[3.11] Aquarism's Ice Shot [All Content]

Aquarism написал:
early on without decent gear, alchemist sulphur performs better

ah okay, thanks! would you be able to look at my current gear and suggest on what I should aim towards next?

POB : pastebin.com/ndNh6Dg8
Последняя редакция: kng710#5850. Время: 21 дек. 2019 г., 3:57:08
Is it possible to run Heralf of Ice and Hatred without Enlighten ? And how do you hold up your manapool ? For me it's impossible to run maps without a mana flask cause my leech isn't high enough.
Последняя редакция: n00bfight3r#7845. Время: 21 дек. 2019 г., 7:20:51
n00bfight3r написал:
Is it possible to run Heralf of Ice and Hatred without Enlighten ? And how do you hold up your manapool ? For me it's impossible to run maps without a mana flask cause my leech isn't high enough.

You can, I still have enlighten at lvl 1 and I don't use a mana flask, I have it just in case as sometimes I overshot something.
But usually I don't use it, leech is damage dependant, higher damage higher leech, I guess you have lioneye's fall and claw nodes right? if don't of course you have to get some mana leech nodes, if yes, it's just a matter of time until you get more damage, barrage is selfsustained cause so much dmg, clear ice shot is okay if you don't shoot too many.

Hey loving the build so far and got lucky with fusing Death Opus very quickly. A question tho

I only have 2.6k health what can I do to get more? I'm saving up for a Hyrri's Ire right now as well.

Do you have any tips for me regarding my build? I'm going for mapping build as it is right now I have a quiver with 1+, it's in the PoB but it's really bad stats except the 1+ so I don't know if I should use it.

Thanks a lot man very fun to play just so freaking squish.


Последняя редакция: Cynicalic#6073. Время: 21 дек. 2019 г., 9:25:24
Is this build viable to kill sirus? Any thoughts?
Hello, i need all your help, i'm play this build this season and idk if this quiver is a good idea to craft or not, is my first craft whit multi mod and idk if can use this option or not

Aquarism написал:
pandadarren написал:
Hi Aquarism, can ypu help me take a look and see what to change in my setup?

currently clear is amazing, but single target seems abit lacking. i've swapped out ice bite in single target as i realize i usually can't keep the frenzy charges up till bosses.

any suggestions there?

Cold pen gives the least DPS increase, you can use damage on full life, with soul raker you should be up all the time.

a death opus would boost your damage a lot, if you cant afford it i suggest using a rare bow.

I used this from 75 to 85, it performs better than death's harp.

i also suggest spending 10c or so to get a rare chest to replace tabula, a corrupted 6l will be better for survivability and resist.

hi understood, i will try that. thank you.
How would folks say voidfletcher compares with plus one arrow quiver? Would not void add tones of single target damage as well?

Also, would not cold pen be really good now?
Hey this build is really fun but can you give advice on what i should do next? Like next items and/or changes to my current build? I also have a Hyrri's Ire but it isn't 6-linked yet but will it be okay with just a 5-link?

Build link: https://pastebin.com/qJTLewsT

Having a good time and going smooth; I just don't understand the claws; why is it such a big dmg boost for choosing the clas skills there? o.O

Please explain if possible.


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