[3.13 UPDATED] gr0bbs | Poison Blade Vortex | Budget Viable | Endgame 50Mil+ DPS | Video Guide

Currently have about 7 exa and still running tabula, should i get sporeguard or maybe something else? Maybe i should just wait for the gloves?
nikols123 написал:
How does skitterbots work with this build?
Do we only take advantage of chill and shock aura?


Chill is a nice defensive layer
Shock adds DPS
Eldonn написал:
Flesh and Stone = Blood or sand stance ?

your choice.

Blood = offense
Sand = defense

choose what ever you feel your build needs more of

I almost finish the build i just need to vaal my other weapon for damage over time and tailwind boot. I really enjoyed the build. When i get the 36 challenge i will quit the league. So i can give my items. Ty for all yours help and everything.
Последняя редакция: psyerspective#5342. Время: 3 апр. 2020 г., 16:29:51
If you had to pick one, is the watchers eye with dmg ailments faster or increased dmg over time better?
Increased damage over time ofc.
Bought a bunch of gear early for this build before league inflation took hold, and sure enough prices are starting to rise. Haven't actually played it yet (It will be next after a cold-wand raider I've fallen in love with) but I have a question for people with lots of experience at end-game.

On the chest, additional curse is obviously mandatory for Asenaths/Despair combo, but what does "Enemies Explode" accomplish if you already *have* Asenath's? I might be missing something, but doesn't every mob in a pack (other than the first) already explode?

I ask since the hundreds of people rerolling from broken herald stuff have made +1 curse/explode chests much more valuable, and I can sell the curse/explode chest I have waiting, pick up a curse/+1 gems chest and still have a significant amount of change.

Thanks for your time.
Karniagod написал:
Karniagod написал:

Need you help to know which upgrade I should aim, and which order please to get a plan for the futur :)

Here is my character : https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Karniagod/characters (don't know how to link each items one by one so I link my profile)

I know my flask are crap but I'll fix it :D

Please tell me upgrade I can do and which priority ^^ and cost eventualy :D

Thanks you <3

Any help please? :D
Would be great <3

1) Anoint your amulet. Common one is Corruption

2) Get quality on your flasks so that they stay up longer.

3) Upgrade from Tabula. If on a budget, look for a well rolled Dendrobate

4) Your mana flask is useless now that you have the helmet. Change it out for something defensive
Последняя редакция: AndyLovesHisBge#5265. Время: 3 апр. 2020 г., 18:42:27
why we need Additional curse on chest. explain plsss
Последняя редакция: kiryakondrashka#6334. Время: 3 апр. 2020 г., 20:16:49
Galadedrid написал:
Bought a bunch of gear early for this build before league inflation took hold, and sure enough prices are starting to rise. Haven't actually played it yet (It will be next after a cold-wand raider I've fallen in love with) but I have a question for people with lots of experience at end-game.

On the chest, additional curse is obviously mandatory for Asenaths/Despair combo, but what does "Enemies Explode" accomplish if you already *have* Asenath's? I might be missing something, but doesn't every mob in a pack (other than the first) already explode?

I ask since the hundreds of people rerolling from broken herald stuff have made +1 curse/explode chests much more valuable, and I can sell the curse/explode chest I have waiting, pick up a curse/+1 gems chest and still have a significant amount of change.

Thanks for your time.

I don't feel explode chest is that beneficial to this build as most stuff just dies anyway when you run through it even in T16 maps. Personally, since I've moved to MoM I've found the build to be so much better. That would ideally be a +1 chest with big ES and life or +1 with max life as extra es. Getting my EHP up to over 6.3K makes it a new build.

You can take a look at my build in PoB and you should have enough currency to bump the damage a bit as I don't overly invest in my builds. I'm quitting league tomorrow and running most of my fragments. I just did deathless A8 Siris and UE with my changes.

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