[3.13 UPDATED] gr0bbs | Poison Blade Vortex | Budget Viable | Endgame 50Mil+ DPS | Video Guide

==> Bosskilling ?

This build can't kill bosses, especially Sirus t8. Can't without ton of efforts I mean, because I have good gear, 5.8k hp, all the possible gems 21/23 and all possible 6/20 awakened gems - stable 5-6 deaths
Good mapping though
Последняя редакция: MarlorZ#1486. Время: 1 апр. 2020 г., 16:22:20
HornedTerrorist написал:
zackpathofexile написал:
Why is everyone includeing groob have dentrobate on now instead of plus 2 gem and not aspect of spider i tried skitter instead was less effective in game

Instead of a corrupted tabula rasa? Tabula was never meant to be an endgame chest, doesn't matter what implicit it has. You just miss out on too many stats. In addition, the chest you see on some players doesn't have to be an OP endgame item. Some just had the luck to have it dropped, or crafted it themselves or simply bought it. Dendrobate is a good chest, if you get it early enough or don't have a high budget. Once you're able to spend 15-20ex on an item slot, you'll probably switch to a crafted one, unless your build synergy needs a specific unique chest.

Skitterbots isn't less effective. You can see it on mobs, they get a slightly blue touch on them, which means they are shocked and chilled. It's a defensive and an offensive layer, i wouldn't want to miss it.

Missyl написал:
Missyl написал:
I have a question : Void battery BV vs Poison BV
==> Clearspeed/area damage ?
==> Bosskilling ?
==> Budget ?

I ask again :)

Who should answer that, if nobody plays a void battery build? For Void Battery, you'd have to have a completely different skill tree to be most efficient.

i wont have the chest for a while should i spend money on dent 6l theyre cheap lose plus 2 tabby i just finished cluster jewel crafting tree swaping droped flesh and stone so i can have spider and skitter and im doing fine so dendtro will give me all res and some es for mana do i change links at all or lesser posion just dmg boost 7 link i dont have 300 dex
Последняя редакция: zackpathofexile#1657. Время: 1 апр. 2020 г., 16:37:38
Is switching to a crafted chest really even that good from dendrobate?

You lose the lesser poison gem, the dendrobate extra damage and for what... Just so you can have corruption in your neck? Does corruption add more dps than everything dendrobate offers?
Shaddolf написал:
Is switching to a crafted chest really even that good from dendrobate?

You lose the lesser poison gem, the dendrobate extra damage and for what... Just so you can have corruption in your neck? Does corruption add more dps than everything dendrobate offers?

im swaping to dirty techniques shows me as 1m dps inc idk wht it is on fork has way more benefits than corruption 1 silver oil 34c biggest cost
10 multi like corruption but has 20 duration and deals 5% faster posion corruption is whimpy until whispers of doom and glove and corruption is 5 more multi 15 more multi and 15 chaos dmg but 5% faster with 10 multi 20 duration def more dps
Последняя редакция: zackpathofexile#1657. Время: 1 апр. 2020 г., 17:13:44
Shaddolf написал:
Is switching to a crafted chest really even that good from dendrobate?

You lose the lesser poison gem, the dendrobate extra damage and for what... Just so you can have corruption in your neck? Does corruption add more dps than everything dendrobate offers?

IMO, the key to the switch is when you feel you have more than enough damage that when switching out Dendrobate for something with a gazillion life on it helps your over all build. The anointment is a nice benefit as well.

During real late game min maxing if you have the money, the move also free up some stats that you may have needed on other gear to reach the Int and Dex limits for Dendrobate. Those stats could then be used on something that helps the build.
Последняя редакция: AndyLovesHisBge#5265. Время: 1 апр. 2020 г., 17:19:07
I have boots with 11 dex on them, literally the only change I had to make to get to 300 dex. Dex/int veil on helmet helps. For me I don't think the change is worth it. I'd rather put the currency towards a more perfect dendro.

I think in the meantime I might save up the 15ex for a dmg over time watchers eye.

Can't think of anything else that would give a bigger boost? Unless I should buy a lvl4 Enlighten and then swap my ring to double agony damage instead of mana reservation.

Последняя редакция: Shaddolf#0993. Время: 1 апр. 2020 г., 17:32:53
zackpathofexile написал:
Why is everyone includeing groob have dentrobate on now instead of plus 2 gem and not aspect of spider i tried skitter instead was less effective in game

I run skitterbots instead of spider because I'm too lazy to switch up my gear and it still helps for bossing. Also MTX naw mean.

Our clear is already insane as it is. 18% increased damage and x% chill on bosses or just straight 15% more damage from spider aura at max stacks. (I think spider is more damage in the end if it's still bugged. idk go math, no mtx though)

Running Dendrobate to make up for a bit of the DPS loss from running MoM + Apeps Supremacy. I prefer the survivability of that setup for this league plus you can't do damage if you're dead right?

do we get any anointment on amulet?
if you have impresence and you run blasphemy + despair there is no need for the additional curse am i correct? isn't aspect of the spider a aura?
Последняя редакция: MB_3#0421. Время: 1 апр. 2020 г., 18:02:35
gosumui написал:
zackpathofexile написал:
Why is everyone includeing groob have dentrobate on now instead of plus 2 gem and not aspect of spider i tried skitter instead was less effective in game

I run skitterbots instead of spider because I'm too lazy to switch up my gear and it still helps for bossing. Also MTX naw mean.

Our clear is already insane as it is. 18% increased damage and x% chill on bosses or just straight 15% more damage from spider aura at max stacks. (I think spider is more damage in the end if it's still bugged. idk go math, no mtx though)

Running Dendrobate to make up for a bit of the DPS loss from running MoM + Apeps Supremacy. I prefer the survivability of that setup for this league plus you can't do damage if you're dead right?

i did the ring with reduced agony reserve lvl 3 enlighten in diadem droped flesh and stone now i got both skitter and spider big dps and i dont die in t16s and got all my cluster jewels exalted my large didnt hit grim oath but still good 10 attk speed on whirl and chos dmg and i have sick as tits insainity gloves theirs alot like mine for like 5 ex? might of gone up idk i just swaped to dendtro but i need to get stats so i might lose life nodes until i can gear dex

can someon pm me in game what i should ugpgrade or change im doing great but need some progression gloves are long way awawy and chest with curse explode or getting sporeguard im guessing reaching 300 dex and getting a nice implicit on my cold iron point im useing karui life flask but wanna use some other dmg or fun option mf something.
Последняя редакция: zackpathofexile#1657. Время: 1 апр. 2020 г., 18:13:45

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