[3.14] Kami's Life | LL | CI CoC Ice Nova Assassin | all Content | deep Delve | max Block

Tienik написал:
Anutheos написал:
So what you're saying is that you agree flasks in their current state can be sustained reliably like 90% of the time on any decent build, and that designing around how flasks currently work isn't a bad design choice -- hence why you "can't wait for the flask rework/nerf"?

Literally don't know what your concern with the build is. Currently playing it, feels amazing. Is it made easier because harvest is a godsend for gear? Sure, but that's true for any build right now. Acting like the build doesn't work because it's not an automatic 100% crit without flasks is silly IMHO

no i am saying that the level of zoom zoom in the game has definitely broken the flask mechanics to some degree far beyond its intended purpose but like you said it is 90% "reliable" which is the opposite of the meaning of the word reliable. Further nerfs to flask will finally hit the point home .Most importantly you already need a build that is complete already to do enough dps to finish the job during the flask effect which means your build is fucked until you get your end game DPS. because you are playing a Cast On "CRIT" on a build that doesn't crit all the time without it. again that is bad design. especially for a guide and not a ganky thing you want to do in your own game and you can tough it out until you get the best in slot gear you want. And honestly giving you charges in between sirus phases is complete BS, he is the end game boss what is this hand holding.

so the build is bad because it wouldnt work if they nerf flasks and buff endgame bosses. i dont know how it is possible to designe build in way to not be broken by future nerfs/buffs.

even without flasks i have 90% crit chance which should be 5.5 cirits/s (without onslaught) down from 7.5crits/s with flasks which is not tthat bad.

build works great for me so i cant see your bad designe.

+atm the hardest content are delirium maps where you can have 100% flask uptime.

Why u constantly QQ so much about this build? You even realised that the build in the current state will never be available again cause of all those crafted items? If u dont like the build just move on and find one that fits ur playstyle better cause noone cares about ur opinion anyways.
Why u constantly QQ so much about this build? You even realised that the build in the current state will never be available again cause of all those crafted items? If u dont like the build just move on and find one that fits ur playstyle better cause noone cares about ur opinion anyways

i have moved on , people still ask me why i think what i think. what do you want me to ignore them that will make you happy.

Edit: just thought about something. GGG already solved the problem of OP buffs not being available all the time with the Vaal skills system, . maybe flasks should function the same way. or at least unique ones. with the only difference being that they start at full charges not 0
Последняя редакция: Anutheos#5280. Время: 25 авг. 2020 г., 15:03:56
Последняя редакция: fivehundredpingthief#4455. Время: 5 сент. 2020 г., 15:41:14
fivehundredpingthief написал:

how important is the "Consecrated Ground created during Effect applies (7-10)% increased Damage taken to Enemies" on the Bottled Faith Flask?


It's nice to have. High rolled Bottled Faiths aren't really that much more expensive than cheap ones so you might as well get a 9% or 10% one.

Bonechill on Vortex applies some "increased damage taken" already so the difference between 7% and 10% is less than 3% more damage but it's still significant (~1.5-2.5% more damage probably.)
Последняя редакция: fivehundredpingthief#4455. Время: 5 сент. 2020 г., 15:41:24
fivehundredpingthief написал:
Thank you.

And what about "+(1-2)% to Critical Strike Chance against Enemies on Consecrated Ground during Effect"?

I mean what should I aim for regarding those two modifiers.

Assuming you have attack crit armor and awakened curse on hit + assassin's mark ring the roll for crit strike chance won't matter too much, but since it costs virtually nothing to get a decently rolled Bottled Faith there's no reason not to get one with 1.8% crit or better.
Последняя редакция: fivehundredpingthief#4455. Время: 5 сент. 2020 г., 15:41:34

Could you advise me on what should I change to improve the damage?


Also, in-game I don't see a 100% critical strike chance. Does this count on anything? I mean on POB I see that bot cyclone and ice nova have 100% critical strike chance but...

i'm trying to get the stuff before the end of league
how craft the large cluster . Spam alt aug reg for at least Blanketed Snow & Widespread Destruction with some remove aug fire i guess Corrosive will pop but juste BS and WD are hard to get ^^ maybe another easy way i didn't think exist ?
Hi all can u please advise anything that i can improve for my build..not doing so well i think..keep dying when u doing boss..here my Pob



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