[3.10] Complete Cobra Lash Assassin Guide | >10m Shaper DPS | All content | Noob Friendly | Video

seeeether написал:
im just bought ilvl 85 hauted claw, it is realy worsth then ilvl 83 for crafting?

When it comes to crafting items you always want to look at value vs estimated average cost. When you pick haunting claws over imperials it might be worth checking if the maximum pDPS and implicit mods are similar or better. Things like life/mana on-hit rolls, crit rolls, attack speed or pDPS can make a major difference for some builds.

When it comes to iLvl you pick iLvl 83 because that's the lowest possible level to roll a preferred mod/tier. iLvl 85 can also roll these mods but if you check poedb.tw you would quickly find a bunch of other unwanted mods can roll too at this level decreasing your chance of rolling the right one. A lower chance for the right roll means a higher estimated cost for the craft, so always keep this in mind.

The same goes for picking fossils in delve crafting. You always want to +1 as many preferred mods while removing as many unwanted ones.
Tornacan написал:
Elloktrik написал:
Im having trouble leveling. Seems like too low damage compared to my first level 60 char with toxic rain and not better tankiness. I keep playing with the hope it will scale better than toxic rain but leveling is a pain for me. Since im new in poe, maybe its me who plays wrong dunno.

Shortly, my concern is damage because my first char was Toxic rain level 60 and I killed same boss with Cobra lash 3x slower. I just wanna know that if Cobra lash scales better than Toxic rain so that I can be patient and keep leveling..

Feel the same. Picked this build up as a side-project and dumped some leveling gear on it, not really feeling it yet.
DPS is ok-ish, and maaaaybe picking up Mistwalker will make me feel a bit less squishy?

I'm 89, have gathered 16 watchstones and can give a pretty good review of this build.

The clearspeed is excellent, and once the metamorph parts autoloot it's going to even get better.

With my current gear (Check profile for MetaSleuth), everything under T11 literally melts. Beefed up metamorphs die in 3-5 seconds while you pop flasks/CDs and facetank and spam.

Once we get to T13-14 the boss/meta HP does scale up considerably. But even at this stage, it isn't my damage that's holding me back, it's my survivability. You may have to whirling blades around a bit kiting the boss, and you absolutely want to swap in Vicious Proj for GMP at this stage. All the meta guardians were very easy at this stage, even the highest level ones. Most of my deaths there were due to new boss mechanics/mistakes. The damage is definitely there. I don't think this build can do Sirus, but then again, we don't know many builds that can. But everything else has been cake so far.
_Nektre_ написал:
I love frost blades
I love spectral throw
I love DoT
I love fast characters
And assassin with cobra lash is everything above and better in one skill.

Man this is really fun to play. I regret not checking it out when it was released, good thing they didn't nerf anything and it has even higher upgrade capabilities with awakened gems.

Nice build, would recommend.

FeelGoodMan :)

Elloktrik написал:
Im having trouble leveling. Seems like too low damage compared to my first level 60 char with toxic rain and not better tankiness. I keep playing with the hope it will scale better than toxic rain but leveling is a pain for me. Since im new in poe, maybe its me who plays wrong dunno.

Shortly, my concern is damage because my first char was Toxic rain level 60 and I killed same boss with Cobra lash 3x slower. I just wanna know that if Cobra lash scales better than Toxic rain so that I can be patient and keep leveling..

I have no experience with Toxic Rain, so I can't say. Check out the gear I suggested and try to get some on a budget. Witchfire Brew is a really nice item for leveling. Once you get Wasps Nests you will cut through everything like through butter. And from then on there are many more ways to improve. Don't judge a build when you are level 60. You can start comparing at about level 80.

AblazeOwl написал:
Hey, really nice build, already at lvl 85 in metamorph league :D.

I was just wondering with your newly added line "For Bossing you can swap into Vile Toxins and this Amulet added in 3.9:" On the new 3.9 amulet. You say i should swap into vile toxins, but i thought it was already equipped on both the boss, and the clearing setup.

Also, how does the amulet work with the modifier "Modifiers to number of Projectiles instead apply to the number of targets Projectiles Split towards"? Sorry for a lot of questions, just really enjoying the build. :D

You are right, my bad. I meant to say Vicious Projectiles. I'm not saying the Amulet is better then crafted ones, as I haven't even tested it yet. Maybe I shouldn't suggest it on the guide, it might get too much attention that I didn't mean to point towards it.

Melvar написал:
With the new addition of Hunter claws, I would like to note that resistance penetration applies only to hits, and therefore does nothing for our poisons.

