[3.13] HC/SC/SSF All Content Miner - Any Mine Skill - LL/CI - 12k ES w/ Videos!
pietoner написал:
Thx for the clarification about the crafted boots; I keep confusing % with + that apply localy or globaly. I had a question about 2 choices of wands.
The first one I picked up for 9 chaos and gives me 60k dps sitting in town and the second that I just pick up on the floor gives me 61.5k.
I can certainly recraft the first one i guess to 45-50 spell + chaos and I would assume it beats the other one. I dont know feels weird to put an exalt on a 9 chaos wand. What would be your preference or maybe just hunt for a better one before investing any more currency.
Nice snag on the 9c one. Both will work fine and should be pretty similar in terms of dps. I also don’t know if I’d put the 1ex craft on either though. Probably best to use as is and search for one with a better suffix to replace the lackluster one on both.
Currently leveling this build right now and I am a little confused on the order to take ascendancy and was hoping you could clarify your born in the shadows comment about taking it before you have blind. Does that mean you spec out of it once you switch to LL and take another node instead?
You can switch out of it once you have full build w/ flesh and stone. until then, you should use it for sure.
So once you have the full build with flesh and stone what are the nodes you take?
Want to thanks Beer for the great build and all the replies.
You're probably sicked of ppl asking you to check their items, that said, i'm going to do right that ...
I'm at lv90, 6.8k es, awakened lvl 5. For every 2 or 3 maps, i died. It's so annoying since I want to get that crit multiplier node so much grrr. And the way i died, it's either 1 shot, sth off screen, or my es just drop so so fast that, even if i dash n phase run away from metamorph (couldn't even see wat's on the ground), i died anyway.
May I ask for advice what's the most effective upgrade to increase my Survivability? Kindof broke right now but I'd like sth to aim for. (dont mind the gems lvl, just trade them for quality, leveling them in lower tier now)
ps. got a helm with mine throwing speed enchant, spent all dense and frigid fossils to no avail.
ps2. tried searching for boots with higher es, but it's hard to fill up required res.
Probably the two biggest places for improvement are simply the helm and boots as you noted. You should be able to hit 8k ES w/ just a few improvements and levels - 9k is possible w/ the prism guardian as well.
I dont think you need the big STR roll on the elder ring and that is a very nice piece as is - you can probably get away with an elder ring w/ just ES and resists and upgrade your boots. You may need to lvl down your CWDT setup to accommodate the lower str.
Thx for the reply!
Couldn't drop the ring though, without the str can't even equip prism guardian. Instead craft aspect of spider on it, upgrade the boots as you said and change a belt for more res.
Hit 7k ES and I'm happy for now till I feel lucky to fossil craft the helm.
Regarding that, do you recommend frigid + dense + santified?
Just dense and frigid imo. Best cost to performance.
I was wondering if anyone would be willing to commit a few minutes of their time to take a look at my profile and tell me where to focus on making changes next. I probably want to get a shaper ring/spider combo next, but not sure. My ES feels a bit low right now, about 7k, but I can barely clear T10's at the moment comfortably.
Few things.
1. Empower at 3 is garbage. Use either inspiration or awakened cold pen in that slot.
2. Lvl 21 icicle and additional levels on want or shield would be nice.
3. Rings are missing a lot of damage; but are carrying your ES and stats atm.
PoB says I get more dps when I run crit chance enchant on boots compared to penetration. Seems odd to me since I lack pen on gear. Is PoB accurate here?
PoB says I get more dps when I run crit chance enchant on boots compared to penetration. Seems odd to me since I lack pen on gear. Is PoB accurate here?
AFAIK PoB has not been updated w/ new mob resists.
With that said though, 120% crit is pretty damn good. Personally I would take whichever rolls first.
I ran like 20 Labs and did not get ele pen. Really dont want to run lab anymore...guess I will keep the Crit chance.
Im still kind of concerned with my pen...I am thinking about switching to Zealoth Oath tree and using wise oak again. I also got a 350 es helmet with triple res but without the -res roll. Until I get more pen I think I cannot use it. Pretty annoying!
What piece of gear would you replace/upgrade next to min/max further?
Последняя редакция: Sombra1337#2352. Время: 14 янв. 2020 г., 11:21:07
Want to thanks Beer again for this guide and all his replies. Just took the time to browse through replies since league launched, and I notice that he's not always appreciated.
Since my previous rant about dying every few maps, upgraded my gears as advised. Compare to taking 3 mins and dying 3 times, manage to kill conquerors in less than a min now.
I'm not even sure it's the -cold resistance on helm, or cold penetration on weapon, or just my gems lvl/quality that coz this. One thing i notice is don't trust pob number blindly.
My question now is how great is bottled faith? Is it worth aiming for the current price? i ran it on pob and the number doesn't change at all.
Perhaps you can upload a 3.9 video so i can copy.. err i mean learn from?
My current gear for the character, still leveling up to meet requirements but this is what my full setup is looking like, any suggestions or criticism?