[3.11] Melting Nova | 16m DPS, 6k life, acro/phase | Deathless Sirus A8

Can i play this build with LL or CI version?

Anyone trying it?

Anyone got a suggestion gear for the LL or CI version?
whatend01 написал:
Can i play this build with LL or CI version?

Anyone trying it?

Anyone got a suggestion gear for the LL or CI version?

There's some comments regarding it a few pages ago.
Prob a quite decent amount u need to invest to make it solid enough to be as strong or stronger.
whatend01 написал:
Can i play this build with LL or CI version?

Anyone trying it?

Anyone got a suggestion gear for the LL or CI version?

Inspect my guy Scion BosserCoC, made him to kill Sirus, when i spawn him whitout losing xps on my main guy, missing cospris and shavs. Cospris on main char and shavs +1 im gonna sell coz i dont need that much dmg, and use regular one.
Yes, it is. It's a little bit harder to achieve, though, but some extra stuff (like Onslaught or attack speed affixes on jewels) can help you achieve it.

There's also the attack speed nodes for channeling skills at the bottom right, which work great for a transtition period.

Tailwind boots are also a gread addition to reach the IAS cap, with my current gear I am at ~14.5 APS with 12% attack speed from jewels.

I removed skitter bots, whirling blades and culling strike, moved precision to the move speed setup, got a %chance to shock jewel and added enlighten + anger to add more damage and the option to get a precision/anger watchers eye once i get the currency.

I want to switch my
to a second
with -3 to mana cost, anyone got a good idea for adding a curse somewhere? (elemental weakness or flamability preferably)

I got my leech from a glorious vanity socketed below pain attunement.

My full setup:

How to get fire damage leech on amulet? Is it an enchant or prophecy? I don't get it.
Shishacc написал:
How to get fire damage leech on amulet? Is it an enchant or prophecy? I don't get it.

When you use orb of corruption on the amulet there is a chance that this Explicit modifier will be added. On the trade house there are only 2 omulets with this affix, so its veeeery rare and expensive =(
Selling full Build, top items. You can see in my profile, did all content with this build.

I removed skitter bots, whirling blades and culling strike, moved precision to the move speed setup, got a %chance to shock jewel ...

This does not work. I used to think that too, but got corrected on discord. Chance to shock jewels increase your existing chance to shock. With avatar of fire your DMG can't shock so it does nothing.
Same for chill (except vortex).

If you drop skitters your won't shock nor chill enemys anymore by default.
Последняя редакция: Betriebsrat#1868. Время: 21 янв. 2020 г., 15:01:58
This does not work. I used to think that too, but got corrected on discord. Chance to shock jewels increase your existing chance to shock. With avatar of fire your DMG can't shock so it does nothing.
Same for chill (except vortex).

If you drop skitters your won't shock nor chill enemys anymore by default.

I see, but chance to blind and dropping flesh and stone could work for bosses I guess, but requires enlighten 4.

If Blind chance is 6% and duration is 4 seconds you have 0.999 chance to reapply blind in that duration at 15 aps.
todnesser написал:
This does not work. I used to think that too, but got corrected on discord. Chance to shock jewels increase your existing chance to shock. With avatar of fire your DMG can't shock so it does nothing.
Same for chill (except vortex).

If you drop skitters your won't shock nor chill enemys anymore by default.

I see, but chance to blind and dropping flesh and stone could work for bosses I guess, but requires enlighten 4.

If Blind chance is 6% and duration is 4 seconds you have 0.999 chance to reapply blind in that duration at 15 aps.
Shock on ring craft is 2c, that's the cheapest way to get shock. I used it on all content and works perfectly. Blind is only nice on paper, this build has hit chance so low, before you would get your hits in you would be doing no dmg, and have to wait for everything to start working. Would be rng fest.

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