[3.13] HC/SC/SSF All Content Miner - Any Mine Skill - LL/CI - 12k ES w/ Videos!

Would this be useful for this build? It's a little lower ES but seems like a good fit. I'm using it for leveling and it seems to work well.

The Lab, making a great game good since 2016.
Hey again! =) Lightning dmg on rings works aswell? or just spell damage?
I've got a crafting question: I bought this base - obviously annull the suffix (= % increased fire damage) and then multimod. Would you risk anulling the fire damage to spells off as well for a prefix or would you go 2x suffix and keep it for triggering Crit Multi on burning enemies from Explosives Expert?

Afterwards, I would craft Crit Multi + Crit Dmg on Spells. Do you know whether double damage when focussed counts for mines? It seems to give me less DPS and I don't really know if I like the focus gameplay at all... However, it could provide a nice damage burst for bosses if it works.
Последняя редакция: rainmeadow#3553. Время: 1 апр. 2020 г., 7:59:22
Can you look at my character and tell me what I'm doing wrong?
So all you really end up having is playing the economy, and plowing maps. And if you want to get anywhere on your character, you are better off mowing monsters down like weeds and just collecting pennies of the ground as fast as possible than any meaningful item hunting.
Jinthaiya написал:
still decent for SSF?

Yeah miner in general is really good for ssf. I’d stick with CI until you can farm up a shavs.
Bowman8763 написал:
Would this be useful for this build? It's a little lower ES but seems like a good fit. I'm using it for leveling and it seems to work well.

Yeah it works, ES score is just too low in the end game
Fiskaflesket написал:
Hey again! =) Lightning dmg on rings works aswell? or just spell damage?

Yup it works, just needs to be the craft or redeemer affix
rainmeadow написал:
I've got a crafting question: I bought this base - obviously annull the suffix (= % increased fire damage) and then multimod. Would you risk anulling the fire damage to spells off as well for a prefix or would you go 2x suffix and keep it for triggering Crit Multi on burning enemies from Explosives Expert?

Afterwards, I would craft Crit Multi + Crit Dmg on Spells. Do you know whether double damage when focussed counts for mines? It seems to give me less DPS and I don't really know if I like the focus gameplay at all... However, it could provide a nice damage burst for bosses if it works.

I wouldn’t risk the annul unless you have currency to burn.

Double damage does work, but isn’t great. I’d multi for crit and crit multi
Tenzarin_MyNameWasTaken написал:
Can you look at my character and tell me what I'm doing wrong?

Nothing glaringly obvious. Something going wrong?

Do you guys think it would be worth multi crafting the dagger? The wand is what I am currently using at the moment.

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