[3.13] HC/SC/SSF All Content Miner - Any Mine Skill - LL/CI - 12k ES w/ Videos!

In the 3.12 patch section you have "circle of power". I'm guessing you mean sigil of power?
I would love to try the build but cant get around the GC build
Do I have to convert damage to elemental ? if yes, how?
If you can, please explain a bit how to leveling and scale with GC mines
TheBeastMonster написал:
I would love to try the build but cant get around the GC build
Do I have to convert damage to elemental ? if yes, how?
If you can, please explain a bit how to leveling and scale with GC mines

I'm curious about this as well. I've been playing around a lot with BL and Arc and the lightning spells. Just curious how things will change for ice spells and GC in particular. Converts 100%phys to cold.. so do I equip phys damage? or just cold damage buffs?

Level w/Stormblast+Arc till BA and then switch to GC w/herald of ice, Frost Bomb, and wave of conviction?

or maybe transition and use GC sooner? (right after Act 1)

Thanks ahead of time for your work and time BeerLeague.
Последняя редакция: DadkotaCox#7174. Время: 16 сент. 2020 г., 23:05:39
Hey Beer!

Now that we have blazing salvo numbers, what are your thoughts on it, considering using also flame wall to boost dps with the flat and the afterburn?

I'm really tempted to start with mines but i don't want to do either GC or BL...

Thanks in advance!
Последняя редакция: naansn#7268. Время: 17 сент. 2020 г., 0:15:41
salvo's number is sad. lets just see how the skill behaves.
Hey beer,

Thoughts on sigil of power for bossing?
Lol. Did they buffed us with the supercharged alt qual on BL?

>Ball Lightning alternate quality 2
>Projectiles have 10% chance to be Supercharged

Mark GGG:
There is reminder text for this on the gem in-game:
> (Supercharged Projectiles have 50% more Area of effect and deal 50% more Damage)

Addtl Buffs on alt quality
Wrath : wrath effect
Blood magic : %damage in LL
Zealotry : 5% crit multi

Prices would be bonkers. But oh well.
Последняя редакция: AVtime1#1627. Время: 17 сент. 2020 г., 3:47:41
Since you are planning for GC, whats the recommended gem links for it?
m0ffd0g написал:
Hey Beer,

Thank you for your constant work on this guide.
I am going to use it for my SSF HC adventure.
Have the pastebins been update yet btw?


Moffdog ( =

Not yet, today I’m getting to it.
MrMustang написал:
In the 3.12 patch section you have "circle of power". I'm guessing you mean sigil of power?

Yeah sorry.

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