[3.13] HC/SC/SSF All Content Miner - Any Mine Skill - LL/CI - 12k ES w/ Videos!

Jtbruhz написал:
Anyone try GC mines? does it hit more then 3 times?

Felt bad on a 4 link, ill try again later though and give some feedback.
nomac_ написал:
Been trying to give GC the benefit of the doubt but man does it feel terrible. Curious to hear if others feel the same. Might have to give BL a whirl

Yeah I came to the same conclusion on a 4 link, but will do some more testing.
Bigb3204 написал:
PoB has been updated. I await your guide on blazing salvo :)

Cool, I'll get one made this morning.
Blazing Salvo up - Blazing Salvo - https://pastebin.com/hr69v5YZ
GC feels really good as soon as you get some area of effect going
-> dont use conc effect

blazing salvo shreds too, but i like the freeze/corpse removal from gc's shattering
We changed it up last night before the patch dropped, new one should be updated.

I see that, but if we put cold to fire support instead, our phys dps will be converted into cold by GC and 50% of cold damage will be converted to fire so we will got at the end 50% cold and 50% fire damage + 30% more fire damage ? Or i'm completly wrong ? Sorry just try to learning how the calculation damage work.
Последняя редакция: Niico75#4795. Время: 19 сент. 2020 г., 7:21:46
I have Explosive Expert from cruel lab. Should I switch Elemental Focus to something else?
Hi Im a returning/new ish player and decided to try this using these builds as my starter, so sorry if my questions seem noobish and weird. But what would be the best possible mine to use for this league? Is GC Mines still good?
trolololz написал:
GC feels really good as soon as you get some area of effect going
-> dont use conc effect

blazing salvo shreds too, but i like the freeze/corpse removal from gc's shattering

Which one can i use to replace conc effect
chakalbh написал:
trolololz написал:
GC feels really good as soon as you get some area of effect going
-> dont use conc effect

blazing salvo shreds too, but i like the freeze/corpse removal from gc's shattering

Which one can i use to replace conc effect

The direct opposite one, Increased AoE.

I'm testing Blazing Salvo on a 4 link right now... feels promising.
There's some issues with moving targets, but getting AoE radius might solve that.

The damage seems pretty nice so far.

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