[3.13] HC/SC/SSF All Content Miner - Any Mine Skill - LL/CI - 12k ES w/ Videos!

Sombra1337 написал:
Hi Beer, happy new year first of all.

How would you improve my setup next? Machina Mitts first? More ES on the gear pieces? What would be your advice?

Thank you

Machina mitts if you are looking for some safer mapping, if you want more dps, look to change out your boots to cover more res and pick up either dual shaper/warlords with spell damage rolls or mark of the shaper with a good elder ring.
Reazion написал:
As someone who recently decided to try this out but doesn't have a lot of currency laying around, is LL the "only" way to go given the boss hp buff? or is CI still good just a fair bit slower?

Mostly asking as getting a 6L shavronne's would take most of my currency atm and leave me with little for the rest of the slots.

Also, how does "% cold damage" compare to "spell crit/spell dmg" on shields?

CI got me to my first few Sirius kills, it’s a little slow in higher tier maps, but doable for sure. LL just gives you more options across the board and access to more dps.
ita1ianmademan написал:
How are you using Blood Magic with the CI build? It totally bricks my skitterbots when linked to it

You don’t. Blood magic is only for LL builds.

Hey dude. Hope your holidays were good.

I picked up a Clarity/ES Watcher's Eye with Hatred/cold pen.

PoB shows higher DPS with Hatred than using Skittlebots with my current build, but because Skittlebots gives multiple other buffs, I'm not sure what's best.

Any input welcome.

Hello. i am new to the path of exile game, but i came from diablo 3 so not new for games like this. i have question : i copy / paste the url from ur tree pastebin, and created before the pastebin account <free 1>. now i am getting same 'raw' adress with firefox setting to change'. how can i view any of pastebin public adresses. i am interested in build of urs, but dont know about passive tree. would like to see it on planner but i cant. please help.
Pamperkowski написал:
Hello. i am new to the path of exile game, but i came from diablo 3 so not new for games like this. i have question : i copy / paste the url from ur tree pastebin, and created before the pastebin account <free 1>. now i am getting same 'raw' adress with firefox setting to change'. how can i view any of pastebin public adresses. i am interested in build of urs, but dont know about passive tree. would like to see it on planner but i cant. please help.

Just copy the pastebin link, open Path of Building, head to "import/export build" in the top left, click "import from pastebin...", paste the link there then click "import"
thank you, for answer. i am just downloading the PoB file. as soon as it get finished to DL, ill start invest points. altought just started today and already rote the viki and some more builds :) as i am interested in long term play with this game.
Wraeclaster написал:

Hey dude. Hope your holidays were good.

I picked up a Clarity/ES Watcher's Eye with Hatred/cold pen.

PoB shows higher DPS with Hatred than using Skittlebots with my current build, but because Skittlebots gives multiple other buffs, I'm not sure what's best.

Any input welcome.

For LL version you can fit both Hatred and Skitterbots easily. I run 5 auras.
Satyz0r написал:

Can u maybe stop hijacking his build guide and make your own guide

if you re just promoting your own no survivablity ybuild which has not much to do with the build beer is showcasing here (except they are using the same skills)

you are confusing the newer players reading through this guide. so just go and make your own guide if u want to promote your own build. thanks a lot

Sorry for hijacking the guide, but why do you assume that I have a new survivablity build? I recommended to use less ES/higher DPS item on EARLY GAME before switching to the guide full gear later. This league really punished low dps gears.

The suggestion I made is for early games because you need to clear maps as fast as possible and get more currencies to buy high end items in the guide.

My char has 9k ES now, so not actually no survivablity like you said, but the DPS is still low, I couldn't kill Aul anymore in 600+ region, dps is too low although I can tank his hits before he breaks all the cocoon.

What should I invest next?

Последняя редакция: cutiechuchu#6132. Время: 2 янв. 2020 г., 5:47:16
Wraeclaster написал:

Hey dude. Hope your holidays were good.

I picked up a Clarity/ES Watcher's Eye with Hatred/cold pen.

PoB shows higher DPS with Hatred than using Skittlebots with my current build, but because Skittlebots gives multiple other buffs, I'm not sure what's best.

Any input welcome.

The shock from skitterbots is huge, I wouldnt give it up.

Hatred has always been kinda meh from my experience with a build that doesnt convert phys.

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