[3.13] HC/SC/SSF All Content Miner - Any Mine Skill - LL/CI - 12k ES w/ Videos!

Iceman079 написал:
Can anyone tell what wand mods we should look for?
The best if you can write priority of these mods from the best to the worst.

I thought flat ele damage would be good but apparently it does nothing to this build (flat ele was the best for LL VD/DD builds)

Thanks in advance for any answer.

PS. Be aware so many scammers trying to sell you Shavronne 6 sockets not linked.

I think flat ele is very good for us. And everything is multiplier to everything else, so priorities change. If you have tons of crit chance, then crit multi becomes more valuable. If you have tons of percentual damage, flat damage's value goes up.

I ran some calculations for my char particularly and found out that "elemental damage as chaos" is very good. But you can't get 100% of that like you can get crit chance. Also +gem level has insane "weigh value", but you get only +1 to it. I ran weighed sum search and all the best weapons didn't have gems at all. When I tricked the search and gave +gems more weigh, those wands gave less dps than non-gem wands.

Approximately: spell dam, flat lightning dam, crit multi is good. Flat fire/cold is ok. Crit chance is worse than aforementioned. Non-chaos as chaos and elemental damage as chaos are extremely good.

Note: all these are meant to take as "how good is 1% crit chance?" or "how good is 1-1 added lightning damage?". If critmulti's max is 38% and critical chance's is 109%, it changes the "value" a bit. So even if critmulti is better, the crit chance affix is better.
Последняя редакция: Wermine#1485. Время: 29 сент. 2020 г., 14:07:07
Iceman079 написал:
Can anyone tell what wand mods we should look for?
The best if you can write priority of these mods from the best to the worst.

I thought flat ele damage would be good but apparently it does nothing to this build (flat ele was the best for LL VD/DD builds)

Thanks in advance for any answer.

PS. Be aware so many scammers trying to sell you Shavronne 6 sockets not linked.

its in the OP
Looking for advice. Just moved into Mark of the Shaper, damage finally feels good, however I'm dying a bit in maps. I'm aware about +% to max shield on belt and rings, however they cost a shit ton and now the +dex/str and res starts to be really hard to balance. I'd also like to get enchant on my helm, but crafting some res and es mods seems really hard and pricy. I'm at 7.6k ES right now.

Thus, asking what would bring the most bang for buck at my state, thanks. Character: Heistged.

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Последняя редакция: haita#4063. Время: 29 сент. 2020 г., 15:35:30
haita написал:
Looking for advice. Just moved into Mark of the Shaper, damage finally feels good, however I'm dying a bit in maps. I'm aware about +% to max shield on belt and rings, however they cost a shit ton and now the +dex/str and res starts to be really hard to balance. I'd also like to get enchant on my helm, but crafting some res and es mods seems really hard and pricy. I'm at 7.6k ES right now.

Thus, asking what would bring the most bang for buck at my state, thanks. Character: Heistged.

Скрытый текст

Missing 90+ in helm and 50+ on boots. As you said, also missing all the % rolls. With mark of the shaper your ehp will quite a bit lower as the build really wants flat ES as much as it can get.

On helm crafting, but an enchanted base and 30c in dense fossils and you will get 300+ ES.
I am now really confused regarding the weapon, is this the mods I should

look for with Pyro Mine?


There is like nothing on the market i would want to buy

or more this one?:




Последняя редакция: iDT#4783. Время: 29 сент. 2020 г., 18:15:45
What curse should we use in 3.12? Conductivity for damage or Temp chains for surv?
iDT написал:
I am now really confused regarding the weapon

Your search is really weird. You're missing like 90% of the stats you need to search for. You need to check with pob, how important each stat is to you. Then use weighed search to search items which have any possible combination of 100+ stats (pseudo stats help a lot with this).

To check the weighing in pob, you need to create a weapon with only one relevant stat (and put its value to 1 or 10, as long as it's the same for each stat) and see the dps change. It's not perfect since stats affect each other, but it's better than buying blind.

Always check from pob whether or not the new purchase actually gives nice dps boost. I'd use the weighed search and see the top 10 weapons in pob before buying anything.
@Wermine could you please make an example search link?
MiguelFg написал:
What curse should we use in 3.12? Conductivity for damage or Temp chains for surv?

Both are fine depending on what you want to do. I wouldn’t use enfeeble after the huge nerf it got.
iDT написал:
@Wermine could you please make an example search link?

There are searches pinned the in the discord.

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