skyez0r написал:
hey thank you for the build, rerolled one of my shadow characters to try it out, lots of fun so far. I'm fairly new to mines gameplay, first time.
Any particular reason we stop leveling skitterbots @ 11 bonechill @ 8 etc ? the mana reserve doesn't seem to be too big
We don’t use bonechill, but you shouldn’t stop leveling skitterbots at all, keep leveling them!
СообщениеBeerLeague#479119 апр. 2020 г., 6:25:12
IsHenrique написал:
Should i buy a gloves with unnerve and culling strike?
If you can find good Corrupted Machina mitts sure, I wouldn’t give them up for anything else though. Not worth at all.
СообщениеBeerLeague#479119 апр. 2020 г., 6:26:33
Infarkt написал:
BeerLeague написал:
I have 3 passive voices and it sucks even with those.
Normal version already gets 20-30m shaper dps, no real reason to need more than that.
sorry for the maybe stupid questions:
What are passive voices?
Where to get 20-30m shaper dps, where can i find that kind of numbers ppl talking about when comparing builds?
On your tree you are using a lot more cluster jewels than you should, follow the build guide and you will be good to go.
Pob is the best place to check dps.
СообщениеBeerLeague#479119 апр. 2020 г., 6:27:36
Morphox написал:
Heya Beerleague!
I dont feel that tanky, but I dont know if it is just me dying to stupid things or if it is due to something im doing very wrong.
Could you have a look at my charcater Icewallowxplodystuff.
I find using the knockback on megalomaniac was quite good, but maybe its not worth it. I am dying less since I started using it.
Great build and creds to you for answering and always trying out new stuff! First time for me as a miner and im liking it!
Gear is looking fine, survivability shouldn’t be too much of an issue. It may be a playstyle thing, with mines you always need to be on the move.
Also, if you are trying to level up this league, I wouldn’t really run more than one or 2 damage mods on a map - they get kinda nuts with delirium active.
For me, from 96-100 I rerolled anything that had crit multi, or 2x other damage mods, or non leech / reduced life recovery rate. Ran everything else and did close to 30 deathless sirus fights in a row to finish off my grind.
СообщениеBeerLeague#479119 апр. 2020 г., 6:33:51
BeerLeague написал:
On your tree you are using a lot more cluster jewels than you should, follow the build guide and you will be good to go.
Pob is the best place to check dps.
Thanks for the answer!
However, the answer does not fit my tree, because I am currently using only a small-cluster-jewel. It's no problem though - you don't have to look at my build, but thanks for that.
I would be much more interested in what passive-voices are and how I get those million-dps in PoB.
Guild "Metal" /// POE 2 and POE 1 /// NO voice-chat necessary
СообщениеInfarkt#572319 апр. 2020 г., 7:52:34
Morphox wrote:
Heya Beerleague!
I dont feel that tanky, but I dont know if it is just me dying to stupid things or if it is due to something im doing very wrong.
Could you have a look at my charcater Icewallowxplodystuff.
I find using the knockback on megalomaniac was quite good, but maybe its not worth it. I am dying less since I started using it.
Great build and creds to you for answering and always trying out new stuff! First time for me as a miner and im liking it!
Gear is looking fine, survivability shouldn’t be too much of an issue. It may be a playstyle thing, with mines you always need to be on the move.
Also, if you are trying to level up this league, I wouldn’t really run more than one or 2 damage mods on a map - they get kinda nuts with delirium active.
For me, from 96-100 I rerolled anything that had crit multi, or 2x other damage mods, or non leech / reduced life recovery rate. Ran everything else and did close to 30 deathless sirus fights in a row to finish off my grind.
Thank you,
I will keep the damage mods in mind and im currently doing alot of delving to level up. I think I might be slacking with checking some mods before i run the map.
I also find it more fun to do the bosses with this character than some of my previous characters.
Have a great day!
СообщениеMorphox#502719 апр. 2020 г., 8:00:31
Infarkt написал:
BeerLeague написал:
On your tree you are using a lot more cluster jewels than you should, follow the build guide and you will be good to go.
Pob is the best place to check dps.
Thanks for the answer!
However, the answer does not fit my tree, because I am currently using only a small-cluster-jewel. It's no problem though - you don't have to look at my build, but thanks for that.
I would be much more interested in what passive-voices are and how I get those million-dps in PoB.
Your tree was much different when I looked the other day - anyway, do not go for cluster jewels, they are not great for the build outside of aura effectiveness and ES jewels.
I said Voices is NOT worth it at all, I tested with multiple 3 passive versions that are 120ex each.
As for DPS, check PoB.
СообщениеBeerLeague#479119 апр. 2020 г., 9:50:33
Hello again!
One question, why are you using Demolitions specialist over Born in the shadows?
СообщениеJuanAtreyu#684719 апр. 2020 г., 19:45:26
JuanAtreyu написал:
Hello again!
One question, why are you using Demolitions specialist over Born in the shadows?
it doubles the damage from high impact mine, both are good calls though
СообщениеBeerLeague#479119 апр. 2020 г., 21:04:24
BeerLeague написал:
flamek89 написал:
watchers eye with es/hit with discipline works with mines?:x
trying to find some survival solution for bosses etc. I f**d something and my survival isnt as great as yours.
https://pastebin.com/epPnQNSS my PoB, maybe someone will find what I did wrong with my miner.
Really wouldn’t recommend a version with voices and/or a bunch of cluster jewels. Mine nodes are just too efficient damage wise and you lose a crap ton of ES going that route as well.
Would recommend specing back to the standard version. I have 3 passive voices and it sucks even with those.
Normal version already gets 20-30m shaper dps, no real reason to need more than that.
hehe ;D i asked about watcher's eye, not about voices .. :X
Сообщениеflamek89#110720 апр. 2020 г., 5:38:23