[3.9] Explosive Arrow Trickster. Facetank t15 metamorphs and guardians

mrMurtag написал:
at least someone killed elder with this build or uber elder, shaper, cirus?

it's best for farming t16 metamorphs imo, but u can faccetank t16 conqueror's aswell (although not all of their abilities on some fights...)
Последняя редакция: phexifa#5429. Время: 25 дек. 2019 г., 12:42:13
mrMurtag написал:
at least someone killed elder with this build or uber elder, shaper, cirus?

Cirus is incredibly easy as you dodge most of his mechanics aside from its last phase which you can kinda cheese by switching to using totems instead of self casting EA (I would just wait until this fight is changed to not be horrible). Shaper is also very simple, this build has very, very high dps so if youre used to the fight its kinda a breeze. I have only found a single piece of the uber elder fight so I''m not sure how hard it is with this build but It would be tough but doable.
aaresmi написал:
Maybe is basic but could you give me any advice item and tree path for leveling?
In the other hand what is sugest ascendancy point order to allocate?


Follow the path starting at damage and energyshield to essence surge first - then wicked ward - breath of flames - holy fire - elemental overload - start picking up some es nodes that are close - elemental equilibrium - fill out rest of the tree getting attack speed nodes last

to make leveling smoother you can also grab blood siphon for some extra life and str and respect those points later.

grab Chaos inoculation once you hit around 3.5-4k es

For lab get patient reaper first it really helps for levelling, then grab ghost dance and escape artist for cruel and merc lab and prolonged pain last.
Последняя редакция: MEGAMON69#3893. Время: 25 дек. 2019 г., 16:50:25
MEGAMON69 написал:
mrMurtag написал:
at least someone killed elder with this build or uber elder, shaper, cirus?
this build has very, very high dps .
To be honest, I don’t feel this very high DPS
Is barrage better for clearing than GMP?
in my opinion, the percentage of fire damage does not affect the damage from explosion arrow, elements damage with attacks too, because the damage is caused by the explosion and then burning, and not our attacks. but the area damage should affect.
no information about how this skill working.
Последняя редакция: mrMurtag#7166. Время: 25 дек. 2019 г., 20:14:41
mrMurtag написал:
in my opinion, the percentage of fire damage does not affect the damage from explosion arrow, elements damage with attacks too, because the damage is caused by the explosion and then burning, and not our attacks. but the area damage should affect.
no information about how this skill working.

WED and % fire damage absolutely does effect the hit damage and the burn. Explosive arrow was reworked and there's plenty of info about it on the wiki now
Allaahuakbar написал:
Is barrage better for clearing than GMP?

it gets you max stacks on EA for the explosion radius instantly, much better for clear when relying on ignite and prolif imo.
MEGAMON69 написал:
Explosive arrow was reworked and there's plenty of info about it on the wiki now
this wiki?
and in this paragraph there is no specific accurate information.
here is only this information about damage - "Explosions now deal 3% more damage with Ignite per explosive arrow on the target."
"Explosion: When the debuff Hit by Explosive Arrow, or a fuse stuck on terrain expires, it causes an explosion based on the number of fuse charges. This damage is area projectile fire damage, which is also considered bow damage and will scale with sources of weapon damage, bow damage, etc."
dude, how do you play this build and don’t see that there is absolutely no damage from attacks, just an explosion and burning.
MEGAMON69 написал:

WED and % fire damage absolutely does effect the hit damage

no damage from hits, just explosive and burning
you can add a flat fire damage on rings or something and you will definitely have an increase in this damage, but your elemental equilibrium will be broken.
Последняя редакция: mrMurtag#7166. Время: 26 дек. 2019 г., 5:09:32
Wiki states it very clear for me, also I can back this up with my experience ingame. U can check my profile, I clear t16 metamorph within seconds.

And I am not even close to minmaxing the character :)
Последняя редакция: phexifa#5429. Время: 26 дек. 2019 г., 6:19:21

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