[3.13 UPDATED] gr0bbs | Poison Blade Vortex | Budget Viable | Endgame 50Mil+ DPS | Video Guide

RapidFireBlocks написал:
I know it's a decent amount of work, but I feel as though I'm not sure which direction to head to improve on this build, could you give my character a look and see what might be the best bang for my buck in terms of dps increase? Either way thanks for the guide, enjoying this character a lot.

Hey bro! No stress at all! I would focus on getting asenaths gloves! And then annoint dual curse. They help so much for clear speed and for single target poison duration :)
(3.9) | Poison BV Assassin (Crush T15 Metamorphs on a budget)

(3.9) | Burning Arrow Starter build
Thanks for the build!!!

Do you have any trick to use Blade Vortex continuosly and without interrupted while moving? I always have to stand at least 1s to refill 10 stacks and easily to get wiped by monster.
Gr0bbs написал:
RapidFireBlocks написал:
I know it's a decent amount of work, but I feel as though I'm not sure which direction to head to improve on this build, could you give my character a look and see what might be the best bang for my buck in terms of dps increase? Either way thanks for the guide, enjoying this character a lot.

Hey bro! No stress at all! I would focus on getting asenaths gloves! And then annoint dual curse. They help so much for clear speed and for single target poison duration :)

Thanks for the input! Is double curse needed to apply the temp chains from asenath's alongside despair?

Thanks for the build!!!

Do you have any trick to use Blade Vortex continuosly and without interrupted while moving? I always have to stand at least 1s to refill 10 stacks and easily to get wiped by monster.

The unleash support is your best friend, it builds up casts when you're not using it, so when you cast it with 3 charges you generate 4 blades. It's much easier this way, you only really have to stop for half a second as long as you let the charges build up to 2-3
4.3k Hours and counting...
Последняя редакция: RapidFireBlocks#0758. Время: 31 дек. 2019 г., 13:50:34
is this corruption good for poison bv? or is the dot corruption much better?

Fun Build but i changed some stuff so it would fit my playstyle more.

Here is my Pastebin https://pastebin.com/AzeS1uKx
Последняя редакция: HolzSchokolade#5551. Время: 2 янв. 2020 г., 11:48:45
pilzwurst написал:
is this corruption good for poison bv? or is the dot corruption much better?

That will give you a bit of damage, but we don't scale spell, we scale poison so the Damage over time one is by far better ;)

HolzSchokolade написал:
Fun Build but i changed some stuff so it would fit my playstyle more.

Here is my Pastebin https://pastebin.com/nN2nYkkW

Thank you, great to see different variations!
(3.9) | Poison BV Assassin (Crush T15 Metamorphs on a budget)

(3.9) | Burning Arrow Starter build
Trying this out, so far works great. low gem levels, no +gems skin, no enlighten. Still feels great even in t15s. For anyone wondering, asenaths and dual curse anoint are a must. Feels very bad in higher tier maps without it. Can probably change the tree around for sockets and hp too.
Very nice build so far!
Lvl 81 and everything is pretty easy so far. A bit late to the league so I am still progressing through the tiers.

I was wondering what the skitterbots actually does to the build and if there isn't anything better to put there because it seems to me the only thing they do is shock and chill enemies near us since we don't have mines and traps. I might be wrong though.

Amazing build though.
MrSigy написал:
Gr0bbs написал:

Have you even looked at those people on Poe.Ninja you are comparing us to? They use 1 or 2 of the same items and the skill trees are completely different. They all scale Phys dmg and do on hit damage with a side of poison.. We scale only poison doing almost no on hit damage.. The builds are completely different.

As for the "Budget" section.. The build clearly states that the watchers eye and 2 line herald of agony ring aren't budget. Have you even read the PoB and the forum guide? We make it super clear that those are for the RICH people who can afford them. They are LUXURY items, not NEEDED for the build to be stupidly strong.

The POB and build guide also clearly have sections explaining the Damage numbers, Ofcourse I made a PoB version that does INSANE damage and it's even labelled unrealistic.. Do some research.

They all started this league on BV, "most of them" scale poison damage.

And for your response to the budget section here is a picture from your pob:

please have your eyes checked out and do some research first.
I'm actually getting worried for you.

This guy literally copied my build, took my pob and 'planned' his burning arrow build. Tried adding some items into the build to make it look different, failed then came to my thread to 'ask' for help. He stopped maintaining the guide because his variant doesn't work and can't do end game well other than his claims of it being able to do t16s

Yea, at this point I wouldn't believe he has any credibility on what he's talking about
My Builds/Stream

Great build! which jewels would be good for this other than watchers eyes?
Последняя редакция: boundbyfire925#5239. Время: 3 янв. 2020 г., 1:03:51

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