[3.13 UPDATED] gr0bbs | Poison Blade Vortex | Budget Viable | Endgame 50Mil+ DPS | Video Guide

Can someone help guide me on what to look for next, I have a couple ex and just switched to cluster jewels, can run T15 quite comfortably but am still quite squishy and cant level.

Should I look for asenaths next?

is this set of gems in that armor good?

Yesterday i rerolled my ed-c to this build. I guess i just spent like 5-6 ex to gear it. I craft my cluster jewels. But the large is doesnt have 3 mod on it. I have grim oath and overwhelmind malice and 2 socket. But overall this build is insane. I like it a lot. I just wanted to test it with a conqueror. I killed al7 hunter. Im not sure about awakener or simulacrum runs but we'll see.

I have 6ex on my stash. I wanna use them all for this char. What should i focus on ? The gloves 12-13ex right now. I cant buy them. Should i try to get large one with 3 mod ? what should i do ? Sporeguard chest ? I really dont know. If its correct I have like 9-10 mil dps rn. I should've change my char earlier...

Thanks a lot!
Cast when damage taken says to stay at level 1 for early game into maps. That doesnt stay at 1 forever though right?
weird double post.
Последняя редакция: clawface#4668. Время: 31 марта 2020 г., 11:17:07
Is the leveling AND endgame build listed here HARDCORE viable?
clawface написал:
Is the leveling AND endgame build listed here HARDCORE viable?

This whole league isn't hardcore viable... i wouldn't recommend this build for hc. You're not really that squishy with this build, but you're far from safe.

Tiarnach написал:
Cast when damage taken says to stay at level 1 for early game into maps. That doesnt stay at 1 forever though right?

Did you read the tooltip? I don't know a single build, where you level CWDT past level 3. You want whatever you linked to it (IC / Golems / Steelskin) to procc as often and as early as possible.

At those ppl asking if they should buy Asenath... considering the high price, i think there are way better upgrades to get first, like good cluster jewels, either for dmg or for survivability (Surging Vitality / Fettle with +flat life for the small passives).
HornedTerrorist написал:
0AsteriXXX0 написал:
HornedTerrorist написал:
Since quotes would be too long... just tried Sirus +8 and only died twice. The first time was right at the start where he just instantly threw a meteor on my head (no warning, nothing, kk, thx and goodbye!), the second time was cause i was stupid. I think, the combination of MoM + Apeps Slumber was worth a try, though the stacking of two Surging Vitality cluster-nodes helped a lot too. Have to try it a few more times, but it felt like the survivability was better like this, even though i have 800 HP and some evade chance now.

Try removing plague barrier for desecrate for manually cast on Sirius and other end game phase bosses, also u can place it in CWDT setup, this helped me a lot.

For Sirus, i'm removing Blood Rage, since there are no adds to kill, we don't benefit from it enough. Used Desecrate with CWDT, but on my kill-try yesterday, i used a higher level desecrate to manually cast it while running and avoiding dmg. Certainly helped more than with cwdt.

Have to run a few more maps and Simulacrum to see, if i should switch back to the OP-build and only reskill to MoM for Sirus. Ran a simulacrum yesterday, and wasn't really as satisfied. Thing is, with MoM you can't really play without Apep's Slumber anymore, since you have not as much ES regen anymore. Still have the Devouring diadem every 5 seconds, but was close sometimes cause i wasn't able to use whirling blades or flame dash. Maybe i just refund MoM for mapping, since i had no problems with survivability there...

Yeah Bloodrage isnt needed for Sirius. I am not going back to Op version, simply because i dont die now. MoM with Apep SLumber and benefits in dmg mitigation is too good for me to drop it, since i still have enough dmg for everything. Did bosses at mines deathless, t16 maps with 8 mods, and 6 delirium orbs with ez.
Hello everyone!
I read almost entire thread and saw a couple questions about Stone Golem not working with CWDT level 2, but no replies. What should we do? Lower the SG level or just go without it?
What about simulacrum 20/20 and 5 delirium orbs red maps?
Thinking about bv poison atm
Hm and in your pob with clusters jewel you have 17% light res, its right? How we can manage it with gear like this?
Последняя редакция: RichRamp#5489. Время: 31 марта 2020 г., 13:35:37

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