcher's Eye, I'm not willing to give up my Lightning penetration one and one with both ES + pen is not realistic within my budget.
Последняя редакция: rainmeadow#3553. Время: 29 марта 2020 г., 10:10:47
Сообщениеrainmeadow#355329 марта 2020 г., 10:08:09