[3.13] HC/SC/SSF All Content Miner - Any Mine Skill - LL/CI - 12k ES w/ Videos!

taegummy написал:
New to the playstyle, have been trying to follow the build. Am at around 4.3k ES with CI, however I realise I have been getting OHKO'd quite a fair bit, be it in Heists, or t6 maps and above. Would appreciate if someone could check my char out and give pointers I can work on.

More ES will go a long way.
JCaesar007 написал:
I'm thinking of going Pyroclast Mines with Void Sphere to help with clearing. Any advice on what to link with Void Sphere? Obviously Second Wind is mandatory, but beyond that ... Curse on Hit with Enfeeble or Flammability? Inc AOE and Combustion?

I haven’t had a chance to use it yet.
Thunderdefeater написал:
Replica Hyrri's Truth Jade Amulet ? with ci ,anyone got an idea?

Lots of good options for rare and influenced amulets. Eye of chayula is also fine.
shadowSpoupout написал:
In the anoinment section,

Finally worth mentioning is the mana reduction node Charisma. You will need 12% reduction in total to slot all of the auras. If you want to take the 4% node next to Influence, you can save 2 points by taking Charisma as your anoint. Alternatively, if you have % reduction on a piece of gear, you can also use the anoint here to save 3 total points, which would be very worthwhile.

is there a mistake (mixin Influence with Sovereignty) ? if not, can you please explain the whole thing because i'm lost.

Thx for the guide anyway, first time miner and it's nice. I do enjoy GC, but can't tell if it's efficient in higher map (currently T5/6 on 5L).

No mistake. You would take both. Would allow you to squeeze another aura in on the top end or save you an enlighten.
dwaters написал:
LadyLoriana написал:
Which auras to use before LL with BL? I've been using skitterbots and discipline. Might be able to fit in one more with sovereignty

I'm currently using Skitters and Blasphemy+Enfeeble but the most dangerous thing in the game for me at the moment (still in white maps) is getting instagibbed in heists when trying to get through doors with 30 mobs waiting on the other side. Since Enfeeble doesn't get far enough to affect them I was considering running Discipline (4.3k ES without 5.1k with) or maybe an offensive curse like Conductivity. Curious to see what others are running and how they are finding it.

Also, for Beer, what nodes would you recommend dropping on CI/end game to get to level 90? I'm just not sure with needing some nods for the ticks and how many reduce reserved we need to keep.

Temp chains is probably better atm, but discipline is a must imo.

If you run 2x 35% auras you don’t need any -reservation. If you want to squeeze in another you need all of them and an enlighten.
Karma4ya написал:
I've been leveling as GC, luckily it shares a nearly identical tree to BL but I am wondering if I'd get better results especially at end game if I ran BL?

Also, thoughts on Tremor Rod? Seems to be very popular.

Will probably be better to level on BL. Tremor rod does not mix well with LL.
BeerLeague написал:
salzanomts54 написал:
Figured I'd throw my thoughts into the thread on the GC vs. BL debate that's going on. I'm pretty geared and have gotten incredibly lucky so keep that in mind. Only on a 5L on Shav's but still not too bad...and I have not done Uber lab yet for Explosives Expert.

I feel like GC is the better, safer option. I've been off-screen clearing with GC all day and the shatter/corpse removal has definitely saved me loads of deaths. BL is still a great option but I am seeing minimal damage differences between the two through yellow maps. Additionally, bossing with GC is nice because you perma-freeze which is always fun.

My only questions come around scaling the damage even more. I'm sure red maps will make me change my opinion a bit on the above but this is my first real miner and I don't know how the scaling really works from here.

Good to know. What 5 link setup are you using?

GC should just continue to get better tbh as it gets more and more scaling from better gear.

Currently support GC with Trap and Mine, Hypothermia, High Impact, and Charged Mines. Feels great.

In terms of scaling, not really sure where to go from here. I guess wand, gloves, and jewel sockets but again, new to mines.

Oh and thanks for the guide!
No mistake. You would take both. Would allow you to squeeze another aura in on the top end or save you an enlighten.

I understand we're going to take both but I'm speaking of the two nodes you say we could save by anointing Charisma. Two nodes of 4% reduced mana reserve, if i'm not mistaken... and there is only one near Influence, which is mandatory to reach influence, whereas on Sovereignty wheel there are two of those nodes, and not mandatory as we take the other side of the wheel anyway.
BeerLeague написал:
dwaters написал:
LadyLoriana написал:
Which auras to use before LL with BL? I've been using skitterbots and discipline. Might be able to fit in one more with sovereignty

I'm currently using Skitters and Blasphemy+Enfeeble but the most dangerous thing in the game for me at the moment (still in white maps) is getting instagibbed in heists when trying to get through doors with 30 mobs waiting on the other side. Since Enfeeble doesn't get far enough to affect them I was considering running Discipline (4.3k ES without 5.1k with) or maybe an offensive curse like Conductivity. Curious to see what others are running and how they are finding it.

Also, for Beer, what nodes would you recommend dropping on CI/end game to get to level 90? I'm just not sure with needing some nods for the ticks and how many reduce reserved we need to keep.

Temp chains is probably better atm, but discipline is a must imo.

If you run 2x 35% auras you don’t need any -reservation. If you want to squeeze in another you need all of them and an enlighten.

thanks, so far i'm just running skitter and disc, things are going smoothly. my reserve/tick question was more in relation to the end game trees. i just don't know enough to take the tree down to level 90 (i typically dont get higher than 92/93 on characters) so wasn't sure what was 'safe' to take out.
So for LL you show prism guardian with hatred + Zealotry + Discipline and with ZERO mana reservation nodes on the tree you attached. This doesn't work..

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