[3.23] 🧙♂️⚡BattleTrapper 2024 by 📺/ThatDanishFellow ✔️A9 ✔️HC ✔️Block ✔️All-Content ✔️L-Starter ✔️UPD🔥TES
Hey, can someone help me with this build please, my DPS feels so low. When i check the POB it shows 120k on lvl 90.
Thanks! POB = httpspastebincomxqzT4d0k Последняя редакция: Pudz#3619. Время: 25 дек. 2021 г., 7:55:58
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" Hey, you have a lot to improve, but I'll hit a couple main - your wand sux. get one with lightning spell damage, critical strike chance for spells, global crit multi, lightning damage to spells - as high tier as you can afford. Your helmet has the wrong enchant on it. That's huge. You want lightning trap pierces 3 additional targets. BUY A LVL 21 LIGHTNING TRAP 20Q today! Go back and look at the gear section at the beginning of the guide. Most of your stuff can be improved considerably. Its a fun build, but if you miss stuff like crit multi on your jewels, you'll have problems with dps. GL Mate |
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" Thanks, i'm gonna change those itens. | |
Hello everyone. First to the author thank you for the build, I am normally a mine build player and this was my first foray into traps to try out the playstyle.
I do have a couple questions if you or anyone knowledgeable here has a chance to chime in. Q: Is there any way to improve detonate time of traps // make it faster? Q: What does inc cooldown recovery rate for throwing traps do? I see it is available in tree but we don't take those nodes. My next overall question is primarily looking for the right upgrades. I feel like defenses are decent and ES is sitting at 6.6k, I'm kind of looking for some more damage. Could it be primarily in the clusters (I don't have them in place atm). I am reviewing my PoB DPS versus authors and it is substantially lower than even the mid-gear, but I feel like I am at least in mid level gear. POB of my tree/gear as is (99% is a copy of author's tree minus clusters): https://pastebin.com/FTB31VPk Current gear (the only pieces I think are pretty bad are rings, primarily used for stat/resist needs and small ES): Edit: Also picked up a Watchers eye with lightning ele pen on wrath to test out and bumped overall dps up by a lil bit. Thanks again for the build, very cool! Последняя редакция: tnich55#3354. Время: 26 дек. 2021 г., 11:18:41
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Hi anyone 1 know for watcher's eye prismatic jewel. which 1 is better?
1. Critical strikes penetrate 10% of enemy elemental resistance while affected by zealotry or... 2. Damage Penetrates 15% Lightning Resistance while affected by Wrath. |
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So I got a question regarding SSF
I have played this Build in 3.14 and I was super happy with it. Even though I play this game for many years now I've never really crafted and only played it as a trading simulator, so I wanna play SSF for the first time next League. Actually not SSF because I play it coop with one friend all the time but we play together with SSF rules. I really enjoyed this Build in 3.14 because I didn't feel squishy while also doing a lot of dmg even early on with garbage gear and the damage could be improved soooo much throughout the League. So my question is, would it be a good idea to play it in SSF? I will not get a Shavronne as easily and since I'm not as fast and experience I will not kill Chayula super fast into the League so no Presence of Chayula for a while. Would it still be a decent Build to play in SSF with either CI or as a Life Build? |
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" Nope, there is none - incr. Trigger Radius enables traps to detonate somewhat earlier when monsters are moving in, so this could give u the "feeling" of it, also projectile speed makes them fly out faster which can also contribute to the feeling of a faster response time of the traps. " What the mod sais, it recovers cooldowns/charges for throwing traps faster. We don´t use traps with inherent cooldowns and charges though. Those would be for example Lightning Spire Trap, Seismic Trap, flamethrower trap. Thats why we dont take those points.[/quote] " Not really - your gear is a good place to start and progress, but nothing special. You are missing enlighten 3/4, you are missing quality on some gems, your weapon is what I wear on day 1 of a trade-league, there´s so much more dps to be gained there... you need jewels, u need more levels, u need rare boots with good stats, you need a corrupted shavs. Последняя редакция: Vennto#1610. Время: 3 янв. 2022 г., 8:21:15
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" ... Lightning damage is elemental damage, you know that, right? So you have to choose between: - 10% pen only with crits - 15% pen constantly not that difficult sir. |
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" Questions like that make me always wonder what answers people want to hear. You literally pointed out the difficulties of this build in SSF yourself and still want to know if it is a decent build. Compared to what? Yes, you can play the build on CI of course, as the author stated CI as an early-map-iteration you can surely guess that you can stay on CI a bit longer. The Amulet, while often used as core-item, isn´t even necessary. It gives a hefty amount of ES for the low-life-version, but it´s not build-enabling, you could play it with a rare for a while. Getting Shavronnes is actually not THAT hard, you just have to run plenty of tower-maps to drop the div-cards. In SSF I would personally be way more concerned about getting my hands on a good weapon. While in Trade they are really cheap for what they actually do, it´s not easy to find a wand with so many good prefixes. I personally wouldn´t have the patience to play this build for multiple weeks on "lesser" gear as the real power comes with investment. But depending on your skill, persistence and a bit of luck it is possible. Is it decent? Not compared to the meta-builds that need barely any core items. |
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All is good guys, just chilling in other games while waiting for 3.17 :)
Thanks to the ppl helping answering questions, I see Vennto has been kept busy! <3 " Последняя редакция: oestergreen#1184. Время: 7 янв. 2022 г., 11:20:56
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