[3.11] Aquarism's Ice Shot [All Content]

Kattpess написал:
Hi there, i spent 3 days to find out what i wanted to play and ice shot won that. now that i have played abit it mapping etc im feel like im struggling. and might have done something wrong with the setup or talent tree. im realy struggling on bosses. havnt gone higher then tier 7 with this one.

so im seeking abit help from the community. any1 that could take a look at my char and tell me what i could improve on it etc??


Deadeye is Saa_sirius

Thx alot and have a great day everyone :)

To lazy to just read the last pages? This question comes along very often. The answers stay the same.

- quiver need the mods additional arrow / frenzy generation on crit (you alreday have this mod)

- in general, dont use your ring and amulett slots for resist holes. You have so much options when you not play with HH and 4 rare items to cap your resist (helmet, boots, gloves and belt).

In my opinion the taming is only good with yoke of suffering cause of the inc. dmg for each ailment. Shaped opal ring with assa mark on hit plus mark of the elder is bis atm.

- switch your atziris promise to bottled faith.

- any reason why you are using a lethal pride jewel?

- just get some more lvl.. you are lvl79 ...

Mekrat написал:
Kattpess написал:
Hi there, i spent 3 days to find out what i wanted to play and ice shot won that. now that i have played abit it mapping etc im feel like im struggling. and might have done something wrong with the setup or talent tree. im realy struggling on bosses. havnt gone higher then tier 7 with this one.

so im seeking abit help from the community. any1 that could take a look at my char and tell me what i could improve on it etc??


Deadeye is Saa_sirius

Thx alot and have a great day everyone :)

To lazy to just read the last pages? This question comes along very often. The answers stay the same.

- quiver need the mods additional arrow / frenzy generation on crit (you alreday have this mod)

- in general, dont use your ring and amulett slots for resist holes. You have so much options when you not play with HH and 4 rare items to cap your resist (helmet, boots, gloves and belt).

In my opinion the taming is only good with yoke of suffering cause of the inc. dmg for each ailment. Shaped opal ring with assa mark on hit plus mark of the elder is bis atm.

- switch your atziris promise to bottled faith.

- any reason why you are using a lethal pride jewel?

- just get some more lvl.. you are lvl79 ...

getting shaper ring when im 80. then i will lose alot of resistance. thats why it looks like i have alot of res now. and tried to make a +1 arrow and frenzy with crit but spended like 1700 mats and still no luck.
You only can craft the frenzy on crit mod. The additional arrow can be crafted through alteration.

Try to hit lvl 80 and get a steel ring. Than like I told you before, try to cap you resists through your belt, boots and gloves.

Im sure that there are not expensive boots/gloves outhere to cap you resists without the taming.

How many currency do you have to invest?


still the question why you are using a lethal pride ;-) ...
Последняя редакция: Mekrat#5932. Время: 15 янв. 2020 г., 6:40:23
chaelp написал:
Went Raider instead of Deadeye, my gear so far, pretty much shits on all content.

What made you go Raider? The extra defenses? When I swap my build over to Raider in POB I see a significant drop in DPS (~25%). That's a lot to give up...
greenimp77 написал:
chaelp написал:
Went Raider instead of Deadeye, my gear so far, pretty much shits on all content.

What made you go Raider? The extra defenses? When I swap my build over to Raider in POB I see a significant drop in DPS (~25%). That's a lot to give up...
I'm already spec in Raider too. I dont see any changes in dps and i get a lot of survivability. 60/30 dodge attack/spell and near 50% evasion in hideout w/o frenzy and flasks.

I think Raider better when you dont have enough currency to good gear.
Последняя редакция: borschgaming#0799. Время: 15 янв. 2020 г., 7:27:40
I cant understand one thing. Almost all characters in list with high dps and w/o dex stacking - dont pickup frenzy charges in tree at all, and many of them goes voidfletcher+pandemonius. Can somebody explain why?

Последняя редакция: borschgaming#0799. Время: 15 янв. 2020 г., 8:24:34
Dont ever just look only at pure poe ninja numbers.

Tbh it is not that hard to reach 8million plus dps with a tree and frenzy spec too. Btw atm my ranger is there on spot 14. (iceicemek)

Atm I try to put something together with 9,4 million barrage dps and 5k life with frenzy spec.

Just need a new amulett and than it will work. Even with HH. If i would use stygien vise with a flat dmg abyss jewl I would go over 10 million barrage dps with ease.. and still got 5k life.
Mekrat написал:
HornyPhazon написал:
PikaCrunch написал:

Would love insight on Farrul's Fur vs Hyrri's Ire, and Voidfletcher vs a rare quiver.

My take on things is that 10% dodge and 10% spell dodge beats 100 life

Atm I cannot import your char from my office.

How much life do you have with the sacrifices on your gloves and whispers of doom instead of const on the amulett?

How do you manage the 96 int for enlighten 4? Just with the primal spirit and the abyss jewel with some int on it? Btw at that point .. some jewels could be upgrade with better rolls :p

Atm I try to craft good gloves. I mean better than the standard ones with just intimidate and +1 frenzy. Not really lucky until now ;-)

I dont get it why we want to have tailwind on our boots. We have it through our ascendancy. Did I miss here something?

edit: and why no aspect? :p

edit2: managed to import your char now...compared it to my actual setup...you "only" reach 1,3 million dps with ice shot and 4,5 million with barrage...even with the double curse… and when I compare my setup with a voidflechter.. the rare quiver just makes so much more dmg than the voidflechter. And I use a HH without any wed or cold dmg increase and the bonus abyss jewl slot for flat dmg...

My dps numbers atm are:


w/o flask: 1,7 million
w flask: 2 million


w/o flasks: 5,3 million
w flasks: 7,7 million

Im playing on raider, that's why I have tailwind boots. As for the jewels, yes some of them could need an upgrade.
Voidfletcher is more dps than any quiver if you count voidshot as well.

Im at 5m and raider is less dps than deadeye. I still melt everything. Im trying to save for a big mirror bow upgrade. It would give straight up 3m shaper dps upgrade....

Yeah aspect of the spider would be my biggest upgrade, just can't find a decent ring that fits my resistances :s
Последняя редакция: HornyPhazon#6057. Время: 15 янв. 2020 г., 9:26:18
What kind of bow do you have in mind? Direction dex stacking and additional arrow/double dmg and so on?

Looking for some of this too. But first I need my new gloves/amulett ^^

This bow is the best you can get!

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