[3.13] HC/SC/SSF All Content Miner - Any Mine Skill - LL/CI - 12k ES w/ Videos!

I am here again in need of your great wisdom. I have no idea what gems to use, when it comes to the CI phase of the build. What auras should i put in. Again thx for the build and thx in advance

i fear as its a mine skill - this does not work (not 100 sure)
Shadafaka написал:
Does "fire damage leeched as life while affected by anger" on watcher's eye affect me if I'm running fireball? Or does it have to be ES? Thanks for the build. Squishy at the moment but I'm still in the leveling process and can improve my gear by a ton. Eager to see how it performs later on and to try other skills.

Doesn’t work either way. The only way to leech is with machina mitts.
eutixis написал:
I am here again in need of your great wisdom. I have no idea what gems to use, when it comes to the CI phase of the build. What auras should i put in. Again thx for the build and thx in advance

Discipline + wrath in most cases. If you are playing a high budget CI version, you can squeeze in aspect of the spider.
Hey guys. If possible can someone look at my character and let me know what I’m doing wrong. I seem to die easy or get one shot still but I’m at 9k ES. Thank you in advance
EastBayRaider14 написал:
Hey guys. If possible can someone look at my character and let me know what I’m doing wrong. I seem to die easy or get one shot still but I’m at 9k ES. Thank you in advance

The character tab is hidden in your profile page.
Should be fixed now. Thank you
EastBayRaider14 написал:
Should be fixed now. Thank you

Checked your pob.

My suggestions for more ES + DPS:
- you need 'adds fire damage to spells' to proc 'explosives expert' (get a jewel with this mod) [tip: check the tooltip of ball lightning ingame - there should be a line ' # to # fire damage']
- use vaal rf for boss dps
- use dying sun (i think you need the aoe for 13 ticks) instead of the sorrow flask
- use a no corrupted blood corrupted jewel (no need anymore for 'of staunching' flask)
- get an 'of warding' flask
- buy and use a thread of hope (check the passive trees of the other characters)
Последняя редакция: kuchen85#0913. Время: 21 окт. 2020 г., 13:44:02
Cool I will work on getting all of that. Thank you for your help. I appreciate it
Hey all, looking for some basic advice on how to increase DPS/Survivability aside from getting more levels for ES nodes and +level prism/shavs.

Последняя редакция: The_Fatness#6503. Время: 21 окт. 2020 г., 17:27:52

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