As for using a Hunter body armor instead of Elder, I need to note that Hunter has slightly higher chance of rolling the % increased life mod (500 vs. 400 weight per tier), but significantly lower chance of rolling the flat added critical strike chance for attacks (250 vs. 400 weight per tier), according to poedb. However, the “undesired” Hunter mods of +1 curse prefix, % increased effect of Offerings and flat added crit chance for spells suffixes might well sell high if you happen to hit them first, as someone else in the thread has noted.

We deal chaos damage, so the - to Chaos Resistance helps get our damage through and therefore also increases the poison damage that's calculated based of how much damage the hit dealt (to my understanding).

jer1993 написал:
I'm wondering how much worse is it to take Ambush and Assassinate ascendancy over the Unstable Infusion one?

Does the extra crit chance outweigh the execution potential by a lot even at the high attack speed we achieve in this build?

I would say yes. Did you PoB it?

seeeether написал:
im just bought ilvl 85 hauted claw, it is realy worsth then ilvl 83 for crafting?

Only slightly worse, you don't need to worry about it too much. It adds some more undesirable mods to the pool, you can check on www.poedb.tw/us - it's the ilvl84 mods that get added.

MoosGames написал:
We deal chaos damage, so the - to Chaos Resistance helps get our damage through and therefore also increases the poison damage that's calculated based of how much damage the hit dealt (to my understanding).

That would have been the case before 3.0, but ever since then the base damage of the poison depends only on the base damage of the hit that applied it. Added flat physical or chaos damage or gaining % other damage as extra chaos increase the base damage that our poison is based on, but the final scaled and mitigated damage of the hit is irrelevant to the damage of our poison. PoB handles this correctly – adding the chaos penetration stat to a claw will raise your DPS because the hits are bigger, but not the poison damage. Adding the flat chaos damage / chaos penetration hybrid mod will increase the poison damage because the flat chaos damage is base damage.

We do want to lower the enemy’s chaos resistance for our poisons, but resistance penetration doesn’t do that – it only affects the hit that carries the penetration stat.
Последняя редакция: Melvar#7788. Время: 18 дек. 2019 г., 10:59:25
MoosGames написал:

I have no experience with Toxic Rain, so I can't say. Check out the gear I suggested and try to get some on a budget. Witchfire Brew is a really nice item for leveling. Once you get Wasps Nests you will cut through everything like through butter. And from then on there are many more ways to improve. Don't judge a build when you are level 60. You can start comparing at about level 80.

Of course not, Im just a newcomer in Poe, asking to learn more about that skill. I got my answer, seems like its all about scaling. Thank you man
Melvar написал:
MoosGames написал:
We deal chaos damage, so the - to Chaos Resistance helps get our damage through and therefore also increases the poison damage that's calculated based of how much damage the hit dealt (to my understanding).

That would have been the case before 3.0, but ever since then the base damage of the poison depends only on the base damage of the hit that applied it. Added flat physical or chaos damage or gaining % other damage as extra chaos increase the base damage that our poison is based on, but the final scaled and mitigated damage of the hit is irrelevant to the damage of our poison. PoB handles this correctly – adding the chaos penetration stat to a claw will raise your DPS because the hits are bigger, but not the poison damage. Adding the flat chaos damage / chaos penetration hybrid mod will increase the poison damage because the flat chaos damage is base damage.

We do want to lower the enemy’s chaos resistance for our poisons, but resistance penetration doesn’t do that – it only affects the hit that carries the penetration stat.

Ok, thanks a lot for this input, I removed the -x% chaos resistance from desirable weapon crafting mods then. :)
I assume you can still get the flat + flat/hybrid together, which would be pretty good.
akaCase написал:
why is the precision gem only at level 2? Is it because of mana cost at higher levels?

Yes. Precision at lvl 1 or 2 is already a very strong aura and making it higher increases the mana cost too much to be able to sustain your spells especially before -# to mana cost modifiers.
Hi there,

great build, thanks alot for the guide.
If have read, that it is necessary to have some fire damage to attacks on your gear to properly proc cinderswallow but i havent found any on your gear.
Any words on that? Thanks!

Iam still lacking some damage compared to your PoB, but i hope i can close that gap soon :) next step would be the awakened added chaos. that one looks pretty sick.
fusterlol написал:
Hi there,

great build, thanks alot for the guide.
If have read, that it is necessary to have some fire damage to attacks on your gear to properly proc cinderswallow but i havent found any on your gear.
Any words on that? Thanks!

Iam still lacking some damage compared to your PoB, but i hope i can close that gap soon :) next step would be the awakened added chaos. that one looks pretty sick.

Yeah, my PoB state is from about 1 1/2 months into Blight League, you'd be doing very well to match that already. :)

From Cinderswallow Urn we want the Onslaught, % inc. Crit. Chance and the Life Recovery. Having fire damage and being able to ignite an enemy would be a plus, but you don't need to have that.
hey there. loving the build so far but can you update the guide with awakened gems?

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