[3.13] HC/SC/SSF All Content Miner - Any Mine Skill - LL/CI - 12k ES w/ Videos!

No absolute answer, depends what link you're giving up. But generally it is going to be 6link> +2. Otherwise everyone would play empower.
onii написал:
Have anyone done any dmg calcs on normal ball lightning vs the divergent version?
Have atm a divergent 20/15 (failed corrupt) and wondering if its worth trying to get a normal ball lightning to 21/20 vs getting another divergent to 20/20.

Normal BL 21/20 is better than 20/20 divergent. Only way it’s better is with the 21 version.
Wermine написал:

I have no idea how Consecrated Ground (and Sorrow of the Divine) would be needed to apply curse from "curse on hit" implicit. But to quote reddit thread "The modifier on gear just says that you apply a curse when you hit enemies. Mines use your stats to determine what they do when they hit enemies, so if you apply a curse with your hits, so does the mine."

I'd say this is extremely worthwhile. You are freeing up Blasphemy slot, so you could add another aura on the build. Another upside is that you can curse enemies which are further away, BL mines hit enemies which are way offscreen, unlike Blasphemy. Downside is that curse from item's implicit is weaker than level 20 gem.

But if someone told me I could get coh implicit on my Machina Mitts from the first Vaal orb I applied to it, I'd do it in a heartbeat.

It’s 50/50. The effectiveness of the curse on hit is mediocre at best, but it isn’t a terrible route to go if you want to pick up more damage.
Grandmasteryosh11 написал:
Wermine написал:

I have no idea how Consecrated Ground (and Sorrow of the Divine) would be needed to apply curse from "curse on hit" implicit. But to quote reddit thread "The modifier on gear just says that you apply a curse when you hit enemies. Mines use your stats to determine what they do when they hit enemies, so if you apply a curse with your hits, so does the mine."

I'd say this is extremely worthwhile. You are freeing up Blasphemy slot, so you could add another aura on the build. Another upside is that you can curse enemies which are further away, BL mines hit enemies which are way offscreen, unlike Blasphemy. Downside is that curse from item's implicit is weaker than level 20 gem.

But if someone told me I could get coh implicit on my Machina Mitts from the first Vaal orb I applied to it, I'd do it in a heartbeat.

But if I drop Enfeeble and Blasphemy for Conductivity, as the one curse. What would I use those two slots for? Are there any sensible options that would actually help offensively or defensively?

+1 curse implicit is possible on the amulet. Imo it’s worthwhile to do only then.
kakarotto225 написал:
Any chance to get me advice for 6L Purifying Flame mine plz? please and thanks.

GC tree. You want phys as extra XX on a dagger. I haven’t tested it in a while, but you probably want PF, trap and mine, high impact, swift assembly, ele focus and woke added fire.
Ramsasan написал:
It also seems that Awakened Added Lightning Damage does higher damage than Awakened Lightning Penetration. At least according to PoB

It’s misleading. Generally it does less damage against anything with elemental resists and bosses. PoE DB does not take map or mob resists into account other than shaper.

There is a break point on penetration where woke added is better though. Generally it’s around 45-50 from gear.
LaplaceNoMa написал:
Guys, I'm having a curious situation in PoB.
Right now, I'm seeing Woke Added Lightning and Woke Lightning Pen BOTH above Trap&Mine Damage (config set to Sirus DPS, of course). This is a first for me. What do you think?

Well you should be using two of the three anyway. End game they are all fairly similar assuming your gear is good.
mas52292 написал:
OK. First time PoE player here. I am struggling in so many different ways with this build. Currently lvl 62 and am struggling hard to find any gear that beats out the ES and slots I've gained from armor that I acquired back around lvl 40-45. On top of that, my strength and dexterity are so low that I cannot equip most items I find. Any help in good grinding spots or good items to buy would be of great help. Loving the game, just struggling really hard here.

While going through the acts any life or ES gear will be fine. Once you get to maps focus on spending your first few C on ES upgrades in each slot. You can get 1-5c items in every slot and have 6-7k ES pretty easily. As for dex and str, you will need equipment with one big roll each.
ChosenOne_00 написал:
What's the minimum amount would it cost for end game gear to do everything? I skipped last season (only played acts and a couple hours mapping I think) then skipped the rest of the league now I come back and now looks like exalts worth a lot less chaos.

8ex or so can clear everything the game has to offer.
Jeromeo написал:

I never played a miner before but I got this item in SSF. What mine type would be the best choice for this? Right now I guess pyroclast or icicle mine because they both have a mine and aoe tag but I'm pretty clueless.

Would trickster be a viable choice because of the energy shield I get from this chest through the ascendancy?

Mines on trickster is pretty bad, but you could use that for a stop gap until you get a better rare or shavs. Tower being t1 makes farming shavs super easy in SSF.

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